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Ivy Developer Guidelines

A short guide (that'll evolve with time) with one and only goal - to make us better developers.

PRs welcome!

Feedback: Welcome!

Proposals: Highly appreciated. 🚀

PRs for typos, better wording, better examples or minor edits are also very welcome!

Ivy Architecture (FRP)

The Ivy Architecture follows the Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) principles. A good example for them is The Elm Architecture.


  • Organize code (Scaleability)
  • Reduce complexity (Separation of responsibility)
  • Reuse code (Composability)
  • Limit side-effects (Less bugs)
  • Easier testing (Pure, Controlled Effects, UI)
  • Easier refactoring (Strongly Typed)

Architecture graph

graph TD;

android(Android System)

event -- Propagated --> viewmodel
viewmodel -- Triggers --> action
viewmodel -- "UI State (Flow)" --> view
action -- "Abstacts IO" --> pure
action -- "Composition" --> action
pure -- "Composition" --> pure
pure -- "Computes" --> action
action -- "Data" --> viewmodel

user -- Interracts --> view
view -- Produces --> event
android -- Produces --> event

Resources: (further learning)

0. Data Model

The Data Model in Ivy drives clear separation between domain pure data required for business logic w/o added complexity, entity database data, dto (data transfer object) JSON representation for network requests and ui data which we'll displayed.

Learn more at Android Developers Architecture: Entity.


  • Reduce complexity (JSON, DB specifics are isolated)
  • Flexibility (allows editting on Data object on different levels w/o breaking existing code)
  • Easier domain logic (unncessary fields are removed)

Data Model

graph TD;

ui_data(UI Data)

domain("Domain (Action, Pure)")

network -- Fetch --> dto -- Send --> network
dto --> data

db -- Retrieve --> entity -- Persist --> db
entity --> data

data --> entity
data --> dto

data -- Computation input --> domain
domain -- Computation output --> viewmodel
viewmodel -- Transform --> ui_data
ui_data -- "UI State (Flow)" --> ui



  • DisplayTransaction
    • UI specific fields
  • Transaction
    • domain data
  • TransactionEntity
    • has isSynced, isDeletedFlags db specific fields (Room DB anontations)
  • TransactionDTO
    • exactly what the API expects/returns (JSON)

Motivation: This separation reduces complexity and provides flexibility for changes.

1. Event (UI interaction or system)

The Event encapsulates outside world signals in an excepted format and abstracts user input and system events.

An Event is generated from either user interaction with the UI or a system subscription (e.g. Screen start, Time, Random, Battery level).


  • Simplifies domain logic. (Abstracts Input)
  • Makes ViewModel & Domain logic independent of Android & UI specifics. (Dependency Inversion)
graph TD;
world(Outside World)
system(System Event)

user -- Interracts --> ui
world -- Triggers --> system

ui -- Produces --> event
system -- Produces --> event

Note: There are infinite user inputs and outside world signals.

2. ViewModel (mediator)

Triggers Action for incoming Event, transforms the result to UI State and propagates it to the UI via Flow.


  • Domain logic & UI independent of each other. (Dependency Inversion)
  • Defines the behavior for each UI and connects it with the corresponding domain logic.
graph TD;


event -- Incoming --> viewmodel
viewmodel -- "Action Input" --> action
action -- "Action Output" --> viewmodel
viewmodel -- "UI State (Flow)" --> ui


3. Action (domain logic with side-effects)

Actions accept Action Input, handles threading, abstract side-effects (IO) and executes specific domain logic by compising pure functions or other actions.


  • Encapsulates domain logic.
  • Make business operations (actions) re-usable. (Composability)
  • Handles threading. (Reduces Complexity)
  • Simplifies the ViewModel.
  • Independent of UI State. (Dependency Inversion)
  • Provide side-effects for the pure layer via Dependency Injection. (DAOs, Retrofit, etc)

Action Types

  • FPAction(): declaritve FP style (preferable)
  • Action(): imperative OOP style

Action Graph:

graph TD;

input(Action Input)
output(Action Output)
pure(Pure Functions)


side-effect -- any --> io
dao -- DAOs --> io
network -- Retrofit --> io
io -- DI --> action

action -- Composition --> action
action -- Threading --> action

input --> action
action -- abstracted IO --> pure -- Result --> action
action -- Final Result --> output

Action Composition Examples

Calculate Balance

//Example 1: Calculates Ivy's balance
class CalcWalletBalanceAct @Inject constructor(
    private val accountsAct: AccountsAct,
    private val calcAccBalanceAct: CalcAccBalanceAct,
    private val exchangeAct: ExchangeAct,
) : FPAction<CalcWalletBalanceAct.Input, BigDecimal>() {

    override suspend fun Input.compose(): suspend () -> BigDecimal = recipe().fixUnit()

    private suspend fun Input.recipe(): suspend (Unit) -> BigDecimal =
        accountsAct thenFilter {
            withExcluded || it.includeInBalance
        } thenMap {
                    account = it,
                    range = range
        } thenMap {
                    data = ExchangeData(
                        baseCurrency = baseCurrency,
                        fromCurrency = (it.account.currency ?: baseCurrency).toOption(),
                        toCurrency = balanceCurrency
                    amount = it.balance
        } thenSum {
            it.orNull() ?: BigDecimal.ZERO

    data class Input(
        val baseCurrency: String,
        val balanceCurrency: String = baseCurrency,
        val range: ClosedTimeRange = ClosedTimeRange.allTimeIvy(),
        val withExcluded: Boolean = false

Overdue Transactions

//Example 2: Due transtions + due income/expense for a given filter
class DueTrnsInfoAct @Inject constructor(
    private val dueTrnsAct: DueTrnsAct,
    private val accountByIdAct: AccountByIdAct,
    private val exchangeAct: ExchangeAct
) : FPAction<DueTrnsInfoAct.Input, DueTrnsInfoAct.Output>() {

    override suspend fun Input.compose(): suspend () -> Output =
        suspend {
        } then dueTrnsAct then { trns ->
            val dateNow = dateNowUTC()
            trns.filter {
                this.dueFilter(it, dateNow)
        } then { dueTrns ->
            //We have due transactions in different currencies
            val exchangeArg = ExchangeTrnArgument(
                baseCurrency = baseCurrency,
                exchange = ::actInput then exchangeAct,
                getAccount = accountByIdAct.lambda()

                dueIncomeExpense = IncomeExpensePair(
                    income = sumTrns(
                    expense = sumTrns(
                dueTrns = dueTrns

    data class Input(
        val range: ClosedTimeRange,
        val baseCurrency: String,
        val dueFilter: (Transaction, LocalDate) -> Boolean

    data class Output(
        val dueIncomeExpense: IncomeExpensePair,
        val dueTrns: List<Transaction>

//Example 3: Overdue transactions + their income/expense
class OverdueAct @Inject constructor(
    private val dueTrnsInfoAct: DueTrnsInfoAct
) : FPAction<OverdueAct.Input, OverdueAct.Output>() {

    override suspend fun Input.compose(): suspend () -> Output = suspend {
            range = ClosedTimeRange(
                from = beginningOfIvyTime(),
                to = toRange
            baseCurrency = baseCurrency,
            dueFilter = ::isOverdue
    } then dueTrnsInfoAct then {
            overdue = it.dueIncomeExpense,
            overdueTrns = it.dueTrns

    data class Input(
        val toRange: LocalDateTime,
        val baseCurrency: String

    data class Output(
        val overdue: IncomeExpensePair,
        val overdueTrns: List<Transaction>

Actions are very similar to the "use-cases" from the standard "Clean Code" architecture.

Tip: You can compose actions and pure functions by using "then", "thenMap", "thenFilter", "thenSum".

Tip: When creating an Action make it as atomic as possible. The goal of each Action is to do one thing efficiently and to be composable with other actions like LEGO.

4. Pure (domain logic, pure code)

The pure layer must consist of only pure functions without side-effects. If the business logic requires, side-effects must be abstracted.


  • Avoid code duplication in Action(s). (Composability)
  • Reduce complexity by abstracting domain logic from side-effects (DB, Network, etc) (Effect-Based system)
  • Easier Unit Testing for the core domain logic.
  • Enables Property-based Testing.

Function types

  • Partial: not defined for all input values
@Partial(inCaseOf="b=0, produces ArithmeticException::class")
fun divide(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b
  • Total: defined for all input values but for the same input isn't guarantee to always return the same output (has side-effects)
//It's defined in all cases but with each call returns a different output
fun timeNowUTC(): LocalDateTime =

//Produdes logging side-effect which can be seen in Logcat
fun logMessage(
  msg: String
) {
  Log.d("DEBUG", msg) //SIDE-EFFECT!
  • Pure: defined for all input values and for the same input always returns the same result (has NO side-effects)
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

fun logMessage(
  msg: String,

  log: (String) -> Unit
) {
  log("DEBUG: $msg")

Each @Pure function must be total and its @SideEffect(s) if any abstracted.

Rule: If a pure function is called with the same input and mocked side-effects it must always produce the same output.

Pure graph

graph TD;

side-effect(IO / Side-Effect)
lambda("@SideEffect Lambda")

side-effect -- Implements --> lambda

input -- Data --> pure
lambda -- Abstracted Effects --> pure

pure -- Calculates --> output

Code Example

//domain.action (NOT PURE)
class ExchangeAct @Inject constructor(
    private val exchangeRateDao: ExchangeRateDao,
) : FPAction<ExchangeAct.Input, Option<BigDecimal>>() {
    override suspend fun Input.compose(): suspend () -> Option<BigDecimal> = suspend {
            data = data,
            amount = amount,
            getExchangeRate = exchangeRateDao::findByBaseCurrencyAndCurrency then {

    data class Input(
        val data: ExchangeData,
        val amount: BigDecimal

//domain.pure (PURE)
suspend fun exchange(
    data: ExchangeData,
    amount: BigDecimal,

    getExchangeRate: suspend (baseCurrency: String, toCurrency: String) -> ExchangeRate?,
): Option<BigDecimal> {

Tip: Make pure functions small, atomic and composable.

5. UI (@Composable)

Renders the UI State that the user sees, handles user input and transforms it to events which are propagated to the ViewModel. Do NOT perform any business logic or computations.


  • UI independent of logic.
  • Transform UI State into UI on the screen.
  • Abstracts the ViewModel from UI specifics.
graph TD;

uiState("UI State (Flow)")
ui("UI (@Composable)")

user -- Interracts --> ui
ui -- Produces --> event 
event -- "onEvent()" --> viewmodel
viewmodel -- "Action(s)" --> uiState
uiState -- "Flow#collectAsState()" --> ui

Exception: The UI layer may perform in-app navigation navigation().navigate(..) to reduce boiler-plate and complexity.

6. IO (side-effects)

Responsible for the implementation of IO operations like persistnece, network requests, randomness, date & time, etc.


  • Encapsulate IO effects. (Reduce Complexity)
  • Abstracts Action(s) from IO implementation.
  • Re-usable IO. (Composability)


  • Room DB, local persistence
  • Shares Preferences, local persistence
    • key-value pairs persistence
    • will be migrated to DataStore
  • Retrofit, Network Requests (REST)
    • send requests
    • parse response JSON with GSON
    • transform network errors to NetworkException
  • Randomness
    • UUID generation
  • Date & Time
    • current Date & Time (timeNowUtc, dateNowUtc)
    • Date & Time formatting using user's Locale

7. Andoid System (side-effects)

Responsible for the interaction with the Android System like launching Intent, sending notification, receiving push messages, biometrics, etc.


  • Abstracts Action(s) and UI from the Android System and its specifics. (Reduce Complexity)
  • Re-usable Android System efects. (Composability)


One of the reasons for the Ivy Architecture is to support painless, effective and efficient testing of the code base.


  • Verifies whether the code works as expected before reaching manual QA. (Stability)
  • Easier refactoring. (Tests will protect us)
  • Faster and more reliable QA. (Tests will ensure that the core functionality is working)
  • Instant feedback for Pull Requests. (CI/CD)

Unit Testing

Tests whether the code is working correctyly in the expected cases. (hard-coded cases)


  • Data Model
  • Pure

Property-Based Testing

Tests correctness in not expected cases by random generating test cases in given a possible range of input. (auto-generated tests cases)


  • Data Model
  • Pure

End-to-end Android Tests

Tests the integration and correctness with the Android SDK & System on specific Android API version. (end-to-end for logic)


  • Action
  • IO
  • Android System

UI Android Tests

Tests everything from the perspective of an user using the UI. Imagine it like an automated QA going through pre-defined scenarios. (end-to-end for everything)


  • UI (Compose)

Version 1.3.0

Feedback and proposals are highly appreciated! Let's spark techincal discussion and make Ivy and the Android World better! 🚀