For our experiments, we chose the domain-specific Khresmoi EN-DE data set by Dušek et al. [1]. It contains 1500 English sentences with complex medical terminology and German translations. The test set contains 1000 sentences and the development set 500.
In order to prepare the data for our experiments you have to preprocess it. First, you need to tokenize the respective documents from the data set: khresmoi-summary-dev.en,, khresmoi-summary-test.en and In order to achieve this, we used the Tokenizer from Mosesdecoder with the following command for each document:
perl mosesdecoder-master\scripts\tokenizer\tokenizer.perl -l en -no-escape < [filename] > [filename].tok
Afterward we applied standard BPE with vocab size 32000 using subword-nmt:
./ -c bpe.32000 < [filename].tok > [filename].tok.bpe
We used the bpe.32000 file located in nmtvis-server/.data/vocab.
These files have to be placed in nmtvis-server/.data/evaluation and can now be used as input to our evaluation experiments.
We implemented different methods for a computer-based evaluation of our approach considering different aspects. The corresponding Python scripts are located in nmtvis-server/:
- evaluation_correlation performs analysis regarding the improvement of a document when analysing characTER and BLEU scores on both the Khresmoi test and development data.
- evaluation_retrain_test performs analysis regarding the improvement of BLEU scores when retraining and retranslating a document using the Khresmoi development data for retraining and the test data for retranslation.
- evaluation_retrain_dev performs analysis regarding the improvement of BLEU scores when retraining and retranslating a document using the Khresmoi test data for retraining and the development data for retranslation.
- evaluation_retrain_plot generates plots for the results created with evaluation_retrain_devset or evaluation_retrain_testset
[1] Dušek, Ondřej ; Hajič, Jan; Hlaváčová, Jaroslava; Libovický, Jindřich; Pecina, Pavel; Tamchyna, Aleš; Urešová, Zdeňka, 2017, Khresmoi Summary Translation Test Data 2.0, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,