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Extra programs in the Mercury implementation

This directory contains various libraries and tools that are not an integral part of the Mercury implementation.

Most of these can be built by running the commands mmake depend and then mmake in the relevant subdirectory, and many can be installed by running mmake install.

  • base64 -- A library for base64 encoding and decoding.

  • cgi -- Some Mercury library modules for doing HTML forms programming using CGI (the Common Gateway Interface).

  • complex_numbers -- A Mercury library package containing support for complex and imaginary numbers.

  • curs -- A Mercury library providing a somewhat more complete and more faithful binding to the curses and panel libraries (the latter is used to provide elementary windowing facilities, rather than doing so in Mercury).

  • curses -- A Mercury library providing a (partial) binding to curses, a traditional Unix library that provides methods for manipulating terminal screens (creating windows, placing characters, etc).

  • dynamic_linking -- An interface to the C functions dlopen(), dlsym(), etc. that are supported by most modern Unix systems.

  • fixed -- An implementation of fixed-point arithmetic with the COBOL semantics.

  • gmp_int -- A Mercury binding to GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, providing integers with arbitrary precision.

  • graphics -- Some packages for doing graphics programming and GUIs in Mercury:

    • a binding to Tcl/Tk
    • a binding to OpenGL
    • a binding to GLUT
    • a binding to GLFW
    • a simplified binding to Xlib
    • a binding to Allegro/AllegroGL
    • a binding to Cairo.
  • lex -- A lexer package for Mercury that works over the I/O state, strings, and so forth. It comes with a rich set of standard regular expressions, and users can add their own.

  • log4m -- A Mercury implementation of logging, in the spirit of log4j.

  • moose -- A parser generator for Mercury. Moose works much like yacc or bison, in that it takes a grammar and generates a table driven LALR parser for it. You can add code to the grammar to handle synthesized or inherited attributes. Currently you need to write your own lexer to interface to moose.

  • mopenssl -- A Mercury binding to the OpenSSL library.

  • morphine -- A trace analysis system for Mercury.

  • mp_int -- A multi-precision integer type based on a binding to the libtommath library.

  • net -- A network library which uses the standard library stream interface.

  • odbc -- A Mercury interface to ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), for interfacing to standard relational database packages.

  • old_library_modules -- Some old modules of the Mercury standard library that had breaking changes applied to them, preserved for users who prefer not to update their code to accommodate those changes.

  • posix -- A Mercury interface to some of the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) APIs.

  • random -- Some additional instances of the random typeclasses from the standard library.

  • references -- A library package containing modules for manipulating ML-style references (mutable state).

  • solver_types -- Contains versions of some standard library modules adapted to make them suitable for use with solver types.

  • trailed_update -- Some library modules that make use of backtrackable destructive update, including a module which provides some support for Prolog-style unification constraints.

  • windows_installer_generator -- A library for generating WiX source files. WiX is an XML language that is used to generate Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) packages.

  • xml -- An XML parsing library.

  • xml_stylesheets -- Sample stylesheets that can be used with the term_to_xml module in the standard library.