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151 lines (143 loc) · 8.47 KB

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executable file
151 lines (143 loc) · 8.47 KB
  • Graphic illustration
  • Beautify font
  • Live demo for Core API payment types
  • error code explanations





  • Add Snap tech integration docs - done
  • Add JS fiddle sample for Snap.js - done
  • Add Codesandbox sample for Snap - done
  • Add collapsible on useful optional like snap.js callbacks, transaction_details - done
  • Sandbox test credential - done
  • Embedd JS fiddle/bin demo on Snap integration guide - done
  • Embedd JS fiddle/bin demo on advanced feature
  • Embedd codesandbox demo on backend step - done
  • Embedd JS fiddle for auth string builder tool - done
  • Embedd JS fiddle for signature key string verifier - done
  • Embedd demo for Core API payment types
  • Diagram for transaction status cycle
  • Replace any ?id=xxx absolute link with #xxx version, because actually docsify able to handle it - done
  • Recurring core API section
  • ID translation
  • add default SNAP token expiry
    • add default expiry info for any other expiry
  • add info of Gopay is QRIS compatible
  • README grammar fix
  • add section on how to report/ask about technical issue, with Dos' and Don'ts samples
  • add FAQ on logging mobile sdk server issue
  • add CC 3DS/OTP redirect_url expiry time, fixed 10mins, and the callback
  • add what is being validated on which step of CC, why invalid card can get redirect_url
  • add Gopay sim web scanner implementation on docs
  • explain Gopay sandbox sim limitation, etc. - done
  • add info that QR/deeplink url on snap is not retrievable
  • add section for BIN API
  • add section for Subscription API
  • info about To display this credit card edit form do we need to comply with any PCI Standard?
  • info about going live / switching to production
    • checklist page?
    • add on each guide's what's next section
  • add more link to simulator on each of payment demo/guide
  • add warning of max API payload size
  • add QRIS compatible note on Gopay payment method doc
  • add how to get alfamart code for simulator
  • status cycle missing chargeback status. - done
  • POS/iOT specific integration guide
  • documentate of notif fail because of 3xx redirect
    • for plugin
  • Example for merchant, to create something like donation form integrated with Snap
  • handle 404 to prevent index.html being loaded - done
  • best practice/sample to redirect customer to gojek:// app deeplink
  • add production endpoint on Core API sections - done
  • add production endpoint on Snap API sections - done
  • remove any . on each notif url example, because it cause confusion - done
  • add how to get VA number again on bank transfer after pending
  • add which payment method is available for refunds
  • add info to not manually pin/download Midtrans API's SSL cert
  • add info to not reverse-proxy Midtrans API, refer to tech faq
  • pages/section that explain common flow for each payment methods, e.g: how bank transfer works, explain pending can become settlement/expire, default expiry time, etc.
  • Drop or replace LikeBtn because it is slow and can cause privacy issue.
  • add trouble shooting section on notif handling, what to check if pay status is not updated on merchant's side
  • add notes on one click that typically recurring need special MID which is BNI recurring MID, and they need to specify the bank during recurring charge.
  • consolidate similar content
    • /en/after-payment/status-cycle?id=transaction-status and
    • /en/after-payment/http-notification?id=status-definition
  • add how to check notification history on the section dashboard-usage
  • explain why status_code can be different on get-status & notif
    • /en/after-payment/http-notification?id=status-definition
  • multi code-lang should be available on Core API & advanced features section
  • Snap section: explain it can be used as link based payment
  • Diagram for high level use-case / flow of fund ?
  • Check every link for 404 e.g: next step core api advanced feature link is 404
  • list of things that can be illustrated. Provide list, context, criteria (format, size, etc)
  • check this doc for insights/ideas
  • Put notes for features that require additional biz requirements, e.g:
    • "To use the following features in Production, you might need an additional commercial agreement. Please contact your Account Manager to use this feature."
  • on payment landing page add more discoverability to each payment-method?
  • clarify core api installment feature to explain which param to change, e.g: bank & term
  • add notes on https <> http for CMS notif url config
  • add more sample response for non 200 status code, with schema of it
  • deal with / replace the » symbols - done
  • Search-result's links behave unexpectedly, whenever the result title is a link. eg: search for "snap".
  • Make snap.js script only load on pages that requires it, not on index.html
  • optimize image assets so it will rank better on Google Search Console
  • consider double deploy to firebase
  • store theme preference across tab session
  • Explain 2 technical group of payment type: async vs sync
  • optimize image for bandwith saving, especially gifs
    • or put gifs/images to cdn?
  • explain what criteria to be able to use /refund/direct API
  • explain the use case of doing promo based on bin via bin filter
  • explain how to handle if webhook notif fail because of 500 or issue on merchant as destination endpoint
  • font size for code, codeblock and table(?) seems not decreased yet. Making it looks bigger than default font. Decrease it.
  • add note on notif handling, Snap CC deny should be ignored as it is retry-able
    • also boost this visibility to other page like Snap guide?
  • fix notif handling example NodeJS to ignore CC deny
  • fix notif handling example php to correct indentation