From 38c8af157e69a0433c990356abb91e07bac7f99a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xelu86 <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:32:49 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Updates

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 create mode 100644 docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/

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index 72a1ccf4ff..3b560d54fb 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ Disable-AccelNetManagement [<CommonParameters>]
-Disables Accelerated Networking Management cluster-wide. This doesn't turn off SR-IOV on VMs.
+Disables AccelNet Management cluster-wide. This doesn't turn off SR-IOV on VMs.
 Disabling this feature on the cluster won't change any configuration settings on the VMs. They will
-no longer be managed by Accelerated Networking or tracked by HUD.
+no longer be managed by AccelNet or tracked by HUD.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ no longer be managed by Accelerated Networking or tracked by HUD.
-This example disables the Accelerated Networking Management layer on the cluster.
+This example disables the AccelNet Management layer on the cluster.
@@ -55,4 +55,8 @@ This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable
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index c5a79b8d1a..82cd5d4aeb 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ Enable-AccelNetManagement [-IntentName] <String> [[-NodeReservePercentage] <UInt
-Enables Accelerated Networking Management cluster-wide, sets the numbers of nodes to reserve, and
-enables provided intent.
+Enables AccelNet Management cluster-wide. Also sets the number of nodes to reserve and enables the
+provided intent for AccelNet Management.
 ### EXAMPLE 1
-Enable-AccelNetManagement -IntentName "MyIntent" -NodeReservePercentage 10
+Enable-AccelNetManagement -IntentName "MyIntent" -NodeReservePercentage 25
-This example enables the `MyIntent` intent for Accelerated Networking Management and reserves
-**10%** of the nodes for that purpose. If the command is successful, it will return `$true`. If
+This example enables the `MyIntent` intent for Accelerated Networking Management and reserves `25`
+percent of the nodes for that purpose. If the command is successful, it will return `$true`. If
 there is an error, it will return `$false`.
@@ -93,4 +93,8 @@ This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable
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index 752ba9a0c9..986386dcbe 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ Enables Accelerated Networking on a VM.
-Enable-AccelNetVM [-VMName] <String> [-Performance] <PerformanceWeight> [<CommonParameters>]
+Enable-AccelNetVM [-VMName] <String> [-Performance] <PerformanceWeight> [[-VM] <VirtualMachineBase>]
+ [<CommonParameters>]
-Enables Accelerated Networking on a VM.
+Enables AccelNet on a VM.
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ Enables Accelerated Networking on a VM.
 Enable-AccelNetVM -VMName "MyVM" -Performance High
-This example enables Accelerated Networking with the performance level set to `High` for the VM
+This example enables AccelNet with the performance level set to `High` for the VM
 named `MyVM`.
@@ -73,6 +74,22 @@ Accept pipeline input: False
 Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -VM
+The VM object.
+Type: VirtualMachineBase
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: False
+Position: 3
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
+Accept wildcard characters: False
 ### CommonParameters
 This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable,
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index 27ffd994bb..1b7f69e7fd 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Help Version:
 Locale: en-US
 Module Guid: cc3e946b-9141-48c2-95d8-d9e56594416a
 Module Name: FailoverClusters 10/21/2022 01/22/2025
 title: FailoverClusters
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all failover cluster-
 lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet. If these
 cmdlets aren't available in your PowerShell session, you may need to add the
 `Failover Cluster Module for Windows PowerShell` Feature, using the following PowerShell command:
-`Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell`.
+Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
 ## FailoverClusters Cmdlets
@@ -395,6 +398,10 @@ Turns off maintenance for a disk resource or Cluster Shared Volume within a fail
 Sets Accelerated Networking on a VM.
+### [Set-AccelNetManagement](
+Sets Accelerated Networking Management cluster-wide.
 ### [Set-ClusterAffinityRule](
 Enabled or Disable an affinity rule, and update the rule type.
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index ead71458c2..557db16ac0 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Get-AccelNetManagement
-Retrieves the intent enabled for Accelerated Networking Management.
+Retrieves the intent enabled for AccelNet Management.
@@ -42,3 +42,11 @@ This example retrieves the enabled intent name.
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index 31554fb541..f3963e9f94 100644
--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Get-AccelNetVM [[-VMName] <String>] [[-VM] <VirtualMachineBase>] [<CommonParamet
-Get VMs with Accelerated Networking.
+Retrieves VMs where AccelNet is enabled.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Get-AccelNetVM -VMName "MyVM"
 This example retrieves a VM named `MyVM`.
-If no VM name is provided, all VM names are retrieved.
+If the **-VMName** parameter isn't provided, all VM names are retrieved.
 ### EXAMPLE 2
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--- a/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
+++ b/docset/winserver2025-ps/failoverclusters/
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Gets the adapters on the VM that are connected to the enabled intent switch.
-Get-VMAdaptersConnectedToEnabledIntentSwitch [[-VMName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
+Get-VMAdaptersConnectedToEnabledIntentSwitch [[-VMName] <String>] [[-VM] <VirtualMachineBase>]
+ [<CommonParameters>]
@@ -52,6 +53,22 @@ Accept pipeline input: False
 Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -VM
+The VM object.
+Type: VirtualMachineBase
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: False
+Position: 2
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
+Accept wildcard characters: False
 ### CommonParameters
 This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable,
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+description: Use this topic to help manage Windows and Windows Server technologies with Windows PowerShell.
+external help file: Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.dll-Help.xml
+Module Name: FailoverClusters 01/22/2025
+online version:
+schema: 2.0.0
+title: Set-AccelNetManagement
+# Set-AccelNetManagement
+Sets Accelerated Networking Management cluster-wide.
+Set-AccelNetManagement [[-IntentName] <String>] [[-NodeReservePercentage] <UInt32>]
+ [<CommonParameters>]
+Sets AccelNet Management cluster-wide. Also sets the number of nodes to reserve and enables the
+provided intent for AccelNet Management. Returns `$true` upon success, and `$false` otherwise.
+If AccelNet Management is currently active with a certain intent, providing a value for the
+`-IntentName` parameter will disable the current AccelNet Management configuration. After disabling
+the current AccelNet Management configuration, AccelNet Management is reenabled based on the
+configuration of the new intent.
+### EXAMPLE 1
+Set-AccelNetManagement -IntentName "LowPerformance" -NodeReservePercentage 10
+This example enables the `LowPerformance` intent for AccelNet Management and reserves `10` percent
+of the nodes for that purpose. If the command is successful, it will return `$true`. If there is an
+error, it will return `$false`.
+### -IntentName
+The intent name to be used for AccelNet Management. This parameter is required.
+This value must be an integer greater than or equal to **0** and less than or equal to **99**.
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: 1
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -NodeReservePercentage
+The percentage of cluster nodes that can be down simultaneously while still maintaining enough
+virtual functions for each VM chosen for Accelerated Networking Management.
+Type: UInt32
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: False
+Position: 2
+Default value: 0
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### CommonParameters
+This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable,
+-InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose,
+-WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see