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File metadata and controls

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Git theory

Git stores the complete history of your files for a project in a special directory (a.k.a. a folder) called a repository, or repo. This repo is usually in a hidden folder called .git sitting next to your files.

Keeping an entire history sounds expensive, but it isn't, because git is smart and does not replicate all your files, and instead keeps only changes to your files.

How does a repo work?

(Don't stress this section too much: it will all become second nature after you've used git for a bit.)

Hashes and diffs

A hash is a 160-bit summary of your data. Using an algorithm called SHA-1, Git mashes up the contents of your files until only 160 bits remain12. SHA1 and related algorithms have the nice property that if your files change just a little bit, their hash changes dramatically. For example, here are the SHA1 hashes of files containing just the string "hello" or "Hello":

{% highlight bash %} $ echo "hello" | openssl dgst -sha1 f572d396fae9206628714fb2ce00f72e94f2258f $ echo "Hello" | openssl dgst -sha1 1d229271928d3f9e2bb0375bd6ce5db6c6d348d9 {% endhighlight %}

This gives your data security, because if someone messes with it, or if a file gets subtly corrupted, the hashes will no longer match and git will know about it.

So, whenever you commit your data to git, it puts it in a special folder named .git, and stores its hash at that time. If you then make changes, git will only need to store the changes (also called the diff), but it will also store the hash of the data.

With these two things, git knows how to rebuild your data at any given time: find the last complete copy of the data, and then apply each diff in succession until the appropriate commit is reached. As additional verification, the hash of the data is recomputed and compared with the stored hash.

After a certain number of successive diffs, the files may be different enough that it's worthwhile storing them again from scratch. Git determines all this automatically. All you need to know is that storing file histories in git is cheap, much, much cheaper than storing multiple slightly different versions of a file.


Retrieving an earlier version of your work is then easy:

$ git checkout <hash>

This finds the version matching the supplied hash in the .git directory, and then copies it out to your working directory.

Branches and tags

Hashes are unwieldy and difficult to read, so git offers a number of conveniences to avoid having to deal with them most of the time. The first is tags, which are simply alternate names for specific hashes. Thus, if you are writing a paper, you can tag the version you submit as follows:

$ git tag submitted-version

From then on, the name "submitted-version" will be associated with that committed version of your files.

In addition to storing a history of a file, git can store alternate histories! This allows you to easily maintain different, parallel versions of a file. If you were writing a paper, you might have two different versions of the introduction, or you might have a version where you include a table and one where that table is pushed to the supplementary material. With branches, git helps you keep track of these, propagate changes from one to the other, and eventually merge them together.


In many cases, git can automatically merge branches that hold independent changes to a file or set of files. To continue with the paper example, if two different people work on different sections of the paper, Git will be able to merge the two versions together to update both sections.


The .git directory that we have mentioned is known as the repository, or repo for short. It contains all your past history, including the actual data, the hashes of the data, dates, and authors of changes, and tags and branches.

Once upon a time, before git was invented, repositories were always in a central location such as your department's main computing server. (The most popular version control system before git, Subversion, followed this model.) This made sharing of access unnecessarily cumbersome: you had to be very careful whom you allowed to commit changes to the repository, and you couldn't access the repository without an internet connection and sometimes a VPN.

In git, repositories can be replicated, either in full or in part, as many times as necessary. Git hashes enable this: since every version has a commit hash that is practically guaranteed to be unique, as well as one or more parent commits that are also hashed, it is easy to reason about duplicated versions of the history.

In addition to enabling backups, this also helps with collaboration but adds an extra layer that you need to consider when using git: in addition to your repository in .git and your working copy, there are also "clone" repositories, also called "forks". These are useful for backups and to collaborate with others.

While we commit to a repo from a working copy, and we check out to a working copy from a repo, we push to a fork from our repo, or fetch from a fork to our repo.



  1. http// A technical description of git hashing.

  2. An introduction to cryptographic hashing