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File metadata and controls

138 lines (109 loc) · 6.34 KB


Clojars Project

A small GUI library that treats the entire UI as a map of widgets. Changes occur by transforming this map into a new state. Strigui will figure out which widgets need to be redrawn and in what order.

Available widgets:

  • window
  • button
  • input
  • label
  • image
  • checkbox/radiobutton
  • list

Each of those widget types have their own "add" function in strigui.core. In addition there are global events that trigger for a specific window, and events that trigger for specific widgets. See the Api Documentation for further information.

Quick Start

Create a new app

lein new app my-app

Add the strigui dependency to your project.clj:

:dependencies [[strigui "0.0.1-alpha32"]
              [com.github.mikehardice/capra "0.0.10"]]

In my-app/core.clj , add the following to create our first window

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [strigui.core :as gui])

(defn -main
  (gui/swap-widgets! #(gui/add-window % "first-window" 50 50 600 450 "My First Window" {})))

Add a label via:

(gui/swap-widgets! #(gui/add-label % "first-window" "lbl-hello" "Hello!" {:x 100 :y 100 :font-size 24})))

Of course we can also use threading:

(defn -main
  (gui/swap-widgets! #(-> %
                          (gui/add-window "first-window" 50 50 600 450 "My First Window" {})
                          (gui/add-label "first-window" "lbl-hello" "Hello!" {:x 100 :y 100 :font-size 24}))))

Additionally, we can add a button that enables us to drag the label we have just created:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [strigui.core :as gui])
  (:import [java.awt Color])

(defn -main
  (gui/swap-widgets! #(-> %
                          (gui/add-window "first-window" 50 50 600 450 "My First Window" {})
                          (gui/add-label "first-window" "lbl-hello" "Hello!" {:x 100 :y 100 :font-size 24})
                          (gui/add-button "first-window" "btn-dragging" "Disabled" {:x 400 :y 200})
                          (gui/attach-event "btn-dragging" :mouse-clicked (fn [wdgs _]
                                                                            (-> wdgs
                                                                                (update-in ["lbl-hello" :props]
                                                                                           (fn [props]
                                                                                             (merge props
                                                                                                         (if (:can-move? props)
                                                                                                           {:can-move? false :color {:text Color/black}}
                                                                                                           {:can-move? true :color {:text Color/orange}}))))
                                                                                (update-in ["btn-dragging" :value] (fn [text] 
                                                                                                                    (case text
                                                                                                                      "Disabled" "Enabled"

No matter where we dragged our label, we can save our layout into a edn file via:

(gui/to-file "my-app.edn")

And load it from it via:

(gui/from-file! "my-app.edn")

For the above, the my-app.edn file will contain something like

{:window [["first-window" {:y 50, :icon-path nil, :visible? true, :color {:background (java.awt.Color. 250 250 250), :background-widgets (java.awt.Color. 250 250 250)}, :on-close #window exit, :width 600, :title "My First Window", :x 50, :selected? nil, :resizable? false, :height 450}]]
, :strigui.label/Label [["lbl-hello" "Hello!" {:y 301, :resizing? nil, :color {:text (java.awt.Color. 0 0 0)}, :font-size 24, :highlight [], :width 150, :highlight-alpha-opacity 30, :can-hide? true, :window "first-window", :can-move? false, :z 0, :highlight-border-size 1.5, :border-size 1, :x 220, :focused? nil, :selected? nil, :height 42}]]
, :strigui.button/Button [["btn-dragging" "Disabled" {:y 200, :resizing? nil, :color {:background (java.awt.Color. 250 250 250), :text (java.awt.Color. 10 10 10), :focus (java.awt.Color. 117 190 188), :select (java.awt.Color. 117 190 188), :border (java.awt.Color. 27 100 98), :resize (java.awt.Color. 147 220 118)}, :highlight [:border :alpha], :width 150, :highlight-alpha-opacity 30, :can-hide? true, :window "first-window", :z 0, :highlight-border-size 1.5, :border-size 1, :x 400, :focused? nil, :selected? true, :height 42}]]

Have a look at the "examples" folder.


This is an alpha version and there is still a long way to go until it can be used for anything serious. So only use Strigui for fun stuff like Dame

When drawing widgets, strigui uses Capra. This means anything that can be drawn could potentially be a widget.

Creating a custom widget type can easily be done by implementing the widget protocol:

(defprotocol Widget
  "collection of functions around redrawing widgets, managing the border etc. ..."
  (coord [this window] "gets the coordinates of the widget")
  (defaults [this] "attach default values once the widget gets created")
  (before-drawing [this] "modify the widget each time before it gets drawn")
  (draw [this window] "draw the widget, returns the widget on success")
  (after-drawing [this] "modify the widget each time after it got drawn"))

And using the core function "add" to create the actual custom widget. For example the game board in the game Dame is added via

(let [board {:game game-start
               :players (list [:player1 :human] [:player2 :human])}]
    (gui/swap-widgets! #(-> %
                          (gui/add "main-window" (board/create-board "Dame" board))))

See Changes