This repo contains my work on learning to how write compilers/interpeters at a basic level. I am using as you may have figured from the repo name. This is a book I've been wanting to read and I took my Java class's final project as an opportunity to force myself to read the Java section of this book. Currently the goal is to write a modified version of jlox.
This repo contains jlox as seen in the book as well as finlang, my version of it.
Batch files are used to build and run the project. Just replace the directories after JAVAC and JVM with the directories of "javc.exe" and "java.exe" on your machine respectively.
rem in "jlox\build.bat" and "finlang\build.bat"
set JAVAC=F:\Dev_Tools\jdk\jdk-15.0.2\bin\javac.exe
rem in "jlox\run.bat" and "finlang\run.bat"
set JVM=F:\Dev_Tools\jdk\jdk-15.0.2\bin\java.exe