- Shodan
- Requests
- ConfigParser
- JsonLib
pip install -r requirements.txt
This tool can be use with a graphic interface, in command line or as an API. To use the graphic interface:
$ graph.py
You can click on the button of the scan that you want to perform, enter the domain to OSINT in the text area, then click on the Start Button. Once completed, the results can be consulted in the next view by select the report that you want to see. It takes some time, don't worry.
To use this tool in command line:
$ main.py FLAG URL
You can get the flag list with -h argument. Finally, it can be use as API by giving a dictionnary such as
{"DnsScan": 0, "Shodan":0, "TheHarvester":0, "URLScan":0}
and URL to the main(URL, scans) function in main.py, wich 0 say that the scan is disabled, and 1 when it is enabled.
usage: main.py FLAG DOMAIN
-h, --help
show this help
-d, --dnsscan
activ the dnsscan
-s, --shodan
activ the shodan scan
-t, --theharvester
activ the thehavester scan
-u, --urlscan
activ the urlscan
--domain URL
the url domain to attack
Because we use API in out application, we store API Keys in conf files on the resources directory, which are imported in the different scans. You can use the function scanL(domain) in DnsScan.py script to limit the query API usage. It parse local json file instead of HTTP response from the API.
We are using the API service dns-lookup from whoisxmlapi.com
We are using official python library for Shodan https://github.com/achillean/shodan-python
Not implemented yet
We are using the API service urlscan.io https://urlscan.io/
Out application can be contenerised using DockerFile in src_docker directory as followed:
$ docker build -t osint-img src_docker
This command will build the image and add it to your images list. It may be used as followed:
docker run -e dnsscan= -e domain="www.jambon.fr" -v $(pwd):/code/scans osint-img:latest
To enable scans that you want, add the environment variable among:
- dnsscan=
- shodan=
- theharvester=
- urlscan=
Then, you must include the domain that you want perform the test:
-e domain=<domain>
The scans output are writed in the directory /code/scans in the container. So, in order to retrieve them, you must mount a volume toward that path.