Handles interacting with git inside a Dangerfile. Providing access to files that have changed, and useful statistics. Also provides access to the commits in the form of Git::Log objects.
Do something to all new and edited markdown filesmarkdowns = (git.added_files + git.modified_files) do_something markdowns.select{ |file| file.end_with? "md" }
Don't allow a file to be deleteddeleted = git.deleted_files.include? "my/favourite.file" fail "Don't delete my precious" if deleted
Fail really big diffsfail "We cannot handle the scale of this PR" if git.lines_of_code > 50_000
Warn when there are merge commits in the diffif commits.any? { |c| c.message =~ /^Merge branch 'master'/ } warn 'Please rebase to get rid of the merge commits in this PR' end
Paths for files that were added during the diff
Paths for files that were removed during the diff
Paths for files that changed during the diff
The overall lines of code added/removed in the diff
The overall lines of code removed in the diff
The overall lines of code added in the diff
The log of commits inside the diff
Handles interacting with GitHub inside a Dangerfile. Provides a few functions which wrap pr_json
and also
through a few standard functions to simplify your code.
Warn when a PR is classed as work in progresswarn "PR is classed as Work in Progress" if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]"
Ensure that labels have been used on the PRfail "Please add labels to this PR" if github.labels.empty?
Check if a user is in a specific GitHub org, and message them if sounless github.api.organization_member?('danger', github.pr_author) message "@#{pr_author} is not a contributor yet, would you like to join the Danger org?" end
Ensure there is a summary for a PRfail "Please provide a summary in the Pull Request description" if github.pr_body.length < 5
The title of the Pull Request.
The body text of the Pull Request.
The username of the author of the Pull Request.
The labels assigned to the Pull Request.
The branch to which the PR is going to be merged into.
The branch to which the PR is going to be merged from.
The base commit to which the PR is going to be merged as a parent.
The head commit to which the PR is requesting to be merged from.
The hash that represents the PR's JSON. For an example of what this looks like see the Danger Fixture'd one.
Provides access to the GitHub API client used inside Danger. Making it easy to use the GitHub API inside a Dangerfile.
One way to support internal plugins is via plugin.import
this gives you
the chance to quickly iterate without the need for building rubygems. As such,
it does not have the stringent rules around documentation expected of a public plugin.
It's worth noting, that you can also have plugins inside ./danger_plugins
and they
will be automatically imported into your Dangerfile at launch.
Import a plugin available over HTTPdevice_grid = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fastlane/fastlane/master/danger-device_grid/lib/device_grid/plugin.rb" plugin.import device_grid
Import from a local file referenceplugin.import "danger/plugins/watch_plugin.rb"
Import all files inside a folderplugin.import "danger/plugins/*.rb"
Download a local or remote plugin and use it inside the Dangerfile.
Provides the feedback mechanism for Danger. Danger can keep track of messages, warnings, failure and post arbitrary markdown into a comment.
The message within which Danger communicates back is amended on each run in a session.
Each of message
, warn
and fail
have a sticky
flag, true
by default, which
means that the message will be crossed out instead of being removed. If it's not use on
subsequent runs.
By default, using fail
would fail the corresponding build. Either via an API call, or
via the return value for the danger command.
It is possible to have Danger ignore specific warnings or errors by writing Danger: Ignore "[warning/error text]
Sidenote: Messaging is the only plugin which adds functions to the root of the Dangerfile.
Failing a buildfail "This build didn't pass tests"
Failing a build, but not keeping it's value around on subsequent runsfail("This build didn't pass tests", sticky: false)
Passing a warningwarn "This build didn't pass linting"
Displaying a markdown tablemessage = "### Proselint found issues\n\n" message << "Line | Message | Severity |\n" message << "| --- | ----- | ----- |\n" message << "20 | No documentation | Error \n" markdown message
Print markdown to below the table
Print out a generate message on the PR
Specifies a problem, but not critical
Declares a CI blocking error
A list of all messages passed to Danger, including the markdowns.
A list of all violations passed to Danger, we don't anticipate users of Danger needing to use this.