WebHook registration: Make a POST request to the following route: /api/webhooks/registrations
With JSON data:
{ "WebHookUri":"https://yourUrl.com/yourApiEndpoint?NoEcho=true", "Filters":["product/updated"] }
NOTE: If the NoEcho parameter is not passed a GET request will be made to the WebHookUri endpoint, passing an echo parameter. The endpoint should return the echo parameter with a status code 200. This is done in order to verify that the endpoint is valid and that it is configured to work with the webhooks.
Get the available WebHookFilters aka. WebHook events
Make a **GET** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/filters**
Get all WebHooks (the webhooks are per authenticated customer)
Make a **GET** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/registrations**
Get a specific WebHook
Make a **GET** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/registrations/{webhookid}**
Update a WebHook
Make a **PUT** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/registrations/{webhookid}** The JSON should contain at least the WebHook Id, WebHookUri and Filters.
Delete a specific WebHook
Make a **DELETE** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/registrations/{webhookid}**
Delete all WebHooks
Make a **DELETE** request to the following route: **/api/webhooks/registrations**
In order to verify that the webhook is sent from the nopCommerce api you should check the request header for a ** ms-signature ** key. The key should contain a similar value: ** sha256=21349127391293**
In order to verify the webhook you should use the following code:
private bool VerifyWebhook(string data, string hashedHeader, string webhookSecret)
byte[] secret = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(webhookSecret);
using (var hasher = new HMACSHA256(secret))
byte[] encodedData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
byte[] sha256 = hasher.ComputeHash(encodedData);
string hashedData = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "sha256={0}", EncodingUtilities.ToHex(sha256));
return hashedHeader.Equals(hashedData);