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Table of (alleged / planned) unrest

Different forms of unrest in the British Isles as well as the British colonies pointed to strong cultural and political exchanges between the different parts of the Empire. In a a fully searchable data table, I have assembled events of (alleged / planned) conflicts in the British Empire and the independent United States between 1513 and 1819. The table is work in progress -- information on agents and outcomes may be missing or dubitable. The information given is based on SPARQL queries in the Wikidata Query Service as well as abstracts of archival items found in the National Archives of the UK online catalogue. The relevant Wikidata IDs and archival signatures have been added.

The thematic classification of the events on the right-hand side of the table gives a general overview of the different motivations that could drive 18th-century uprisings although the factors mentioned are by no means exclusive. There were, in fact, many overlaps between religious, cultural, social, economic and political aims. Therefore, the data table is meant as a starting point for further research.

The selected events listed below are mentioned in my publications on political violence in the 18th century. The hyperlinks lead to external resources provoding preliminary background information. Articles in the Encyclopedia Britannica, (local) government websites or academic e-publications have been linked alongside Wikipedia entries.

Selected events between the Monmouth Rebellion and the Peterloo Massacre

1685 1685 Monmouth Rebellion Duke of Monmouth against royal forces Royalist victory South West England South West England government
1688 1689 Glorious Revolution opposition to King James II/VII Protestant Succession established Britain / Ireland / North America Britain / Ireland / North America government
1700 # Riot on the Pretender's Birthday supporters of the Stuart dynasty # Clerkenwell and Whitechapel / England, Bristol / England, Dublin / Ireland Clerkenwell and Whitechapel / England, Bristol / England, Dublin / Ireland government
1706 1707 Union Act Riots civil unrest and disorder in Scottish towns in reaction to the English-Scottish union # Scotland / Britain Scotland / Britain government
1708 # Planned Invasion of 1708 Jacobites in France / French supporters of the Stuart dynasty British victory over the Jacobites /
France unable to disembark troops /
strategic gains for France as the British had to divert troops away to Scotland
Scotland Scotland government
1709 1710 Food Riots uprising of the poor # British Isles Great Britain economic / social
1710 1713 Boston Bread Riots series of three riots by the poor # Boston / MA Boston / MA economic / social
1710 # Sacheverell Riots support for oppositional (high Church) preacher Henry Sacheverell / attacks on the homes and meeting-houses of Dissenters one of the riots that led to the passing of the Riot Act London / England, Barnstaple / Devon / England, Wrexham / Wales, Gainsborough / Lincolnshire / England London / England, Barnstaple / Devon / England, Wrexham / Wales, Gainsborough / Lincolnshire / England religion / cultural identity
1711 # Cary's Rebellion against the government in North Carolina, fuelled also by religious division # North Carolina / North America North Carolina / USA government
1712 # (intended) Queen's Birthday Riot # # [London and Oxford] London and Oxford / England alleged / planned
1712 # (unsuccessful) New York Slave Revolt of 1712 slaves # New York New York slavery / rights of freed slaves
1713 1713 Dublin election riot # # Dublin / Kingdom of Ireland Dublin / Ireland government
1714 # Coronation Riots protest against the coronation of the first Hanoverian king of Great Britain / George I # England / Britain England / Britain government
1714 # Prince's birthday riots Tory riots on the occasion of the Prince of Wales's birthday # Oxford / England Oxford / England government
1715 # Jacobite Rebellion / the '15 attempted restoration of the Stuart monarchy failed England and Scotland England and Scotland government
1715 # 1715 England Riots / Rebellion Riots High Church adherents attacked Dissenting meeting-houses # England England religion / cultural identity
1715 # Jacobite Riots local risings in support of the Jacobite cause # Manchester / cities in northern England and Scotland Manchester and Scotland government
1716 # Prince's Birthday Riot Heads of University and Mayor "neglected to make public rejoicings" "crowd broke the windows of those who were celebrating and provoked the rioting by soldiers / scholars and townsmen" Oxford / England Oxford / England political freedoms / personal rights
1719 # ‘The Nineteen’ / Jacobite rising of 1719 attempt to restore the exiled James Francis Edward Stuart failed Spain / Scotland Spain / Scotland government
1719 1720 Calico Riots London weavers protest against cotton imports from India # London / England London / England economic / social
1721 # Atterbury Plot conspiracy led by Francis Atterbury / Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster / aimed at the restoration of the House of Stuart failed London / England London / England government
1725 # Malt Tax Riot taxation riot # Glasgow, Scotland Glasgow, Scotland economic / social
1726 1726 Lincoln Riot local riot against the removal of the spires on the cathedral of Lincoln # Lincoln / England Lincoln / England religion / cultural identity
1727 1729 Food Riot uprising of the poor # Falmouth / England Falmouth / England economic / social
1736 # Porteous Riots local population opposing Captain Porteous, sparked by the hanging of a smuggler # Edinburgh / Scotland Edinburgh / Scotland law enforcement
1736 # (Rumoured) Gin Act Riots one of several 18th-century riots opposing legislation meant to reduce gin consumption among the lower classes # England England economic / social
1740 1741 Food Riots / Irish Famine hungry townspeople "vented their frustration on grain dealers / meal-mongers and bakers / and when they turned to direct action the most likely flashpoints were markets or warehouses" permanent change in the country's demographic and economic landscape Ireland (e.g. Drogheda and other parts of the Empire Drogheda / Ireland economic / social
1741 # New York Conspiracy purported plot by slaves (and poor whites) to depose the colonial government trials followed but the plot could never be proven New York / United States New York / United States alleged / planned
1742 # Philadelphia Election Riot inhabitants of Philadelphia in British America # Philadelphia / United States Philadelphia / United States political freedoms / personal rights
1743 # London Gin Riots (London / England) one of several 18th-century riots opposing legislation meant to reduce gin consumption among the lower classes # London / England London / England economic / social
1744 # Planned French Invasion of Britain Jacobites in exile and their supporters # Normandy / France Normandy / France government
1745 1746 Jacobite Rebellion / the '45 Jacobite attempt to re-institute the Stuart monarchy (opposing the Hanoverian dynasty) Government victory / end of Jacobitism as a significant political force Scotland and Northern England Scotland government
1745 1746 Jacobite Rebellion / the '45 Jacobite attempt to re-institute the Stuart monarchy (opposing the Hanoverian dynasty) Government victory / end of Jacobitism as a significant political force Scotland and Northern England Northern England government
1747 # Knowles Riot / Impressment Riot protest against navy impressment # Boston / Massachusetts Boston / Massachusetts military regulations / peace-keeping
1751 # Tring Witch Hunt local inhabitants attack an alleged witch who is also accused of Jacobite sympathies # Tring / Hertfordshire / England Tring / Hertfordshire / England politically influenced witch hunt
1754 1754 Taunton by-election over 700 rejected votes / result caused rioting two people killed Taunton / England Taunton / England elections
1756 # Sheffield Food Riot social / economic grievances # Yorkshire / England Yorkshire / England economic / social
1759 Dublin riot rioting outside houses of parliament / response to rumours of a union between Ireland and Britain # # Dublin / Ireland Dublin / Ireland government
1759 # Planned French Invasion of Britain presumed Jacobites (in exile) # Normandy / France Normandy / France alleged / planned
1760 # Tacky's War / Tacky's Rebellion uprising of enslaved Akan people against British colonists # Colony of Jamaica Jamaica slavery / rights of freed slaves
1761 # Beginning of the Whiteboy Movement secret agrarian organisation violently defends tenant farmer land rights # Munster / Ireland Munster / Ireland economic / social
1761 # Durham Riot opposition to the new ballotting system for militia recruitment # Durham / England Durham / England military regulations / peace-keeping
1761 # Hexham Riot riot against new militia regulations # Hexham / Yorkshire Hexham / Yorkshire military regulations / peace-keeping
1763 # Oakboy / Hearts of Oak agrarian disturbances by rural population, involving many Ulster Presbyterians # Ulster / Ireland Ulster / Ireland economic / social
1765 1783 American Revolution American colonists ("patriots") oppose taxation and colonial administration American independence / establishment of republican government Lexington / Massachussetts Lexington / Massachussetts government
1765 # Stamp Act Riots taxation protest property damage and harassment of officials Boston / Massachusetts Boston / Massachusetts economic / social
1768 # St. George's Fields Massacre protest in favour of politician John Wilkes / intervention by Horse Grenadier Guards 3rd regiment of Foot guards seven people killed during armed intervention St George's Fields / Southwark / in South London Southwark / South London / England military regulations / peace-keeping
1769 # Steelboy / Hearts of Steel disturbances exclusively Protestant movement to address grievances about the sharp rise of rent and evictions # County Antrim / Ulster / Ireland County Antrim / Ulster economic / social
1770 # Boston Massacre anti-British / patriot riot resulting in military intervention # Boston / Massachusetts Boston / Massachusetts political freedoms / personal rights
1770 # Petition of the Freeholders of the Co. of York protest against "inadequate" representation in Parliament # York / England York / England political freedoms / personal rights
1770 # Petition of the Livery of London conflicts relating to the Middlesex election # London / England London / England elections
1772 1773 Food Riots uprising of the poor # British Isles Great Britain economic / social
1773 # Boston Tea Party conflict over trade and taxation # Boston / Province of Massachusetts Bay Boston / Massachusetts economic / social
1775 # Battle of Lexington and Concord (American War of Independence till 1783) first skirmish of the American Revolution # Lexington / New England Lexington / New England military regulations / peace-keeping
1775 # Seamen's revolt public protest / sabotage and prison escapes in Liverpool led by seamen # Liverpool / England Liverpool / England economic / social
1776 # Arsonist attacks on British seaports acts of sabotage / arson committed by craftsman James Aitken (known as "John the Painter"), supposedly committed in favour of the American cause conviction and death sentence  Bristol and Plymouth / England Plymouth / England government
1776 # Nottingham Cheese Riot local citizens opposing merchants military intervention Nottingham / Northern England Nottingham / England / Britian economic / social
1778 1778 Catholic Relief Act Riots citizens protesting against Catholic Emancipation property of local Catholics destroyed, armed intervention but debates whether authorities had acted early enough Glasgow / Scotland Glasgow / Scotland religion / cultural identity
1779 1779 Catholic Relief Act Riots citizens protesting against Catholic Emancipation # Edinburgh / Scotland Edinburgh / Scotland religion / cultural identity
1779 # Irish Volunteers parade Irish Volunteers demanding removal of restrictions on Irish trade # College Green / Dublin / Ireland College Green / Dublin / Ireland economic / social
1780 # Gordon Riots citizens of London protesting against Catholic Emancipaton estimated 300 deaths / damaged reputation of John Wilkes and the British monarchy London / England London / England religion / cultural identity
1781 # Pennsylvania Line Mutiny / Pennsylvania Winter Mutiny mutiny in the American army # Pennsylvania / North America Pennsylvania / USA military regulations / peace-keeping
1781 # Treason of Benedict Arnold American general Arnold defects to British side Arnold eventually leaves America West Point and New York / North America New York / United States supplementary conflict
1782 # Ulster Volunteer Convention Volunteer support for Patriot demands that the Irish parliament be granted greater autonomy delegates from Ulster Volunteer units adopt resolutions Dugannon / Ireland Dugannon / Ireland government
1784 # Formation of (Protestant) Peep O'Day Boys and (Catholic) Defenders sectarian conflict between agrarian Protestant association and local Catholics # Co. Armagh / Ireland Co. Armagh / Ireland economic / social
1785 # Whiteboy / Rightboy disturbances agrarian conflict # Munster / Ireland Munster / Ireland economic / social
1786 # Margeret Nicholson's assault on King George III knife attack on the king (political motives debated) attacker was certified insane and confined in a hospital London / Engand London / Engand mental illness
1786 1787 Shays' Rebellion privately-funded local militia in Massachusetts against court proceedings collecting taxes and debts rebellion put down Western Massachusetts Massachusetts / USA economic / social
1791 # Bastille Day Commemorations on July 14 public support for the French Revolution # Dublin / Belfast and other larger cities in Ireland and Britain Dublin / Ireland political freedoms / personal rights
1791 # Bastille Day Commemorations on July 14 public support for the French Revolution # Dublin / Belfast and other larger cities in Ireland and Britain Belfast / Ireland political freedoms / personal rights
1791 # Priestley Riots local inhabitants protesting against alleged celebration of the French Revolution # Birmingham / England Birmingham / England political freedoms / personal rights
1791 # Sheffield Riot / Broomhall Riots violence against the debtors' goal and the residence of Vicar Wilkinson during a protest against enclosure of 6,000 acres of common land and the widening of a road at the expense of the local graveyard furniture belonging to Wilkinson burnt Sheffield / England Sheffield / England economic / social
1792 # King's Birthday Riot planned protest against the Lord Advocate / Dundas, connected to rising food prices and the unpopular Corn Law # Edinburgh / Scotland Edinburgh / Scotland economic / social
1793 # Bristol Riots / Bristol Bridge Massacre taxation riot against bridge toll, suspected political (revolutionary) motives violently quelled, eleven people killed and 45 injured Bristol / England Bristol / England economic / social
1794 # Alleged French Invasion fear of invasion by revolutionary France # [Great Britain] [Great Britain] government
1794 # High Treason Trial of Thomas Hardy (London Corresponding Society) accusations of planned violence and treason against John Hardy and other members of the London Corresponding Society # London / England London / England government
1794 # High Treason Trials of David Downie and Robert Watt (Friends of the People / British Convention) allegations of treasonous proceedings # Edinburgh / Scotland Edinburgh / Scotland government
1794 # High Treason Trials of James Coigly and Arthur O'Connor treason charges related to unrest in Ireland # London / England London / England / Britain government
1791 1794 Whiskey Rebellion / Whiskey Insurrection Protests over taxes in Pittsburgh and the Monongahela Valley President George Washington invokes martial law and crushes insurrection with 13 /000 men. Western Pennsylvania and Monongahela Valley / USA Western Pennsylvania and Monongahela Valley / USA economic / social
1794 # Pop-Gun-Plot alleged conspirary to muder King George III # London / England London / England alleged / planned
1795 # Battle of the Diamond / Foundation of the Orange Society planned confrontation between the Catholic Defenders and the Protestant Peep o' Day Boys The Peep o' Day Boys were the victors / killing some 6 Defenders / with some wounded Peep o day boys in return. Loughgall / Co. Armagh / Ireland Loughgall / Co. Armagh / Ireland economic / social
1795 # Food Riots / Bread Riots (cf. "Revolt of the Housewives") regional protest against price rises # England and Scotland England and Scotland economic / social
1795 1795 Opening of Parliament Riots popular uprising in the City of London / including an attack on the king's coach, linked with political tension upon the opening of a new session in Parliament # London / England London / England government
1795 1795 "Revolt of the housewives" food riots with prominent role of women / linked with land enclosures # England England economic / social
1795 1795 Snow Hill Riot high cost of corn and every kind of provision led local people to assemble and protest, attack on Pickard's Mill magistrates not able to quell riot, armed intervention, 2 people shot and several arrested,"inflammatory and seditious handbills" distributed after the riot, reward of £100 to discover the authors Birmingham / England Birmingham / England economic / social
1796 1796 (alleged) Jacobin Plot accusation against Irish military staff to have plotted a French revolutionary invasion # [Great Britain] [Great Britain] alleged / planned
1796 1796 John Hartland Riot riot instigated by journeyman brush-maker John Hartland / attack on a "crimping house" (where men are bribed into sailing or army enlistments for drink) John Hartland tried St. George's-Fields / Southwark / England Southwark / England military regulations / peace-keeping
1797 1802 United Scotsmen Movement (fears of Scottish rebellion) authorities fear that United Scotsmen engage in national and international conspiracy Illegal Oaths Act passed in 1797 hindered the society's further growth Scotland Scotland government
1797 1797 Spithead and Nore mutinies mutiny by sailors of the British Royal Navy comparatively lenient treatment of men involved in both cases, crews in Spithead received a pay raise Spithead and Nore / Britain Spithead and Nore / Britain military regulations / peace-keeping
1797 1797 Tranent militia riot / Massacre of Tranent proclamation by local people to object to the conscription of Scots into the British Militia # Tranent / East Lothian / Scotland Tranent / East Lothian / Scotland military regulations / peace-keeping
1798 # Irish Rebellion / United Irish Rising launched by the United Irishmen / aimed at severing the connection with Great Britain and establishing an Irish Republic failed Ireland (in particular Leinster and Ulster Leinster / Ireland government
1799 # Freeing Arthur O'Connor alleged design by Sackville Earl of Thanet and others to free United Irishman Arthur O'Connor from custody # England / Britain England / Britain alleged / planned
1803 # 1803 rebellion / Rising of Robert Emmet Robert Emmet and Irish Republicans attempt to seize the seat of British government in Ireland / Dublin Castle / and trigger a nation-wide insurrection principal leader / Robert Emmet / executed, others exiled Dublin / Ireland  Dublin / Ireland government
1804 # Castle Hill convict rebellion Irish convicts Rebellion crushed violently: many rioters killed Castle Hill / Colony of New South Wales Castle Hill / New South Wales / Australia political freedoms / personal rights
1808 1810 Rum Rebellion New South Wales Corps arrest local governor Deposition and arrest of NSW Governor William Bligh.
Imposition of martial law.
Withdrawal and disbandment of NSW Corps in disgrace.
Appointment of Lachlan Macquarie as governor.
Sydney / New South Wales Sydney / New South Wales / Australia government
1809 # Old Price Riots local protest against rising price of threatre tickets # Covent Garden / London / England Covent Garden / London / England economic / social
1816 # Ely and Littleport riots reaction to unemployment and price rises # Littleport / Cambridgeshire / England Littleport / Cambridgeshire / England economic / social
1816 # Spa Fields riots riots developing from political mass meetings in opposition to government policy # Islington / England Islington / England political freedoms / personal rights
1819 # Peterloo Massacre riot for parliamentary reform # Manchester / England Manchester / England political freedoms / personal rights