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executable file
88 lines (62 loc) · 2.05 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
88 lines (62 loc) · 2.05 KB


Repo for Social Animal


vagrant up

vagrant ssh

cd /srv/www/socialstyrelsen
composer install

Now we can install the site using our custom profile:
Inside /srv/www/socialstyrelsen/web/sites
drush si socialstyrelsen --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --site-name="socialstyrelsen" --db-url=mysql://root:password@localhost/drupal -y

Configuration management

After installation you should enable the module site_deploy that will override the uuid and this will let you import all the configuration using a different database.

All the configuration management is in the folder /staging to make it work we have to add this line to settings.php

$config_directories['staging'] = '../staging';

To import the config we can use:

drush config-import staging

To export the config we can use:

drush config-export staging

Development workflow

git checkout master     // in your local machine
git reset --hard
./install     // inside vagrant
git checkout -b new_branch master

Make your changes: edit content types, create entities references,...

drush config-export staging     // inside /web in my vagrant machine
git add files_related_to_your_changes
git commit -m "new-branch:adding new stuff"
git push -u origin new_branch

Create pull request.

Testing workflow

git fetch origin     // copies all branches from remote to local
git branch           // check you have now locally the new branch for testing
git checkout master
./install            // inside the vagrant machine
// Execute cron if you don't see the changes
git checkout branch_for_testing      // before called it new_branch
drush config-import staging    // inside /web in my vagrant machine
drush cr // Or execute cron, just in case


No deploy process in place for prod or stage on elastx

Remove twig cache while developing

Uncomment this in settings.php:

if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/settings.local.php')) {
   include __DIR__ . '/settings.local.php';

Edit the parameters at service.yml