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File metadata and controls

165 lines (142 loc) · 8.02 KB

Group 2 - Unstructured Data Join the chat at Codacy Badge

This project aims to filter for entities in unstructured data using data from the Common Crawl.

  • This project pulls it's entities from a PostgreSQL database,
  • Pulls data from the Common Crawl and simultaneously filters for entities,
  • And then saves the found entities back in the DB and uploads relevant pages into an Azure blob storage container.

This project allows for distributed computing as all tasks are being handled by an Azure task queue.

Fetch dependencies and compile source

Navigate to the project root and run yarn install. Yarn has to be installed on the machine.
Once that's finished run npm run compile to compile everything to Javascript.


$ Usage: app [options]

> Options:

    -h, --help                                output usage information
    -P, --Process                             process queue items
    -A, --Add                                 add items to the queue
    -M, --Monitor                             monitor queue size
    --Delete-queue                            delete queue
    -d, --db-location [host]:[port]           database location, e.g. ""
    -a, --db-access [user]:[password]         database access, e.g. "USER:PASSWORD"
    -n, --db-name [name]                      database name, e.g. "ProductionDB"
    -b, --blob-access [account]:[accessKey]   blob storage credentials, e.g. "wetstorage:AZURE_KEY_HERE"
    -c, --blob-container [containerName]      blob storage container name for website content, e.g. "websites"
    -j, --json-container [containerName]      blob storage container name for metadata, e.g. "metadata"
    -q, --queue-access [account]:[accessKey]  task queue credentials, e.g. "queueservice:AZURE_KEY_HERE"
    -s, --queue-name [queueName]              task queue name, e.g. "taskqueue"
    -t, --heuristic [threshold]:[limit]       filter strictness, the higher the stricter, e.g. "3", "3:7" (inclusive:exclusive)
    -l, --avg-line-length [length]            remove short lines from content before filtering, e.g. "100"
    --processes [number]                      number of worker threads, e.g. "4"
    --use-json                                save metadata to json container instead of DB
    --languages [languageCodes]               languages to filter for in ISO 639-1, e.g. "['de', 'en', 'fr']"
    --enable-pre-filter                       enable bloom filter as pre filter
    --crawl-version [version]                 common crawl version, e.g. "CC-MAIN-2017-13"
    --wet-range [from]:[to]                   select a subset of WET files from CC, e.g. "0:420" (inclusive:exclusive)
    --wet-caching                             cache downloaded WET files (EXPERIMENTAL)
    -f, --file-only-logging                   disable console logging

Operating modes

At least one operating mode has to be selected via the options --Add, --Process, --Monitor and --Delete-queue:

  • Option -A, --Add will add new items to the queue.
    • --crawl-version can be used to select which Common Crawl version should be used.
      Defaults to CC-MAIN-2017-13.
    • --wet-range can be used to only add a subset of all WET files to the queue. By default all WET files will be added to the queue.
  • Option -P, --Process will spawn multiple worker processes and will start processing queue items.
    • -l, --avg-line-length will shrink web page content down to its main text based on average line length. Defaults to 40.
    • --enable-pre-filter will enable pre filtering which might improve performance in some cases.
      Defaults to false.
    • --languages can be used to restrict the results to only a few languages.
      This expects a JSON formatted list of ISO 639-1 language codes.
      An empty list [] will result in all languages being accepted.
      Defaults to English.
    • --processes can be used to set the number of worker processes.
      Defaults to the number of logical CPU cores.
    • -t, --heuristic-threshold sets the filter strictness, the higher the stricter.
      Threshold defaults to 3, limit to infinity.
    • --use-json can be set to save the resulting metadata to the specified JSON container instead of the DB.
    • --wet-caching can be used to save the downloaded and processed WET files to disk. (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • Option -M, --Monitor will constantly monitor the queue size.
  • Option --Delete-queue will permanently delete the queue.
    This mode can't be combined with any other operating mode. If multiple modes are selected only --Delete-queue will be run.

The following arguments will only be used when using mode -P, --Process:

  • -d, --db-location, defaults to "localhost:5432"
  • -a, --db-access, has no default value
  • -n, --db-name, has no default value
  • -b, --blob-access, has no default value
  • -c, --blob-container, defaults to "websites"
  • -j, --json-conatiner, defaults to "metadata"

Config file

Alternatively to supplying all the arguments via the CLI they can be set via the config.json file:

  "dbHost": "",
  "dbPort": 5432,
  "dbUser": "USER",
  "dbPW": "PASSWORD",
  "dbName": "ProductionDB",
  "blobAccount": "wetstorage",
  "blobContainer": "websites",
  "blobKey": "AZURE_KEY_HERE",
  "queueAccount": "parsertaskqueue",
  "queueName": "taskqueue",
  "queueKey": "AZURE_KEY_HERE",
  "heuristicThreshold": 3,
  "heuristicLimit": 7,
  "avgLineLength": 100,
  "processes": 4,
  "useJson": false,
  "languageCodes": [
  "enablePreFilter": false,
  "crawlVersion": "CC-MAIN-2017-13",
  "wetFrom": 0,
  "wetTo": 420,
  "fileOnlyLogging": false

Environment variables

All arguments can also be supplied via environment variables. The environment variable names have to match those in config.json with an added MCM_, e.g.:
MCM_dbHost, MCM_dbPort, MCM_dbUser, ...

Importing JSON into the DB

When using the --use-json flag all resulting metadata will be saved as a series of JSON files instead of to the DB. In order to use that data it has to be imported to a new temporary table where each entry is a single JSON object. The following script will then assign IDs to these objects and will then extract website and contains entries from them.

-- Drop old data in contains and website tables and all tables referencting said data
TRUNCATE TABLE websites, contains CASCADE;

-- Add IDs
ADD COLUMN id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid();

-- Populate websites table
INSERT INTO websites
           data->>'url' AS url,
           data->>'bloburl' AS blob_url,
           current_timestamp AS createdAt,
           current_timestamp AS updatedAt

-- Populate contains table
with occurences AS (
    SELECT id, data->>'occurrences' AS occ 
), elems AS (
    SELECT id, elems 
    FROM occurences, json_array_elements(cast(occ AS json)) AS elems
INSERT INTO contains
    SELECT gen_random_uuid() AS id,
                'term', e.elems->'term'->'value', 
                'positions', e.elems->'positions'
           ) AS occurences,
           current_timestamp AS createdAt,
           current_timestamp AS updatedAt,
           CAST( AS UUID) AS websiteId,
           CAST(e.elems->'term'->>'entityId' AS UUID) AS entityId
    FROM elems e;