This is an API for the Shurb-club that we created for the back-end of the project.
It is deployed with Heroku App and connected with the netlify deployed Shrub-club.
We used it as a fetch data on Shrub-club and it contains all the user information, shurb information, profile, items, and other elements that associated with the user profile.
We used mySQL as a database and it is connected with each other.
Also, all the Items datas are implemented by hands.
As a User Who wants to store data of the shrub and profile information in the database.
I WANT to have a each section of the data and easily fetch the data to the front end
SO THAT while working with the React.js it won't cause a merge conflict and easy to work with the team mates without working space issues.
When we start the website we should know the website is working
We should access all the data's with api
Profile should include name and password and the shrubId
Password should be bycrypted for the safties
There should be seeds for the items
You should create database first with schema.sql
and seeds data by run seeds
This is an API website created for the user data of the Shrub Club
All the passwords are bycryped and saved to the database
It is easy access with the domain of the website
This project was created by Jordan Johnson, Sangmi Yun, and David Kovalchuk.
The APIs that we used for the backend processing is :
[Web Speech API] (
[Dictionary API]