This is the Back-End Part of the project "Food_StoreChain_Portal" using Java EE with JAX-RS, JPA, EJB and JAAS.
You can check the Front-End Part Here.
- Maven
- MySQL Database
This is a maven project so maven takes care of all other dependencies:
- Swarm to run server
- JAX-RS for Rest Services
- JPA for integration with a persistent DataBase (MySQL)
- EJB to handle fetching and database transactions
- JAAS for authentication of users
run database scripts in
or we can simply create our own database with data (considering entity names) -
with maven installed run command
mvn clean install && java -jar target/Food_Portal_BE-swarm.jar
When run the server can be found on
We can then talk to the server using the browser (GET requests) or through Postman for other HTTP methods
Alternatively we can talk to the server using the other part of this project the Front-end using AngularJS