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Contributing Guide

Welcome! There are many ways to contribute, including submitting bug reports, improving documentation, submitting feature requests, reviewing new submissions, or contributing code that can be incorporated into the project.

Initial setup for local development

Install Git

Please follow instruction.

Create a fork

If you are not a member of a development team building Data.SyncMaster, you should create a fork before making any changes.

Please follow instruction.

Clone the repo

Open terminal and run these commands:

git clone -b develop

cd syncmaster

Setup environment

Firstly, install make. It is used for running complex commands in local environment.

Secondly, create virtualenv and install dependencies:

make venv

If you already have venv, but need to install dependencies required for development:

make venv-install

We are using poetry for managing dependencies and building the package. It allows to keep development environment the same for all developers due to using lock file with fixed dependency versions.

There are extra dependencies (included into package as optional):

  • server - for running server
  • worker - for running Celery workers

And groups (not included into package, used locally and in CI):

  • test - for running tests
  • dev - for development, like linters, formatters, mypy, pre-commit and so on
  • docs - for building documentation

Enable pre-commit hooks

pre-commit hooks allows to validate & fix repository content before making new commit. It allows to run linters, formatters, fix file permissions and so on. If something is wrong, changes cannot be committed.

Firstly, install pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Ant then test hooks run:

pre-commit run

How to

Run development instance locally

Start DB container:

make db broker

Then start development server:

make dev-server

And open http://localhost:8000/docs

Settings are stored in .env.local file.

To start development worker, open a new terminal window/tab, and run:

make dev-worker

Working with migrations

Start database:

make db-start

Generate revision:

make db-revision ARGS="-m 'Message'"

Upgrade db to head migration:

make db-upgrade

Downgrade db to head-1 migration:

make db-downgrade

Run tests locally

Unit tests

This is as simple as:

make test-unit

This command starts all necessary containers (Postgres, RabbitMQ), runs all necessary migrations, and then runs Pytest.

You can pass additional arguments to pytest like this:

make test-unit PYTEST_ARGS="-k some-test -lsx -vvvv --log-cli-level=INFO"

Get fixtures not used by any test:

make test-check-fixtures

Integration tests


To run HDFS and Hive tests locally you should add the following line to your /etc/hosts (file path depends on OS):

# HDFS/Hive server returns container hostname as connection address, causing error in DNS resolution test-hive

To run specific integration tests:

make test-integration-hdfs

This starts database, broker & worker containers, and also HDFS container. Then it runs only HDFS-related integration tests.

To run full test suite:

make test-integration

This starts all containers and runs all integration tests.

Like unit tests, you can pass extra arguments to Pytest:

make test-integration-hdfs PYTEST_ARGS="-k some-test -lsx -vvvv --log-cli-level=INFO"

Stop all containers and remove created volumes:

make test-cleanup ARGS="-v"

Run production instance locally

Firstly, build production images:

make prod-build

And then start all necessary services:

make prod

Then open http://localhost:8000/docs

Settings are stored in .env.docker file.

Build documentation

Build documentation using Sphinx & open it:

make docs

If documentation should be build cleanly instead of reusing existing build result:

make docs-fresh

Review process

Please create a new GitHub issue for any significant changes and enhancements that you wish to make. Provide the feature you would like to see, why you need it, and how it will work. Discuss your ideas transparently and get community feedback before proceeding.

Significant Changes that you wish to contribute to the project should be discussed first in a GitHub issue that clearly outlines the changes and benefits of the feature.

Small Changes can directly be crafted and submitted to the GitHub Repository as a Pull Request.

Create pull request

Commit your changes:

git commit -m "Commit message"
git push

Then open Github interface and create pull request. Please follow guide from PR body template.

After pull request is created, it get a corresponding number, e.g. 123 (pr_number).

Write release notes

Data.SyncMaster uses towncrier for changelog management.

To submit a change note about your PR, add a text file into the docs/changelog/next_release folder. It should contain an explanation of what applying this PR will change in the way end-users interact with the project. One sentence is usually enough but feel free to add as many details as you feel necessary for the users to understand what it means.

Use the past tense for the text in your fragment because, combined with others, it will be a part of the "news digest" telling the readers what changed in a specific version of the library since the previous version.

reStructuredText syntax for highlighting code (inline or block), linking parts of the docs or external sites. If you wish to sign your change, feel free to add -- by :user:`github-username` at the end (replace github-username with your own!).

Finally, name your file following the convention that Towncrier understands: it should start with the number of an issue or a PR followed by a dot, then add a patch type, like feature, doc, misc etc., and add .rst as a suffix. If you need to add more than one fragment, you may add an optional sequence number (delimited with another period) between the type and the suffix.

In general the name will follow <pr_number>.<category>.rst pattern, where the categories are:

  • feature: Any new feature. Adding new functionality that has not yet existed.
  • removal: Signifying a deprecation or removal of public API.
  • bugfix: A bug fix.
  • improvement: An improvement. Improving functionality that already existed.
  • doc: A change to the documentation.
  • dependency: Dependency-related changes.
  • misc: Changes internal to the repo like CI, test and build changes.
  • breaking: introduces a breaking API change.
  • significant: Indicates that significant changes have been made to the code.
  • dependency: Indicates that there have been changes in dependencies.

A pull request may have more than one of these components, for example a code change may introduce a new feature that deprecates an old feature, in which case two fragments should be added. It is not necessary to make a separate documentation fragment for documentation changes accompanying the relevant code changes.

Examples for adding changelog entries to your Pull Requests

Added a ``:github:user:`` role to Sphinx config -- by :github:user:`someuser`
Fixed behavior of ``server`` -- by :github:user:`someuser`
Added support of ``timeout`` in ``LDAP``
-- by :github:user:`someuser`, :github:user:`anotheruser` and :github:user:`otheruser`


See pyproject.toml for all available categories (tool.towncrier.type).

How to skip change notes check?

Just add ci:skip-changelog label to pull request.

Release Process

Before making a release from the develop branch, follow these steps:

  1. Checkout to develop branch and update it to the actual state
git checkout develop
git pull -p
  1. Backup NEXT_RELEASE.rst
cp "docs/changelog/NEXT_RELEASE.rst" "docs/changelog/temp_NEXT_RELEASE.rst"
  1. Build the Release notes with Towncrier
VERSION=$(poetry version -s)
towncrier build "--version=${VERSION}" --yes
  1. Change file with changelog to release version number
mv docs/changelog/NEXT_RELEASE.rst "docs/changelog/${VERSION}.rst"
  1. Remove content above the version number heading in the ${VERSION}.rst file
awk '!/^.*towncrier release notes start/' "docs/changelog/${VERSION}.rst" > temp && mv temp "docs/changelog/${VERSION}.rst"
  1. Update Changelog Index
awk -v version=${VERSION} '/DRAFT/{print;print "    " version;next}1' docs/changelog/index.rst > temp && mv temp docs/changelog/index.rst
  1. Restore NEXT_RELEASE.rst file from backup
mv "docs/changelog/temp_NEXT_RELEASE.rst" "docs/changelog/NEXT_RELEASE.rst"
  1. Commit and push changes to develop branch
git add .
git commit -m "Prepare for release ${VERSION}"
git push
  1. Merge develop branch to master, WITHOUT squashing
git checkout master
git pull
git merge develop
git push
  1. Add git tag to the latest commit in master branch
git tag "$VERSION"
git push origin "$VERSION"
  1. Update version in develop branch after release:
git checkout develop

NEXT_VERSION=$(echo "$VERSION" | awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF++;print}' OFS=.)
poetry version "$NEXT_VERSION"

git add .
git commit -m "Bump version"
git push