mobsim_app -- Simulation and visualization of biodiversity patterns across spatial scales using the mobsim
Katharina Gerstner, Felix May
This is an interactive tool that aims to simulate and visualize multiple biodiversity patterns across spatial scales using the mobsim
R-package. A Thomas model is used to simulate point pattern distributions of individual species. Key parameters of the simulation are:
- total number of individuals,
- total number of species,
- the coefficient of variation in the species-abundance distribution that determines the eveness of the abundances,
- spatial aggregation of species.
The tool
- simulates locations of individuals of different species in a location (plot, area);
- plots biodiversity patterns such as
- species-abundance distributions (SAD) using Preston octave plot and rank-abundance curve,
- spatial distribution of individuals within a unit area,
- species accummulation curves (SAC), species-area relationships (SAR), and the distance-decay curve.
The app is hosted at the following url:
The app can be run locally. Several R packages are required for locally hosting the app, these can be installed from the R terminal:
install.packages(c('shiny', 'shinyBS', 'devtools'))
Once those dependencies are installed you can run the app from the R terminal using: