Here is the Wallet application, which is the final project of the full stack developer course. You can set up your account here and monitor your expenses. When creating it, we used the latest tools to create modern applications. Try it yourself and let us know if you like it.
You can find the backend for this app in this REPO
- Miłosz Pleśniak (TeamLider)
- Bolek (Scrum Master & Developer)
- Urszula Molska (Developer)
- Angelika Gralewska (Developer)
- Jacek Pietrzak (Developer)
- Karolina Zinczuk (Developer)
Client: React, Redux, Material UI, Chart.js, Yup, Formik, Sass, Axios
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB, JWT, Joi, Morgan
Clone the project with backend
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file