AmanithVG is now thread safe: all the exposed functions can be called from multiple threads at the same time
Some parts of the rasterizer have been rewritten by implementing better data structures, increasing efficiency in terms of memory consumption and performance
Configuration via external file has been removed, in favor of an equivalent (and more powerful) runtime API (
) -
New image filters have been implemented (as OpenVG extension):
Removed builds relative to deprecated Android ABI (ARMv5, 32 and 64 bit MIPS)
Removed builds relative to 32 bit architectures on iOS (ARMv7) and MacOS X (x86): now both iOS and MacOS X builds are Universal Binaries for arm64 (Apple Silicon) and x86_64 architectures
Tutorials have been improved from the point of view of compatibility with various building systems (CMake, Gradle)
Lot of minor fixes and improvements