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This directory contains an XML parsing library.

The parser is implemented using higher order parsing combinators.
It follows the grammar in the XML 1.0 recommendation (see
for more on the recommendation). Unfortunately this means that it isn't quite
conformant because the english text of the recommendation contradicts
the given grammar in a number of places, some of which I have fixed,
and some of which I haven't.

The parser includes external parsed entities, but doesn't deal very well
with non-parsed external entities very well yet (due to some of the
aforementioned contradictions in the recommendation). It is non-validating,
but it does parse the DTD and expand entity and parameter-entity references.

The files in this directory are:

README              This file.

xml.m               A wrapper module.           Implements catalog file parsing.
xml.doc.m           Defines the types for representing documents.
xml.dtd.m           Defines the types for representing DTDs.
xml.encoding.m      Implements algorithms used for manipulating
                    different encoding mechanisms (eg ASCII, UTF-8).
xml.parse.m         The main parser.
xml.parse.chars.m   A piece of the parser which is split off for
                    compile time performance.

unicode.m           Defines a bunch of functions that return the
                    unicode number for various ascii characters.
parsing.m           Defines the parsing combinators used by the parser.

tryit.m             A sample driver program which parses documents
                    and prints any error messages.

Mmakefile           A control file for mmake to build the sample program.

samples             A directory including instructions on how to run the
                    XML parser and some sample files.