👋 Welcome to my dotfiles repository! This is where I store my personalized desktop configuration. 🖥️
- Media Controler (Browser, Spotify, media player): This module allows you to control media playback from your browser or media player directly from the Polybar panel.
- Audio/Microphone Controler: This module allows you to control the volume and microphone settings directly from the Polybar panel.
- Mem/CPU Usage: This module displays information about your system's memory and CPU usage in real-time.
- Date: This module displays the current date and time.
- SysTray: This module displays icons for running applications and services in the system tray area of the panel.
- AutoCompletion (including function jumping and other useful features): This feature makes coding and writing more efficient by suggesting completions as you type and allowing you to jump to functions or variables quickly.
- Discord Status: This module allows you to display your current Discord status in your NoeVim statusline.
- FZF: This plugin provides a fast and powerful fuzzy search feature for finding files and text within files.
- NerdTree: This plugin provides a tree-like file explorer for navigating and opening files directly from within NoeVim.
- AsyncRun: This plugin allows you to asynchronously run commands in the background without blocking the editor.
- vimwiki: This plugin provides a personal wiki system within NoeVim for organizing notes, documents, and ideas.
- Live markdown preview (in browser): This feature allows you to preview your markdown files in a web browser as you edit them.
- Live markdown preview (in terminal): This feature allows you to preview your markdown files directly in the terminal as you edit them.
- Git integration: This feature allows you to manage version control directly from NoeVim, including committing changes, viewing diffs, and resolving merge conflicts.
super + F2
: Center the window usingbspc
. -
super + Return
: Openalacritty
terminal. -
alt + d
: Openrofi
program launcher with "run" mode. -
super + ctrl + p
: Togglepolybar
. -
: Take a full screenshot usingflameshot
and save it to thePICTURES
directory. -
super + Print
: Openflameshot
GUI. -
super + alt + Print
: Take a screenshot with a 5-second delay usingflameshot
and save it to thePICTURES
directory. -
super + b
: Balance the current desktop usingbspc
. -
super + Escape
: Reload the configuration files forsxhkd
super + alt + q
: Quitbspwm
. -
super + alt + r
: Restartbspwm
. -
super + q
: Close and kill the current window usingbspc
. -
super + minus
: Hide the current node or restore a hidden node usingbspc
. -
super + shift + minus
: Restore the last hidden node usingbspc
. -
super + {h,j,k,l}
: Focus the node in the given direction usingbspc
. -
super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}
: Focus the node in the given direction usingbspc
. -
super + button{4,5}
: Increase or decrease the window gap of the focused desktop usingbspc
. -
super + alt + button{4,5}
: Increase or decrease the global window gap usingbspc
. -
super + alt + n
: Swap the current node with the biggest node usingbspc
. -
super + {a,s,d,f}
: Set the window state usingbspc
. -
alt + space
: Toggle the floating or tiled state of the current window usingbspc
. -
super + g
: Set the sticky flag for the current window usingbspc
. -
super + alt + {m,x,z}
: Set the marked, locked, or private flag for the current window usingbspc
. -
super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l}
: Focus the node in the given direction usingbspc
. -
alt + {_,shift + }Tab
: Focus the next or previous node in the current desktop usingbspc
. -
super + alt + {Left,Right}
: Focus the previous or next desktop usingbspc
. -
super + shift + {Left,Right}
: Focus the older or newer node in the focus history usingbspc
. -
super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}
: Focus or send the current window or desktop to the given desktop usingbspc
. -
super + ctrl + {Right,Left}
: Move the current window or desktop to the next or previous desktop usingbspc
. -
super + {grave,Tab}
: Focus the last node or desktop usingbspc
. -
super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l}
: Preselect the direction usingbspc
. -
super + ctrl + {1-9}
: Preselect the ratio usingbspc
. -
ctrl + alt + space
: Cancel the preselection for the focused node usingbspc
. -
super + ctrl + shift + space
: Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop usingbspc
If you're interested in replicating my setup, feel free to clone this repository and use my dotfiles as a starting point. I recommend reading through each configuration file carefully and customizing it to suit your needs.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me. I hope you find my dotfiles setup useful!