To integrate Meteor tasks into a Gulp file, add the following lines, or ensure they exist:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
function execCallback(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error !== null) console.error(error);
gulp.task('meteor-init', function () {
// Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory
// of the checkout, so copy it there temporarily
exec('cp meteor/package.js .', execCallback);
gulp.task('meteor-test', ['meteor-init'], function () {
exec('node_modules/.bin/spacejam --mongo-url mongodb:// test-packages ./', execCallback);
exec('rm -rf .build.* versions.json package.js', execCallback); // cleanup
gulp.task('meteor-publish', ['meteor-init'], function () {
exec('meteor publish && rm -rf .build.* versions.json package.js', execCallback);
See the main README for more details.