Have you ever wanted to remove disturbing objects from photos / videos or even online?
Our application will provide you with this opportunity.
docker pull joulin/blurred:latest
# Clone directory
git clone -b develop git@github.com:Mrjoulin/AR_remove_object.git
cd AR_remove_object
sudo sh setup.sh
# And after Docker start and build
And then install all dependencies using python pip
# Installing a newer python (if necessary)
sudo apt-get install python3
# Install all dependensies
apt-get install -y libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev python3-tk libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libopus-dev libvpx-dev pkg-config
pip install -r Docker/requirements.txt
All objects detected by "Tensorflow Object Detection" algoritm. Therefore, before using the application, make sure that it is installed (installation guide).
# if you use Docker, then after Docker start and build, your terminal will open
# To run server
python wsgi.py [any options]
# To run app localy (use webcam)
python run.py [any options]
Run python <name_file>.py --help
to watch all options
Our application offers several options for processing directories with video, online, etc.
Processing all videos in a folder using one of the algorithms (see clause 2.1)
# Use a --inpaint algoritm to render directory with videos
python run.py --render_directory videos/input_videos/to_render/
The final videos will be in videos/out_videos directory
Vidos processing using the selected algorithm (see clause 2.1)
# Use a --inpaint algoritm to render a video
python run.py --render_video videos/input_videos/to_render/<you_video>.MOV
The final video will be in videos/out_videos directory
Images processing using the selected algorithm (see clause 2.1)
# Use a --inpaint algoritm to render an image
python run.py --render_image server/imgs/render_img.jpeg
The final image will be in AR_remover directory
Use a web camera to online processing objects
# Use a web camera for online rendering
python run.py --render_online
These are requests to our server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5000
to receive the processed frame.
Start page with buttons for testing server response
POST request to WebRTC connection with server. Rendering a stream video
sdp, type: <string>, <string> - for WebRTC connection
video_transform: (check Input in Data Channel) - it's need to start
"message_id": <message id>
"name": <name_algorithm>, - name algorithm. Options: "", "edges", "boxes", "inpaint"
"src": [<additional variables>] - for "inpaint" -- [<class id objects>] (For example: [1, 15]; ["all"])
for others -- []
"message_id": <message id>,
"data": [
"class_id": <class id object>, - for example: 23 (int)
"position: {
"x_min": <position top left point of the rectangle>, - from the left edge (example: 0,1325..)
"y_min": <position top left point of the rectangle>, - from the top edge (example: 0,3271..)
"x_max": <position bottom right point of the rectangle>, - from the left edge (example: 0,562..)
"y_max": <position bottom right point of the rectangle> - from the top edge (example: 0,8932..)
] - detected objects: for "inpaint" - removed objects
for "boxes" - all detected objects
for others - []
To see examples follow this link