🖥️ Welcome to the Operating Systems course repository! This repository hosts a comprehensive collection of reports, experiments, course materials, syllabus, books, practice questions, and more, designed for undergraduate Computer Engineering students at Urmia University.
The Books
directory includes essential reading materials to support your learning:
📁 File Name |
Bash Shell Scripting - Wikibooks.pdf |
kernel-module-programming.pdf |
The Course-Syllabus
directory provides the detailed schedule and overview of the Operating Systems course:
📁 File Name |
schedule-OS14011.pdf |
The Course-Materials
directory contains various resources and notes to aid your study:
📁 File Name |
Basic Linux commands.png |
Deadlock.pptx |
fileSystem.pdf |
O Management.pdf |
This directory features a series of practical experiments crafted to deepen your understanding of various operating systems concepts:
🧪 Experiment No. | 📂 Experiment Name |
1 | Processes & Threads |
2 | System Calls |
3 | Concurrency Control |
4 | Dining Philosophers |
5 | Windows Memory Management |
6 | Slab |
7 | Windows File Management |
8 | Windows Memory Management (Presentation) |
9 | Windows Processes and Threads (Presentation) |
10 | Windows File Management (Presentation) |
The Practice-Questions
directory includes sample exams and practice questions to help you prepare for tests:
📁 File Name |
OS-Sample Exams.pdf |
OS96-1-Mid1.pdf |
OS97-1-Mid1.docx |
The Pamphlet
directory contains course notes to supplement your study:
📁 File Name |
Operating Systems (Course Notes) - Dr. Sharifi.pdf |
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
I hope you find these materials and experiments helpful in your studies. Happy learning! 🎓