Link of GitHub repository of the implementation :
A simple demo video is available at [LINK]
- In this web project, the current league standings of the top five European football leagues are displayed. The leagues are
- La Liga
- English Premier League
- Bundesliga
- Ligue 1
- Serie A
- One has to be a registered user and be logged in to be able to use the system.
To be able to use the system, one has to register with the system and be logged in.
To register, one has to provided four pieces of information on mandatory basis. They are
- Username Username can be of length between 6 and 20
- Email Email has to be valid
- Password Password can be of length between 6 and 10.
- Gender Gender should be selected properly.
Username, email and password need to be unique.
To log in, one has to provided a valid registered Email and Password that are both associated with one account.
Session has been used, so that, only logged in users can use the system.
- Home page After log in, user goes to home page. In the home page, the top four teams of the league tables of five leagues are displayed from last updated information.
- Individual League pages For each of the five leagues, there are individual webpages. In each of them, current updated full league table is shown with the information about qualifying for UEFA Champions League and rules of promotion and relegation.
From any of the individual league pages or from home page, user can go to any of the pages or log out.
XAMPP has been used to store the users' information. MySQL (XAMPP) has been used for database operation. A database has been created named sportscornerdb
on phpMyAdmin
. The database has one table and it is userstable
. From the SQL files in the repository, the structure of the table can be understood.
To retrieve the current league standings, a Python package has been used.
The python package is (soccer-data-api 0.5).
Python scripts have been run from PHP source codes.
For this, XAMPP needs to be configured. In the httpd.conf
file, AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .asp .py
needs to be there instead of
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .asp
and in the first line of every Python script, the place where Python is installed needs to be mentioned.
So, if Python application file is in the folder J:/WinPython/WPy64-3740/python-3.7.4.amd64
, the first line of Python script
should be #!J:/WinPython/WPy64-3740/python-3.7.4.amd64/python