Calculates the BE (blue essence) required to buy all unowned champions in League Of Legends using Riot LCU api.
The script gets the list of owned champions, the champion shards in the loot as well as the prices to buy champions from the store. it prioritizes buying champions using shards but if there's none then the store price is used.
py -3.7 -m venv venv
venv/Scripts/pip install install -r requirements.txt
Please make sure the client is open for the script to work.
venv/Scripts/python -m remaining-be-champions
Name ID Store Price Loot Price
Shyvana 102 3150 1890
Ahri 103 3150 None
Fizz 105 4800 None
Rengar 107 4800 None
Varus 110 4800 2880
Viktor 112 4800 None
Sejuani 113 4800 2880
Ziggs 115 4800 None
Skarner 72 4800 2880
Heimerdinger 74 3150 1890
Nidalee 76 3150 1890
Gragas 79 3150 1890
Ezreal 81 3150 None
Lillia 876 6300 None
Gwen 887 6300 None
Malzahar 90 4800 None
Kog'Maw 96 4800 None
Total Price Without Loot: 217,350
Total Price: 174,870
Champions To Buy: 45
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