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SEED Distro

File metadata and controls

52 lines (46 loc) · 6.24 KB

How to Do SEED Distributions

A. Calculating distribution + updating ledger

  1. Fork/clone the repo locally and follow the instructions in the main readme to load the SourceCred instance (you will need API keys for Github and Discord)
  2. If you already forked the repo, make sure to pull any changes from the master branch (since the discord bot updates ETH addresses in the ledger programmatically)
  3. Due to painfully long and unreliable method of loading contribution data locally using yarn load, we now use the following method from within the root of the XP repo, as advised by SC:
    1. On master, fetch the latest updates from origin: git pull.
    2. Checkout the output directory of the gh-pages branch: git checkout origin/gh-pages -- output(the graph data from the last run).
    3. Run yarn serve to fire up the interface from with the latest data.
  4. Open the admin interface at localhost:6006 and go to the “Identities” tab. To merge accounts:
    1. Search in 'Filter List' for the accounts to be merged.
    2. For each user, use the “Add Alias” field to search for their aliases.
    3. Click on all the accounts needing to be merged into the selected user.
    4. Repeat the process for any other users.
    5. Once you are done, click “Save ledger to disk”.
    6. Exit the running SC instance (CTRL+C in terminal).
  5. If you do need to activate players, you will want to commit the ledger, push changes and create a PR before progressing with Step 6, otherwise skip the rest of this step. Create a new branch along the lines of git checkout -b activations/year-month-day, commit changes to ledger.json, push, and open a PR. Once merged, we need to wait overnight for the runners to run again with the newly activated or merged players.

❢ If you activated players, confirm the GitHub actions have run (sometimes they fail) since your PR was merged. You will need to repeat Step 3 again to get the latest data before moving to Step 7 .

  1. Check this Observable notebook to see how many seedsToMintForCurrentInterval. This is based on 20 SEEDs per week per active contributor (where “active” players earned at least 20 XP).
  2. Update the config/grain.json file with ~75% of the seedsToMint amount going to RECENT policy and ~25% going to the BALANCED policy (e.g. if the number in Observable is 400, put 300 in Recent and 100 in Balanced).
  3. Check the leaderboard in the UI to ensure the XP amounts for the distribution period make sense.
  4. In a new terminal window, run yarn grain to do the distribution.
  5. Refresh the admin page and go to the SEED Accounts page to see the new SEED balance for each player, ensure these amounts make sense.
  6. Create a new branch at this point and name it something sane like git checkout -b dist/day-month–day-month-year.
  7. Run ./scripts/seed-minting-disburse.mjs in a terminal to generate the JSON & CSV files of ETH addresses and SEED amounts to disburse. (The script will use the first file constructed using the output-pattern argument that doesn't exist for output.)
  8. Keep track of the total amount of SEEDs to disburse. This value will be used later when verifying data for deducting from the ledger in Step C.
  9. Post the distribution to the community (to #seed-minting) using this Google Sheet (ask @luxumbra for edit access). Refer to previous sheets for formatting convention. We usually give 72 hours to raise issues. If you need to re-run a distribution, git checkout ledger.json before running yarn grain again.
  10. Once discussion has concluded, commit and push all changes to Github, and make a PR to merge them into master.

⚠️ If there are merge conflicts, you may need to run scripts/rebase-ledger.js.

B. Airdrop Distribution

⚠️ This step requires you to be a signer on the Polygon multisig.

  1. Reformat the final Google Sheet to match the same headings & columns as seen in distros/Disbursal #23.SourceCred Airdrop.csv. Note the addition of the leading token_type (erc20) and token_address (0xEAeCC18198a475c921B24b8A6c1C1f0f5F3F7EA0) columns.
  2. Go to the gnosis safe and sign in. Head to Apps → CSV Airdrop and upload the .csv file from the previous step. Next, you should see the contents of the file in the textfield.
  3. Verify the data looks good, submit, and sign the transaction.
  4. Once the transaction is confirmed, grab the transaction URL, and post it in #multisig, pestering the signers until it's done.
  5. Relax… until the drop is done and you then need to move to step C — as soon as possible post distribution (after your distro branch has been merged) to avoid any ledger conflicts!

C. Deducting Minted SEEDs from the Ledger

  1. Pull down the latest changes from origin (with data from the latest dist)
  2. Create a new branch from master and give it a sensible name eg: deduction/#23
  3. Rerun ./scripts/seed-minting-disburse.js with the following arguments:
    1. Pass --tx-url= as the Polygonscan link for the seedAllocations transaction from step A.10 above.
    2. Pass --tx-date= as the date of the said transaction
    3. Pass -o to cause the script to overwrite the last disbursal.
  4. Run something akin to ./scripts/seed-minting-disburse.js --tx-url=https://polygonscan… --tx-date=2023-03-15 -o, and ensure there's no errors or “Extra SEED Balance” messages logged.
  5. Ensure that the distros/Disbursal #${index}.SourceCred.* files for the current distribution did not have any changes. This ensures that the on chain distribution exactly matches the ledger state.
  6. Run yarn serve, and double check that the current balance in SEED Accounts is 0 for people in the distribution.
  7. Commit the updates to ledger.json, push them, and make a new PR to master.