CAN-Ethernet Gateway is a C# library that allows for easy communication with a CAN Bus over IP networks. The libary enables bi-directional communications to a PCAN-Ethernet Gateway DR hardware unit sold by Peak-Systems. (See: Peak's hardware allows for CAN frames are wrapped in TCP or UDP message packets.
The library also makes it easy to receive and send standard J1939 messages.
Currently Supported Features
- UDP Protocol
- J1939 and NMEA 2000 Phrasing
- .Net Core
Requirements / Issues
You must disable the PCAN-Gateway Handshake to allow the connection (Handshake currently not supported).
TCP protocol currently not supported
CanGateway canGatewayConnector = new CanGateway(); var messages = new List<CanMessageDefinition>(); CanMessageDefinition joyStick = new CanMessageDefinition { IdHex = "18FDD7AA", MessageName = "GPS Position" }; var position = new CanMessageDefinition {IdHex = "09F80100", MessageName = "GPS Position"}; position.AddParameter(new MessageParameter(.0000001, 0, 0, 32, -2147483648, 2147483647, "Latitude", typeof(double), "Latitude")); position.AddParameter(new MessageParameter(.0000001, 0, 32, 32, -2147483648, 2147483647, "Longitude", typeof(double), "Longitude")); messages.Add(position); canGatewayConnector.CanBusDefLoad(messages); // Load messages into CAN Gateway connector; int localPort = 2001; // Port o open on local machine string remoteIp = ""; // IP of remote CAN Gateway device int RemotePort = 5050; // Port on remote CAN Gateway configured to the specific CAN Device canGatewayConnector.Configuration(localPort, IPAddress.Parse(remoteIp), RemotePort); // Load configuration into CAN Gateway Connector canGatewayConnector.StartProcess(); // Start the thread // canGatewayConnector.Connect(); lock (canGatewayConnector.SyncRoot) { var canPosition = canGatewayConnector.Messages.First(x => x.IdHex == "0x9F80100"); var latitude = (double)canPosition.GetValues()["Latitude"]; var longitude = (double)canPosition.GetValues()["Longitude"]; Console.WriteLine("Longitude: {0} Longitude: {1}", longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to send message"); Console.ReadKey(); var x18Fdd7Aa = canGatewayConnector.Messages.First(x => x.IdHex == "0x18FDD7AA"); // Pull the message definition x18Fdd7Aa.Parameters.First(x => x.Name == "Joystick1GripXAxis").Value = 59; x18Fdd7Aa.Parameters.First(x => x.Name == "Joystick1GripYAxis").Value = 50; canGatewayConnector.DataSend(x18Fdd7Aa.GenerateIpCanMsg().EncodeCanPacket()); // Encode and send message