+ Constructor to init the ProjectManager manager
: helper to manage the projects database operations
diff --git a/.idea/migrations.xml b/.idea/migrations.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8051a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/migrations.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Constructor to init the ProjectManager manager
: helper to manage the projects database operations
Method to get whether the user who made a request on server is an authorized member of a project
whether the user who made a request on server is an authorized member of a project as boolean
: the identifier of the user who made request
: the identifier of the checked project
the current project in use
The ProjectManager
class is useful to give the base utilities to work with project database operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the current project in useprojectsHelper
helper to manage the project database operationsMethod to get whether the user who made a request on server is an authorized member to make operations on the checked project such upload asset or promote releases, so is the author or a Vendor
whether the user who made a request on server is an authorized member to make operations on the checked project as boolean
: the identifier of the user who made request
: the identifier of the checked project
Method to get whether the user who made a request on server is the author of the checked project
whether the user who made a request on server is the author of the checked project
: the identifier of the user who made request
: the identifier of the checked project
Method to get whether the user who made a request on server is the author of the checked project
whether the user who made a request on server is the author of the checked project
: the checked project
: the identifier of the user who made request
Method to get whether the user who made a request on server is a qualified member to make operations on the checked project such comment release, so is a Customer
whether the user who made a request on server is a qualified member to make operations on the checked project as boolean
: the identifier of the user who made request
: the identifier of the checked project
helper to manage the project database operations
Constructor to init the ProjectsController controller
: helper to manage the projects database operations
: helper to manage the users database operations
Method to add members in a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where add the members
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "projectMembers": "the emails of the members", -> [List of String]
+ "role": "the role to attribute at the members" -> [String]
+ }
Method to add a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "logoUrl": "the logo of the project path", -> [String]
+ "name": "the project name" -> [String],
+ "projectMembers": "the identifiers of the members", -> [List of String]
+ }
Method to delete a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier of the project to delete
: the token of the user
Method to update a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
: the project identifier to update
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "logoUrl": "the logo of the project path", -> [String]
+ "name": "the project name" -> [String],
+ "projectMembers": "the identifiers of the members", -> [List of String]
+ }
Method to get a joining code from the database No-any params required
a joining code as JoiningQRCode, if not exists null
Method to get a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
: the project identifier to get
The ProjectsController
class is useful to manage all the project operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the current project in useprojectsHelper
helper to manage the project database operationsusersHelper
helper to manage the users database operationsMethod to join in a project. If the member is already logged in the same server will be just add to the project, else will be signed up and returned the credentials after joined in the project
the result of the request as String
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "id" : "the identifier of the joining qrcode" -> [String] //OR "join_code": "the textual join code",
+ "name" : "the name of the user" -> [String],
+ "surname": "the surname of the user" -> [String],
+ "email": "the email of the user" -> [String],
+ "password": "the password of the user" -> [String]
+ }
Method to leave from a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier from leave
: the token of the user
Method to get a projects list
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
Method to mark a member as Tester of the project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier from remove the member
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "member_id": "the identifier of the member to remove", -> [String]
+ }
Method to remove a member from a project
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier from remove the member
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "member_id": "the identifier of the member to remove", -> [String]
+ }
helper to manage the users database operations
Constructor to init the ProjectsController controller
: helper to manage the projects database operations
: helper to manage the releases database operations
Method to add a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "release_version": "the version for the release", -> [String]
+ "release_notes": "the notes attached to the release" -> [String]
+ }
Method to comment the last assets uploaded on a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier where comment the last assets uploaded
: the event identifier to comment
: the token of the user
: payload of the request:
+ {
+ "status" : "Approved" -> [String] // the release has been approved by the Customer
+ }
+ {
+ "status" : "Rejected" -> [String] // the release has been rejected by the Customer,
+ "reasons" : "reasons of the rejection", -> [String]
+ "tags": "list of tags attached to the rejection" -> [List of String]
+ }
Method to create a report for a release
the result of the request as String, if successful includes the path to reach the report
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier from create the report
: the token of the user
Method to delete a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier of the release to delete
: the token of the user
Method to add a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier of the release to edit
: the token of the user
: payload of the request
+ {
+ "release_version": "the version for the release", -> [String]
+ "release_notes": "the notes attached to the release" -> [String]
+ }
Method to fill a rejected tag
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier where fill the rejected tag
: the rejected event identifier where the rejected tag is attached
: the rejected tag to fill
: the token of the user
: payload of the request:
+ {
+ "comment" : "the comment to attach at the rejected tag" -> [String]
+ }
Method to format the version of a release No-any params required
the version of a release formatted as String
Method to get a release if the user is authorized and if the release is attached to the requested project
the release attached to the requested project as Release or null if not authorized
: the release identifier to fetch
Method to get a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier to get
: the token of the user
The ReleasesController
class is useful to manage all the release operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the current project in useprojectsHelper
helper to manage the project database operationsreleasesHelper
helper to manage the releases database operationsMethod to promote a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier to promote
: the token of the user
: payload of the request:
+ {
+ "release_status" : "the release status to set" -> [String] //Alpha, Beta or Latest
+ }
helper to manage the releases database operations
Method to upload some assets on a release
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the project identifier where the release is attached
: the release identifier where upload the asset
: the token of the user
: the assets to upload
: the comment about the assets uploaded
class is useful to give the base utilities to work with project database operationsProjectsController
class is useful to manage all the project operationsReleasesController
class is useful to manage all the release operationsThe DefaultNovaController
class is useful to give the base behavior of the Nova's controllers
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the endpoint to get the current ip address where the server is running
the page when the QRCode requested is not valid
the background color to apply to the QR code
the pathname for the temporary QRCode file
Method to format and return the INVALID_QR_CODE_PAGE due the link expiration or the not existing of that link
the title of the invalid page as String
: the custom link requested
: the model used by Thymeleaf to format the web page
helper to manage the JoiningQRCode database operations
Method to get the current server details
protocol, ip and server port formatted as url as String
: the http request useful to get the current protocol, ip and server port
The JoiningQRCodeWebPageProvider
class is useful to provide the dedicated web page of a JoiningQRCode and manage the invalid accesses
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the endpoint to get the current ip address where the server is runningcodesHelper
helper to manage the JoiningQRCode database operationsINVALID_QR_CODE_PAGE
the page when the QRCode requested is not validQR_CODE_BACKGROUND
the background color to apply to the QR codeTEMP_QR_FILE
the pathname for the temporary QRCode fileMethod to get a web dedicated page for a JoiningQRCode
the correct webpage title to display as String
: the model used by Thymeleaf to format the web page
: the http request useful to get whether language the user is using to format properly the page language
: the qrcode requested
the translations manager
Method to format and return the JOIN_CODE_KEY related page
the title of the correct page as String
: the custom link requested
: the model used by Thymeleaf to format the web page
: the http request useful to get the current protocol, ip and server port
Constructor to init the EquinoxUsersController controller
: helper to manage the users database operations
Method to get the notifications of the user
the result of the request as String
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
Method to get the potential members to add in a project
the result of the request as [JSONObject]
: the identifier of the user
: the token of the user
The UsersController
class is useful to manage all the user operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
instance useful to manage the notificationsnotificationsRepository
instance useful to manage the notifications
class is useful to give the base behavior of the Nova's controllersJoiningQRCodeWebPageProvider
class is useful to provide the dedicated web page of a JoiningQRCode and manage the invalid accessesUsersController
class is useful to manage all the user operationsMethod to set the CORS filter No any-params required
The CORSAdvice
class is useful to set the CORS policy
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the assets directory where are stored the assets of the releases uploaded
the logos directory where are stored the logos of the projects
the reports directory where are stored the reports of the releases created
the complete reports path from resources directory
Method to create the pathname for an asset
the pathname created for an asset
: the resource from create its pathname
Method to create the pathname for a project logo
the pathname created for a project logo
: the resource from create its pathname
: the resource identifier
Method to create the pathname for a report
the pathname created for a report
: the resource from create its pathname
: the resource identifier
Method to delete an asset
whether the asset has been deleted as boolean
: the asset identifier of the asset to delete
Method to delete a project logo
whether the project logo has been deleted as boolean
: the project logo identifier of the logo to delete
Method to delete a report
whether the report has been deleted as boolean
: the report identifier of the report to delete
The NovaResourcesManager
interface is useful to create and manage the resources files as profile pic, project logo, asset and report
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the assets directory where are stored the assets of the releases uploadedLOGOS_DIRECTORY
the logos directory where are stored the logos of the projectsREPORTS_DIRECTORY
the reports directory where are stored the reports of the releases createdRESOURCES_REPORTS_PATH
the complete reports path from resources directoryAdd handlers to serve static resources such as images, js, and, css files from specific locations under web application root, the classpath, and others.
The ResourceConfigs
class is useful to set the configuration of the resources to correctly serve the images by the server
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
class is useful to set the CORS policyNovaResourcesManager
interface is useful to create and manage the resources files as profile pic, project logo, asset and reportResourceConfigs
class is useful to set the configuration of the resources to correctly serve the images by the serverMethod to execute the query to delete an existing JoiningQRCode after that all the member joined in the project or when the qrcode is expired
: the identifier of the qrcode to delete
Method to execute the query to select a JoiningQRCode by its textual join code
the selected qrcode as JoiningQRCode
: the textual join code of the qrcode to get
Method to execute the query to select a JoiningQRCode by its identifier
the selected qrcode as JoiningQRCode
: the identifier of the qrcode to get
The JoiningQRCodeRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the joining qrcodes
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to add a new JoiningQRCode
: the identifier of the qrcode
: the creation date when the qrcode has been created
: the textual join code
: the project identifier where join with the qrcode
Method to execute the query to delete from an existing JoiningQRCode an email of a member invited with that joining qrcode
: the identifier of the qrcode
: the email of the member to remove
Method to execute the query to update an existing JoiningQRCode after a user join in a project and the allowed mailing list must remove the joined member
: the identifier of the qrcode
: the emails of the members
Method to execute the query to add a new Project
: the identifier of the project
: the logo of the project formatted as url
: the project name
: the identifier of the author who create the project
Method to execute the query to delete an existing Project
: the identifier of the project to delete
Method to execute the query to edit an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
: the project name
Method to execute the query to add an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
: the logo of the project formatted as url
: the project name
Method to execute the query to get an existing Project if the user is authorized
the selected project as Project
: the identifier of the project
: the identifier of the user
Method to execute the query to get the list of Project where the user who made the request is a member
: the identifier of the user
The ProjectsRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the projects
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to join a new member in an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
: the identifier of the member to join
Method to execute the query to mark a member as Tester
: the identifier of the project
: the identifier of the member to mark as tester
Method to execute the query to remove all the members from an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
Method to execute the query to remove all testers from a Project
: the identifier of the project
Method to execute the query to remove a member from an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
: the identifier of the member to remove
Method to execute the query to remove a tester from an existing Project
: the identifier of the project
: the identifier of the tester to remove
Method to execute the query to select all the notifications of a user
the notifications list as List of NovaNotification
: the identifier of the user who the notifications belong
The NotificationsRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the notifications of the users
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to insert a new NovaNotification
: the identifier of the notification
: the logo url of the related project
: the identifier of the related release
: the version of the related release
: the status of the related release
: the identifier of the user who the notification belongs
Method to execute the query to insert a new NovaNotification when a project has been deleted
: the identifier of the notification
: the logo url of the related project
: the identifier of the user who the notification belongs
Method to execute the query to insert a new NovaNotification when a release has been deleted
: the identifier of the notification
: the logo url of the related project
: the version of the related release
: the identifier of the user who the notification belongs
Method to execute the query to set as red all the notifications of a user deleting the related records
: the identifier of the user who the notifications belong
Method to execute the query to set as sent all the notifications of a user
: the identifier of the user who the notifications belong
Method to execute the query to delete an existing asset uploading event (AssetUploadingEvent)
: the identifier of the event to delete
Method to execute the query to delete an existing rejected release event (RejectedReleaseEvent)
: the identifier of the event to delete
Method to execute the query to delete an existing release event
: the identifier of the event to delete
The ReleaseEventsRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the events of the releases
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to insert a new asset uploading event (AssetUploadingEvent)
: the identifier of the event
: date when the event occurred
: the identifier of the release when the event occurred
: the status of the event (Verifying)
: the comment about the assets uploaded
Method to execute the query to insert a new asset uploaded (AssetUploaded)
: the identifier of the event
: the identifier of the asset
: the url to reach the asset
: the name of the asset
Method to execute the query to insert a new rejected release event (RejectedReleaseEvent)
: the identifier of the event
: date when the event occurred
: the identifier of the release when the event occurred
: the status of the event (Rejected)
Method to execute the query to insert a new release event
: the identifier of the event
: date when the event occurred
: the identifier of the release when the event occurred
: the status of the event
Method to execute the query to set as commented the last AssetUploadingEvent
: the identifier of the event
Method to execute the query to comment an existing RejectedTag
: the identifier of the rejected tag
: the comment to insert
The ReleaseTagRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the tag assigned when the releases are rejected
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to insert a new RejectedTag
: the identifier of the rejected tag
: the value of the tag to insert
: the identifier of the event
Method to execute the query to add a new Release
: the identifier of the release
: the creation date when the release has been created
: the version of the release
: the identifier of the project where attach the release
: the notes attached to the release
Method to execute the query to approve an existing Release
: the identifier of the release to approve
: the approbation date when the release has been approved
Method to execute the query to delete an existing Release
: the identifier of the release to delete
Method to execute the query to edit an existing Release
: the identifier of the release
: the notes attached to the release
Method to execute the query to edit an existing Release
: the identifier of the release
: the version of the release
: the notes attached to the release
The ReleasesRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the releases
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to execute the query to set as finished the existing latest releases in a project
Method to execute the query to update the status of an existing Release
: the identifier of the release to change status
: the status to set at the release
interface is useful to manage the queries for the notifications of the usersReleaseEventsRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the events of the releasesReleasesRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the releasesReleaseTagRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the tag assigned when the releases are rejectedMethod to execute the query to get the potential members for a team
: the identifier of the user to not fetch
The NovaUsersRepository
interface is useful to manage the queries for the users operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
The BatchQuery
interface to manage the batch queries to insert or delete items in batch
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to prepare the batch query
: query instance used to execute the SQL command
Method to get a query used to delete an attachment No-any params required
the delete query as String
The ItemsManagementWorkflow
interface useful to manage the workflow to manage items on them insertion or deletion
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
Method to get a query used to insert a new attachment No-any params required
the insert query as String
query part to insert in the join table new row
round bracket character
single quote character
query part to insert in the join table new row
Method to assemble a batch query to delete items
: the query used to delete an items
: the identifier of the item to delete
: the values of the items to delete
type of the items to delete
Method to assemble the batch query to insert items
: the base query used to insert new items
: the query slice to use for the query
: the values of the items to insert
type of the items to insert
entity manager helper
Method to execute a batch query to delete items
: the query used to delete an items
: the identifier of the item to delete
: the values of the items to delete
type of the items to delete
Method to execute a batch query to insert items
: the query used to insert new items
: the query slice to use for the query
: the values of the items to insert
: the batch query to use to insert in batch the new items
type of the items to insert
Method used to get an item if the user is authorized
the target item as T
: the user identifier
: the identifier of the target item
This class is used as test here, but will be integrated in the next version of Equinox
The EquinoxItemsHelper
class is useful to manage all the EquinoxItem database operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
interface to manage the batch queries to insert or delete items in batchItemsManagementWorkflow
interface useful to manage the workflow to manage items on them insertion or deletionentityManager
entity manager helperRELATIONSHIP_VALUES_SLICE
query part to insert in the join table new rowROUND_BRACKET
round bracket characterSINGLE_QUOTE
single quote characterTUPLE_VALUES_SLICE
query part to insert in the join table new rowMethod to manage the items of an item to a container
: the workflow to execute
: the identifier of the target item
: the list of identifiers of the items
Method to manage the items of an item to a container
: the workflow to execute
: the query slice to use for the query
: the identifier of the target item
: the list of identifiers of the items
: the batch query to execute
The NovaUsersHelper
class is useful to manage all the Nova users database operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
instance for the users repositoryusersRepository
instance for the users repository
the query used to insert the members invited in a project with a JoiningQRCode
the query used to join members in a project
Record class used ad payload for the addProject request
: the logo of the project
: the title of the project
: the members of the project
Method to get the members list from the payload No-any params required
the query used to remove members from a project
Method to add a new project
the details of the new project created as JSONObject
: the name of the project
: the logo of the project
: the project identifier
: the author identifier
: the members of the project
Method to create a new joining qrcode
the textual join code, if created, as String
: the identifier of the qrcode
: the project identifier
: the mailing list of the members to add with their role
Method to delete a joining qrcode
: the qrcode to delete
Method to delete a project and all the data related to it
: the author identifier who made the request to delete the project
: the project to delete
Method to edit an existing project
: the name of the project
: the logo of the project
: the project to edit
: the members of the project
Method to get an existing joining qrcode by its textual join code
the joining qrcode as JoiningQRCode
: the textual join code
Method to get an existing joining qrcode by its identifier
the joining qrcode as JoiningQRCode
: the identifier of the joining qrcode
Method to get a project
the project, if exists and the user is authorized, as Project
: the user identifier
: the project identifier
The ProjectsHelper
class is useful to manage all the project database operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the assets directory where are stored the assets of the releases uploadedentityManager
the query used to insert the members invited in a project with a JoiningQRCodeJOIN_MEMBERS_QUERY
the query used to join members in a projectjoiningQRCodeRepository
instance for the joining qrcodes repositoryLOGOS_DIRECTORY
the logos directory where are stored the logos of the projectsnotificationsRepository
instance useful to manage the notificationsprojectsRepository
instance for the projects repositoryRELATIONSHIP_VALUES_SLICE
query part to insert in the join table new rowreleasesHelper
helper to manage the releases database operationsREMOVE_MEMBERS_QUERY
the query used to remove members from a projectREPORTS_DIRECTORY
the reports directory where are stored the reports of the releases createdRESOURCES_REPORTS_PATH
the complete reports path from resources directoryROUND_BRACKET
round bracket characterSINGLE_QUOTE
single quote characterTUPLE_VALUES_SLICE
query part to insert in the join table new rowMethod to join a new member in a project
: the joining qrcode used to join
: the email of the member to join
: the identifier of the member
instance for the joining qrcodes repository
Method to mark a member as Tester of the project
: the project identifier
: the member identifier to mark as tester
instance useful to manage the notifications
instance for the projects repository
helper to manage the releases database operations
Method to remove a member from the mailing list of the joining qrcode. This method is used when a user joined in the project
: the joining qrcode to update
: the email of the member to remove
Method to remove a member from a project
: the project identifier
: the member identifier of the member to remove
Method to add a new release
: the user who made the request to add the release
: the project where attach the release
: the identifier of the release
: the version of the release
: the notes attached to the release
Method to approve a release assets
: the user who made the request to approve the assets
: the project where the release is attached
: the release identifier
: the event related to those assets
Method to delete a release and all the data related to it
: the user who made the request to delete the release
: the project where the release is attached
: the release to delete
Method to edit an existing release
: the identifier of the release
: the version of the release
: the notes attached to the release
Method to get a release
the release, if exists, as Release
: the release identifier
The ReleasesHelper
class is useful to manage all the release database operations
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the assets directory where are stored the assets of the releases uploadedLOGOS_DIRECTORY
the logos directory where are stored the logos of the projectsnotificationsRepository
instance useful to manage the notificationsreleaseEventsRepository
instance for the events of releases repositoryreleasesRepository
instance for the releases repositoryreleaseTagRepository
instance for the tags of releases repositoryREPORTS_DIRECTORY
the reports directory where are stored the reports of the releases createdRESOURCES_REPORTS_PATH
the complete reports path from resources directoryMethod to insert a comment to a RejectedTag
: the comment to add
: the identifier of the tag where place the comment
instance useful to manage the notifications
Method to read all the notifications related to a specific Release for a user
: the identifier of the user
: the identifier of the release
Method reject a release assets
: the user who made the request to reject the assets
: the project where the release is attached
: the release identifier
: the event related to those assets
: the reasons of the rejection
: the tags attached to the rejection
instance for the events of releases repository
instance for the tags of releases repository
instance for the releases repository
Method to set the Alpha status
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
Method to set the Approved status
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
Method to set the Beta status
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
Method to set the Rejected status
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
Method to change the status of a release
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
: the status to set
Method to set the Verifying status
: the user who made a request
: the project where the release is attached
: the identifier of the release
Method to upload a new assets on a release
whether the upload has been successful
: the user who made the request to uploads the assets
: the project where the release is attached
: the release identifier
: the assets to upload
: the comment for the uploaded assets
class is useful to manage all the EquinoxItem database operationsNovaUsersHelper
class is useful to manage all the Nova users database operationsProjectsHelper
class is useful to manage all the project database operationsReleasesHelper
class is useful to manage all the release database operationsBREAK_LINE
constant of the break line html tag
extension to apply to the reports files
the tag to indicate where is the project logo and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where is the project name and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where is the release creation date and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where are the release events and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where are the release notes and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where is the release status and where place the real value
the tag to indicate where is the release version and where place the real value
the underscore character
the regex to clear the version of a release
Method to create the release report No-any params required
the release on which create its report
Method to delete a report if an existing report already exists and is different from the current release status
when an error occurred
Method to format the name for the report No-any params required
name formatted as String
Method to create the report for a release
the pathname of the report created
: the release on which create its report
when an error occurred
Method to get the comment related to the release status
the comment related to the release status as String
: the status from get the related comment
The ReportsProvider
class is useful to create and provide the reports for the releases
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the assets directory where are stored the assets of the releases uploadedBREAK_LINE
constant of the break line html tagcurrentRelease
the release on which create its reportLOGOS_DIRECTORY
the logos directory where are stored the logos of the projectsPDF_EXTENSION
extension to apply to the reports filesPROJECT_LOGO_TAG
the tag to indicate where is the project logo and where place the real valuePROJECT_NAME_TAG
the tag to indicate where is the project name and where place the real valueRELEASE_CREATION_DATE_TAG
the tag to indicate where is the release creation date and where place the real valueRELEASE_EVENTS_TAG
the tag to indicate where are the release events and where place the real valueRELEASE_NOTES_TAG
the tag to indicate where are the release notes and where place the real valueRELEASE_STATUS_TAG
the tag to indicate where is the release status and where place the real valueRELEASE_VERSION_TAG
the tag to indicate where is the release version and where place the real valuereportName
the report nameREPORTS_DIRECTORY
the reports directory where are stored the reports of the releases createdreportTemplate
the report template to use and where place the real instead of the tagsRESOURCES_REPORTS_PATH
the complete reports path from resources directorytimeFormatter
the formatter used to format the timestamp valuesUNDERSCORE
the underscore characterVERSION_REGEX
the regex to clear the version of a releaseMethod to insert the header of the report, so insert, replacing the related tags, the project logo, project name, release version, the creation date of the release, the current status of the release and the notes of the release. No-any params required
Method to insert the project logo replacing the related tag
the reportTemplate changed with the project logo inserted
: the project from fetch the logo
Method to insert and create the structure for the events of the release replacing the related tag No-any params required
helper to manage the multi-language of the report
Method to create the release status badge
release status badge created as String
: the status from create the related badge
Method to clear the version of a Release using the VERSION_REGEX No-any params required
version formatted as String
the report name
the report template to use and where place the real instead of the tags
Method to set the current release details
: the current release details to set the currentRelease instance
the formatter used to format the timestamp values
The Launcher
class is useful to launch Nova's backend service
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
class is useful to launch Nova's backend serviceCREATE_SESSIONS_TABLE
the query to create the SESSIONS_TABLE
the name of the local database
the key for the "host_address" field
the key for the "is_active" field
the value to use when the user is logging as customer
: the identifier of the user in that session
: the token of the user in that session
: the profile pic url of the user in that session
: the name of the user
: the surname of the user
: the email of the user in that session
: the password of the user in that session
: the host address used in that session
: the identifier of the user in that session
: whether the current session is active
: the language of the user
the host address used in that session
The NovaSession
record is useful to store and work with the local sessions
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "host_address" fieldhostAddress
the host address used in that sessionIS_ACTIVE_SESSION_KEY
the key for the "is_active" fieldLOGGED_AS_CUSTOMER_RECORD_VALUE
the value to use when the user is logging as customerprofilePicUrl
the profile pic url of the user in that sessionrole
the identifier of the user in that sessionMethod to get whether the hostAddress has been set
whether the hostAddress has been set as boolean
the profile pic url of the user in that session
the identifier of the user in that session
the name of the sessions table
Method to change the current active session with a new one specified by the identifier
: the identifier of the session to set as active
Method to change the email value of the current session
: the new email value to set
Method to change the language value of the current session
: the new language value to set
Method to change the password value of the current session
: the new password value to set
Method to change the profile pic value of the current session
: the new profile pic value to set
Method to change a value of the current session
: the key of the value to change
: the new session value to set
Method to delete all the local sessions, used when the user executes a logout or the account deletion No-any params required
Method to delete a specific local session specified by the identifier of the user in that session
: the user identifier to delete the local session
Method to get the current active local session No-any params required
the local session as NovaSession
Method to get the local session specified by the identifier of the user in that session
the local session as NovaSession
: the user identifier to fetch the local session
Method to list all the local sessions of the user. No-any params required
the list of the local sessions of the user as List of NovaSession
The LocalSessionUtils
class is useful to manage the local sessions of the user, so manage the credentials of the user and all his/her personal data like profile pic, email and password
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
record is useful to store and work with the local sessionsCREATE_SESSIONS_TABLE
the query to create the SESSIONS_TABLEDATABASE_NAME
the name of the local databaseSESSIONS_TABLE
the name of the sessions tableMethod to insert a new session
: the identifier of the user in that session
: the token of the user in that session
: the profile pic url of the user in that session
: the name of the user
: the surname of the user
: the email of the user in that session
: the password of the user in that session
: the host address used in that session
: the identifier of the user in that session
: the language of the user
Method to set the current active session as inactive No-any params required
Method to set as the active session a new session
: the identifier of the session to set as active
the endpoint to add members into a project
the endpoint to comment an asset uploading of a release
the endpoint to create a new release report
the endpoint to work with the events of a release
the endpoint to join in a project
the endpoint to leave from a project
the endpoint to mark a member as tester in a project
Constructor to init the NovaEndpoints class No-any params required
the endpoint to promote a release
the endpoint to remove a member from a project
the endpoint to work with the tags of a release
the endpoint to upload assets to a release
The NovaEndpoints
class is a container with all the Nova's endpoints
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the endpoint to add members into a projectCOMMENT_ASSET_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to comment an asset uploading of a releaseCREATE_REPORT_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to create a new release reportEVENTS_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to work with the events of a releaseJOIN_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to join in a projectLEAVE_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to leave from a projectMARK_MEMBER_AS_TESTER_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to mark a member as tester in a projectPROMOTE_RELEASE_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to promote a releaseREMOVE_MEMBER_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to remove a member from a projectTAGS_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to work with the tags of a releaseUPLOAD_ASSETS_ENDPOINT
the endpoint to upload assets to a releaseLocalSessionUtils
class is useful to manage the local sessions of the user, so manage the credentials of the user and all his/her personal data like profile pic, email and passwordNovaEndpoints
class is a container with all the Nova's endpointsCREATE_JOIN_CODE_KEY
the key for the "createJoinCode" flag
error message used when the joining qr code is expired
the key for the "joiningQrcodes" field
the key for the "joining_qrcode_members" field
the key for the "joining_qrcodes" table
the key for the "join_code" field
Constructor to init the JoiningQRCode class No-any params required
Constructor to init the JoiningQRCode class
: the identifier of the joining qrcode
: the project attached to the joining qrcode
: the list of emails allowed to use the joining qrcode to join in the project
: the date of the creation of the joining qrcode
: textual join code e.g. M1L2G3
Constructor to init the JoiningQRCode class
: item formatted as JSON
Method to get whether a member is invited, so allowed to join in a Project, with the current joining code
whether the member has been invited as boolean
: the email of the member check
: the role of the member to check
the date of the creation of the joining qrcode
Method to get the share link for the current joining QR-Code
the share link as String
: the current host address of the local session
The JoiningQRCode
class is useful to represent a Nova's joining QRCode to join in a Project
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "createJoinCode" flagcreationDate
the date of the creation of the joining qrcodeWRONG_NAME_MESSAGE
error message used when the joining qr code is expiredinvitedMembers
the list of emails allowed to use the joining qrcode to join in the projectJOIN_CODE_KEY
the key for the "join_code" fieldJOINING_QRCODES_KEY
the key for the "joiningQrcodes" fieldJOINING_QRCODES_MEMBERS_KEY
the key for the "joining_qrcode_members" fieldJOINING_QRCODES_TABLE
the key for the "joining_qrcodes" tableinvitedMembers
the list of emails allowed to use the joining qrcode to join in the project
the key for the "author" field
the key for the "logo_url" field
the key for the "project_id" field
the key for the "project" field
the key for the "projectMembers" field
the key for the "project members" table
the key for the "name" field
the key for the "project_releases" field
the key for the "testers" field
the key for the "project testers" table
Constructor to init the Project class No-any params required
Constructor to init the Project class
: project details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the Project class
: identifier of the project
the author of the project
: the logo of the project formatted as url
: the name of the project
: the members of the project
: the testers of the project
: the releases of the project
: the joining QR-Codes created to join in this project
the key for the "working_progress_version" field
Method to get whether a MEMBER_IDENTIFIER_KEY is the author of the current project
whether a member is the author of the checked project as boolean
: the member identifier to check
Method to count the notifications of a specific target
the count of the notifications for the specific target as int
: the list of notifications to check
Method to get the "workingProgressVersion" No-any params required
"workingProgressVersion" as String
Method to get whether the checked project not contains a specified member's email
whether a member's email is not contained by the checked project as boolean
: the email of the member to check
Method to get whether a MEMBER_IDENTIFIER_KEY is a member of the checked project
whether a member is a real member of the checked project as boolean
: the member identifier to check
Method to get whether the checked project has the specified release version
whether the checked project has the specified release version as boolean
: the version of the release to check
Method to get whether the checked project has the specified release
whether the checked project has the specified release as boolean
: the identifier of the release to check
The Project
class is useful to represent a Nova's user
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "author" fieldjoiningQRCodes
the joining QR-Codes created to join in this projectLOGO_URL_KEY
the key for the "logo_url" fieldPROJECT_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "project_id" fieldPROJECT_KEY
the key for the "project" fieldPROJECT_MEMBERS_KEY
the key for the "projectMembers" fieldPROJECT_MEMBERS_TABLE
the key for the "project members" tablePROJECT_NAME_KEY
the key for the "name" fieldPROJECT_RELEASES_KEY
the key for the "project_releases" fieldPROJECT_TESTERS_KEY
the key for the "testers" fieldPROJECT_TESTERS_TABLE
the key for the "project testers" tableprojectMembers
the members of the projectWORKING_PROGRESS_VERSION_KEY
the key for the "working_progress_version" fieldjoiningQRCodes
the joining QR-Codes created to join in this project
Method to mark the projectMembers of the project as Tester
: the list formatted as JSON of the members to mark as testers
Method to mark the projectMembers of the project as Tester
: the list of the members to mark as testers
the members of the project
class is useful to represent a Nova's joining QRCode to join in a ProjectProject
class is useful to represent a Nova's userASSET_UPLOADING_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "asset_uploading_events" field
the key for the "asset_uploading_event_id" field
the key for the "assetUploadingEvent" field
the key for the "assets_uploaded" field
the key for the "asset_uploaded" field
the key for the "asset_url" field
Constructor to init the AssetUploaded class No-any params required
Constructor to init the AssetUploaded class
: asset uploaded details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the AssetUploaded class
: the identifier of the asset uploaded
: event where the asset has been uploaded
: the url which the asset can be downloaded
: the name of the asset uploaded
event where the asset has been uploaded
The AssetUploaded
class is useful to represent an asset uploaded
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "asset_uploaded" fieldASSET_URL_KEY
the key for the "asset_url" fieldASSETS_UPLOADED_KEY
the key for the "assets_uploaded" fieldassetUploadingEvent
event where the asset has been uploadedMethod to assemble and return a List of assets uploaded
the assets uploaded list as List of AssetUploaded
: assets uploaded details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the AssetUploadingEvent class No-any params required
Constructor to init the AssetUploadingEvent class
: asset uploading event details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the AssetUploadingEvent class
: the identifier of the event
: the date when the event is occurred
: the date when the event occurred
: list of the assets have been uploaded in the events
: the comment about the assets uploaded
: whether these assets have already been commented by the Customer
the key for the "commented" flag
the key for the "comment" flag
list of the assets have been uploaded in the events
the key for the "asset_uploading_event_id" fieldASSET_UPLOADING_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "assetUploadingEvent" fieldASSET_UPLOADING_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "asset_uploading_events" fieldassetsUploaded
list of the assets have been uploaded in the eventsCOMMENT_KEY
the key for the "comment" flagCOMMENTED_KEY
the key for the "commented" flagRELEASE_EVENT_DATE_KEY
the key for the "release_event_date" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_event_id" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "release_event" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_STATUS_KEY
the key for the "status" fieldRELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "release_events" fieldRELEASE_TAG_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_tag_id" fieldreleaseEventDate
the date when the event occurredstatus
the related status of the eventREASONS_KEY
the key for the "reasons" field
the key for the "rejected_release_events" field
the key for the "rejectedReleaseEvent" field
Constructor to init the RejectedReleaseEvent class No-any params required
Constructor to init the RejectedReleaseEvent class
: rejection event details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the AssetUploadingEvent class
: the identifier of the event
: the date when the event occurred
: the date when the event is occurred
: the reasons of the rejection
: the tags attached to the rejection
the key for the "reasons" fieldREJECTED_RELEASE_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "rejectedReleaseEvent" fieldREJECTED_RELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "rejected_release_events" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_DATE_KEY
the key for the "release_event_date" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_event_id" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "release_event" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_STATUS_KEY
the key for the "status" fieldRELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "release_events" fieldRELEASE_TAG_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_tag_id" fieldreleaseEventDate
the date when the event occurredstatus
the related status of the eventtags
the tags attached to the rejectiontags
the tags attached to the rejection
the key for the "comment" field
the key for the "rejected_tags" field
Constructor to init the RejectedTag class No-any params required
Constructor to init the RejectedTag class
: rejected tag details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the RejectedTag class
: the identifier of the rejected tag
: the rejected event related to this tag
: the tag value
: the comment attached to the tag
The RejectedTag
class is useful represent a rejected tag related to a RejectedReleaseEvent
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "comment" fieldREJECTED_TAGS_KEY
the key for the "rejected_tags" fieldrejectedReleaseEvent
the rejected event related to this tagtag
the tag valuerejectedReleaseEvent
the rejected event related to this tag
Method to assemble and return a RejectedTag of rejected tags
the rejected tags list as List of RejectedTag
: rejected tags list details formatted as JSON
the tag value
the key for the "release_events" field
the key for the "release_event_date" field
the key for the "release_event_id" field
the key for the "release_event" field
the key for the "release_tag_id" field
Constructor to init the ReleaseEvent class No-any params required
Constructor to init the ReleaseEvent class
: release event details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the ReleaseEvent class
: the identifier of the event
: the date when the event is occurred
: the date when the event occurred
tag to report a bug
tag to report an issue
tag to request a change of the layout
tag to recommend a tip
Method to reach a specific tag value
the release tag specified as ReleaseTag
: the string format of the tag
list of possible rejection tags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
the enum constant with the specified name
if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared
Method to get releaseEventDate instance No-any params required
releaseEventDate instance as String
Method to get releaseEventDate instance No-any params required
releaseEventDate instance as long
Method to get release instance No-any params required
The ReleaseEvent
class is useful to represent a Nova's release event
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
list of possible rejection tagsRELEASE_EVENT_DATE_KEY
the key for the "release_event_date" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_event_id" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "release_event" fieldRELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "release_events" fieldRELEASE_TAG_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_tag_id" fieldreleaseEventDate
the date when the event occurredreleaseEventDate
the date when the event occurred
Method to assemble and return a List of release events
the release events list as List of ReleaseEvent
: release events list details formatted as JSON
the key for the "status" field
Constructor to init the ReleaseStandardEvent No-any params required
Constructor to init the ReleaseStandardEvent class
: release standard event details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the ReleaseStandardEvent class
: the identifier of the event
: the date when the event is occurred
: the date when the event occurred
: the related status of the event
Method to get status instance No-any params required
status instance as ReleaseStatus
The ReleaseStandardEvent
class is useful to represent a standard Nova's release event
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "release_event_date" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_event_id" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_KEY
the key for the "release_event" fieldRELEASE_EVENT_STATUS_KEY
the key for the "status" fieldRELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "release_events" fieldRELEASE_TAG_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_tag_id" fieldreleaseEventDate
the date when the event occurredstatus
the related status of the eventstatus
the related status of the event
class is useful represent a rejected tag related to a RejectedReleaseEventReleaseEvent
class is useful to represent a Nova's release eventReleaseStandardEvent
class is useful to represent a standard Nova's release eventALLOWED_ASSETS_TYPE
list of allowed type to upload as assets
the key for the "approbation_date" field
the key for the "creation_date" field
the key for the "releases" field
the key for the "release_events" field
the key for the "release_id" field
the key for the "release" field
the key for the "content" field
the key for the "release_notes" field
path to reach the report of the release
the key for the "release_status" field
the key for the "release_version" field
status of the release when the Customer approved the last AssetUploaded
status of the release when has been just created
status of the release when the Customer rejected the last AssetUploaded
status of the release when a new AssetUploaded has been uploaded and an AssetUploadingEvent has been created to allow the Customer to approve or reject the release
list of possible statuses of a release
status of the release when a new AssetUploaded has been uploaded and an AssetUploadingEvent has been created to allow the Customer to approve or reject the release
status of the release when the Customer rejected the last AssetUploaded
status of the release when the Customer approved the last AssetUploaded
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
the enum constant with the specified name
if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared
Constructor to init the Release class No-any params required
Constructor to init the Release class
: release details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the Release class
: the identifier of the release
: the project where the release is linked
: the version of the release
: the current status of the release
: the notes attached to the release
: the date when the release has been created
: list of the events occurred on the release
: the date when the release has been approved
the date when the release has been approved
the date when the release has been created
Method to get approbationDate instance No-any params required
approbationDate instance as String
Method to get approbationDate instance No-any params required
approbationDate instance as long
Method to get creationDate instance No-any params required
creationDate instance as String
Method to get creationDate instance No-any params required
creationDate instance as long
Method to get the last event occurred No-any params required
the last event occurred instance as long
Method to get the last promotion event occurred in the current release No-any params required
the last status of the last promotion event occurred as ReleaseStatus
Method to count the notifications of a specific target
the count of the notifications for the specific target as int
: the list of notifications to check
Method to get the specific asset uploading event
the asset uploading event as AssetUploadingEvent if exists or null if not exists
: the identifier of the asset uploading event requested
Method to get the specific rejected event
the rejected event as RejectedReleaseEvent if exists or null if not exists
: the identifier of the rejected event requested
The Release
class is useful to represent a Nova's release
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
list of possible statuses of a releaseALLOWED_ASSETS_TYPE
list of allowed type to upload as assetsAPPROBATION_DATE_KEY
the key for the "approbation_date" fieldapprobationDate
the date when the release has been approvedCREATION_DATE_KEY
the key for the "creation_date" fieldcreationDate
the date when the release has been createdRELEASE_EVENTS_KEY
the key for the "release_events" fieldRELEASE_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "release_id" fieldRELEASE_KEY
the key for the "release" fieldRELEASE_NOTES_CONTENT_KEY
the key for the "content" fieldRELEASE_NOTES_KEY
the key for the "release_notes" fieldRELEASE_REPORT_PATH
path to reach the report of the releaseRELEASE_STATUS_KEY
the key for the "release_status" fieldRELEASE_VERSION_KEY
the key for the "release_version" fieldreleaseEvents
list of the events occurred on the releasereleaseNotes
the notes attached to the releaseRELEASES_KEY
the key for the "releases" fieldreleaseVersion
the version of the releasestatus
the current status of the releaseMethod to get whether a generic event is the latest occurred
whether a generic event is the latest occurred as boolean
: event to check if is the latest occurred
list of the events occurred on the release
the notes attached to the release
the version of the release
the current status of the release
Method to count the notifications of a specific target
the count of the notifications for the specific target as int
: the list of notifications to check
The NotificationsTarget
instance is useful to fetch the notifications of a specific EquinoxItem's target
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "sent" field
the key for the "notifications" field
Constructor to init the NovaNotification class No-any params required
Constructor to init the NovaNotification class
: notification details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the NovaNotification class
: the identifier of the notification
: the logo url of the related project
: the identifier of the user who the notification belong
: the identifier of the related release
: the status of the related release
: the version of the related release
: whether the notification has been sent already before
Method to get the project identifier No-any params required
the project identifier as String
The NovaNotification
class is useful to represent a Nova's notification
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "sent" fieldNOTIFICATIONS_KEY
the key for the "notifications" fieldprojectLogo
the logo url of the related projectreleaseVersion
the version of the related releasestatus
the status of the related releaseprojectLogo
the logo url of the related project
the version of the related release
Method to assemble and return a List of notifications
the notifications list as List of NovaNotification
: notifications list details formatted as JSON
the status of the related release
the key for the "authoredProjects" field
the key for the "member_id" field
Constructor to init the NovaUser class No-any params required
Constructor to init the NovaUser class
: user details formatted as JSON
Constructor to init the NovaUser class
: member details as list
Constructor to init the NovaUser class
: identifier of the user
: the token which the user is allowed to operate on server
: the name of the user
: the surname of the user
: the email of the user
: the password of the user
: the language selected by the user
: the role of the user on the server
Constructor to init the NovaUser class
: identifier of the user
: the token which the user is allowed to operate on server
: the name of the user
: the surname of the user
: the email of the user
the profile pic of the user formatted as url
: the password of the user
list of projects which user is the author
list of projects which user is a member
: the language selected by the user
: the role of the user on the server
the list of the notifications which belong to the user
the key for the "projects" field
this role allow the user to approve or reject the releases and manage their creation or deletion
this pseudo-role allow the user to approve or reject the releases
this role allow the user to create and manage projects, upload assets and manage the releases status such as: promote to alpha, beta or latest version
list of available roles for a user
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
the enum constant with the specified name
if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants.
an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared
list of projects which user is the author
The NovaUser
class is useful to represent a Nova's user
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the key for the "authoredProjects" fieldauthoredProjects
list of projects which user is the authorMEMBER_IDENTIFIER_KEY
the key for the "member_id" fieldNovaNotification
the list of the notifications which belong to the userPROJECTS_KEY
the key for the "projects" fieldrole
the role of the user on the serverNovaNotification
the list of the notifications which belong to the user
the role of the user on the server
instance is useful to fetch the notifications of a specific EquinoxItem's targetNovaNotification
class is useful to represent a Nova's notificationConstructor to init the NovaInputValidator class No-any params required
the max valid length for the name of a project
the max valid length for the reasons
the max valid length for the release notes
the max valid length for the release version
the max valid length for the tag comment
error message used when the release assets uploaded are not valid
error message used when the mailing list inserted is not valid
error message used when the rejected reasons inserted are not valid
error message used when the release notes inserted are not valid
error message used when the release version inserted is not valid
error message used when the tag comment inserted is not valid
Method to validate a rejected reasons
whether the rejected reasons are valid or not as boolean
: rejected reasons value to check the validity
Method to validate a release notes
whether the release notes are valid or not as boolean
: release notes value to check the validity
The NovaInputValidator
class is useful to validate the inputs
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
the max valid length for the name of a projectREASONS_MAX_LENGTH
the max valid length for the reasonsRELEASE_NOTES_MAX_LENGTH
the max valid length for the release notesRELEASE_VERSION_MAX_LENGTH
the max valid length for the release versionTAG_COMMENT_MAX_LENGTH
the max valid length for the tag commentWRONG_ASSETS_MESSAGE
error message used when the release assets uploaded are not validWRONG_MAILING_LIST_MESSAGE
error message used when the mailing list inserted is not validWRONG_REASONS_MESSAGE
error message used when the rejected reasons inserted are not validWRONG_RELEASE_NOTES_MESSAGE
error message used when the release notes inserted are not validWRONG_RELEASE_VERSION_MESSAGE
error message used when the release version inserted is not validWRONG_TAG_COMMENT_MESSAGE
error message used when the tag comment inserted is not validMethod to validate a mailing list
whether the mailing list is valid or not as boolean
: mailing list value to check the validity
Method to validate a project name
whether the project name is valid or not as boolean
: project name value to check the validity
Method to validate a release version
whether the release version is valid or not as boolean
: release version value to check the validity
Method to validate a tag comment
whether the comment is valid or not as boolean
: comment value to check the validity