Table is used for config report's export data format.
- A collection: include rows;
- A row: include columns;
- A column: related to a model object, directly or indirectly;
So, just config them.
# we usually place the file in app/reports/example_table
class ExampleTable < OneReport::Base
- Before config collection, you should defined a scope for the Model first
# consider a User model
# need define some scope before used it;
class User
scope :one_report_scope, ->(size) { limit(size) }
- call
method for define collection, the params should be a lambda, and the collection should response to methodeach
class ExampleTable < OneReport::Base
def config(size)
# the collection should respond to method `each`
collect -> { User.one_report_scope(size) }
use for each collection element's method, to pass a method name or a lambda the order is important, all columns order by It's defined order
class ExampleTable < OneReport::Base
def config(size)
# the collection should respond to method `each`
collect -> { User.one_report_scope(size) }
# with default header and default field method
# default header use 'titleize' method to format
# default field method equal column's name
column :name
# with assigned header and default field method
column :name, header: 'My name'
# with assigned header and assigned field method
column :name, header: 'My name', field: -> { name }