This sample code is for handling TELID®200 sensor transponders on devices running UNIX using a Micro-Sensys RFID reader
For details on DOC communication check Useful Links
- IDE (for example Visual Studio Code)
- Micro-Sensys RFID reader
- TELID®200 sensor transponders
This code shows how to use iIDReaderLibrary.DocInterfaceControl class to communicate with a TELID®200 sensor transponder. For demo purposes, a .NET Core console sample code is provided. There are different projects available that show all the different functions provided. Code used for these projects is written in C# or VisualBasic.
Class information is available under API documentation. See Useful Links
Import this project into your IDE, choose a project and launch it. First in the console application you can select the communication port name for the RFID reader (for example /dev/ttyUSB0). Then a sort of menu is shown to select the function to call
- Select the device parameters to use for Initialize (communication port type and name). Once the initialization process finishes, the result will be shown including the Reader ID number.
- Use the menu options to perform the functions
- Device has to be configured in USB VCP mode (ask microsensys for HowTo)
- To get VCP port name use:
dmesg | grep FTDI
- To get VCP port name use:
- To be able to communicate with RFID reader, the user must be part of the group "dialout".
- To add the user to the group use:
sudo gpasswd --add [username] dialout
- To add the user to the group use:
- NuGet Package page
- API documentation
- Check what is possible using our iID®DEMOsoft (section SENSORdemo) for PC! Download it using this link
- GitHub documentation repository: Micro-Sensys/documentation
- For coding questions or questions about this sample code, you can use
- For general questions about the company or our devices, you can contact us using
- Victor Garcia - Initial work - MICS-VGarcia