Word | Explanation | Link (If needed) |
Domain Name | 'the web address of your online store, for example www.myshop.com.' |
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Discount Code | 'In eCommerce, a discount code is also called as a Coupon code or Promo code. These codes consist of letters and numbers which are computer-generated and used to activate discounts or special offers on the site.' |
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Discount Rate | 'Discount rate is a percentage rate which is charged by the acquiring banks for processing the merchant’s transactions. This charge is a small percentage of each purchase and it depends on several factors like type of card, how credit card was processed and order placed, and whether CVM or AVS were used.' |
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Dropshipping | 'A type of ecommerce arrangement where the manufacturer or distributor ships directly to your customers, often in generic packaging. This means you don’t hold stock, but expect to pay a greater cost per item sold.' |
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