This is an API for data generated by the checkup tool.
Note: The API prefix is currently /api/v1
For example, to use the check
endpoint the path is /api/v1/check
GET /check
Returns a short status of the latest checks, with the checks timestamp.
Parameter | Description |
format | Output format: json, plain (default: plain) |
GET /status
GET /status/{site}
Returns the current status with the details of the last check, for a given site if the site title is provided.
Parameter | Description |
format | Output format: json, plain (default: json) |
details | If set to 1, display detailed results (plain output) |
GET /timeline
GET /timeline/{site}
Returns the global timeline, or the timeline for a given site.
Parameter | Description |
format | Output format: json, plain (default: json) |
allstates | Display all records (not only state changes) if set to 1 |
limit | Limit the output to the given number of results |
start | Display records from this UNIX timestamp |
end | Display records until this UNIX timestamp |
reverse | If set to 1, reverse output order, display last record first (plain output only) |
details | If set to 1, display detailed results (plain output) |
GET /stats
GET /stats/{site}
Returns the statistics, for a given site if the site title is provided.
Parameter | Description |
format | Output format: json, plain (default: json) |
limit | Compute statistics based on a limited number of results |
start | Use records from this UNIX timestamp |
end | Use records until this UNIX timestamp |
GET /checkup
Returns JSON data with several pieces of information (status, latest results, statistics and global timeline). This endpoint is intended to be used by frontends.
Parameter | Description |
limit | Limit the number of events in the timeline |
start | Use records from this UNIX timestamp (timeline) |
end | Use records until this UNIX timestamp (timeline) |
stats_start | Compute statistics since this UNIX timestamp |
stats_end | Compute statistics until this UNIX timestamp |
Degraded system:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/check"
DEGRADED 2017-08-14 13:36:11.172206168 +0200 CEST
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/check?format=json"
Healthy system:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/check"
OK 2017-08-14 18:21:12.924297223 +0200 CEST
Note: there is only 1 configured site in the following example.
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/status?format=plain"
Check timestamp: 2017-08-14 13:36:11.172206168 +0200 CEST
== MCabber -
Threshold: 0s
Max: 10.000189368s
Min: 10.000189368s
Median: 10.000189368s
Mean: 10.000189368s
All: [{10.000189368s Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)}]
Assessment: down
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/status" | jq .
"title": "MCabber",
"endpoint": "",
"timestamp": 1502710561168856000,
"times": [
"rtt": 10000189368,
"error": "Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
"down": true
State changes for a given site for the last 8 hours (use allstates=1
to get all records):
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/timeline/MCabber?format=plain&details=1&start=$(date +%s -d "8 hours ago")"
== MCabber -
Threshold: 0s
Max: 1.161048474s
Min: 1.161048474s
Median: 1.161048474s
Mean: 1.161048474s
All: [{1.161048474s }]
Assessment: healthy
State change: false
Timestamp: 2017-08-14 10:49:03.887247101 +0200 CEST
== MCabber -
Threshold: 0s
Max: 10.000189368s
Min: 10.000189368s
Median: 10.000189368s
Mean: 10.000189368s
All: [{10.000189368s Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)}]
Assessment: down
State change: true
Timestamp: 2017-08-14 13:36:11.172206168 +0200 CEST
State changes for all sites for the last 24 hours, more recent first:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/timeline?format=plain&reverse=1&start=$(date +%s -d "1 day ago")"
For a script-friendly JSON output:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/timeline?start=$(date +%s -d "1 day ago")"
Complete plain-text timeline of state changes recorded for the "LMWEB" website, last event first:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/timeline/LMWEB?format=plain&reverse=1"
== LMWEB - https://lmwww.test.local/
Assessment: healthy
Timestamp: 2017-08-07 22:35:50.391241518 +0200 CEST
== LMWEB - https://lmwww.test.local/
Assessment: down
Results: [{5.742818945s Get https://lmwww.test.local/: net/http: timeout awaiting response headers}]
Timestamp: 2017-08-07 22:34:53.047248253 +0200 CEST
== LMWEB - https://lmwww.test.local/
Assessment: healthy
Timestamp: 2017-08-07 22:15:51.883855662 +0200 CEST
Global Statistics:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/stats?format=plain"
First check timestamp: 2017-08-07 19:43:49 +0200 CEST
Last check timestamp: 2017-08-15 12:15:12 +0200 CEST
Check count: 11706
Healthy/Degraded/Down counts: 11686/0/20
Healthy/Degraded/Down % rate: 99.83/0.00/0.17
Site-specific statistics, in JSON:
% curl -s "http://localhost:8801/api/v1/stats/MySite" | jq .
"FirstTimestamp": 1502127829608248000,
"LastTimestamp": 1502791872316004400,
"ItemsCount": 2936,
"HealthyCount": 2930,
"DegradedCount": 0,
"DownCount": 6,
"HealthyPC": 99.79564032697547,
"DegradedPC": 0,
"DownPC": 0.20435967302452315