- Ads
- https://www.google.com/adsense/signup/new/lead?gsessionid=uxpeelM8BpKF43M0T1CYRTqnFejkFP-peAKHNHRAl2I
- Google claims they cannot find that page.
- Maybe need to deploy google-header first?
- Publish to android store
- Make an OSC client
- Form to connect to an OSC server (SonicPi)
- Then send all clicks out to server; deactivate immediate sound output.
- Make an OSC client
- Nothing audible in safari
- Layout
- Buttons: confirm click with
animation - Loading: not only loader-spinner. Add '... loading' text and a larger spinner.
- Allow to cancel loading.
- Buttons: confirm click with
- Keys:
- Better glow animation
- Also shine on neighbors
- Maybe highlight I, III, V, VII?
- Rotation / Scaling
- Board currently sized relative to window.innerHeight. Make that relative to ComponentHeight
- Android build
- https://ionicframework.com/docs/angular/your-first-app/6-deploying-mobile
- first build:
ionic build
- create android project for first time:
ionic cap add android
- update android project from web project:
ionic cap copy
- update android project from web project after adding another capacitor-plugin (or any other (half-)native code):
ionic cap sync
- update android project from web project after adding another capacitor-plugin (or any other (half-)native code):
- open android-code:
ionic cap open android