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Ice Sheet Freshwater Forcing

Table of contents


This repository contains discussions and workbooks (code) from a virtual workshop on Anomalous Freshwater Fluxes.

Included in this repository are:

  • GitHub Discussions from before, during, and after the workshop.
  • Workbooks (code) used to build data products (e.g. Greenlandic and Antarctic freshwater from surface melt, ice shelf melt, basal melt, icebergs, etc.).
  • Examples of data product post-processing to aid modelers who want use the data.


The virtual workshop on Anomalous Freshwater Fluxes aimed to capture freshwater fluxes from ice sheets and ice shelves for use in climate models that don’t include interactive ice sheets. The workshop slides, videos, and discussion notes are archived at

To stay up-to-date with existing and new discussions, click on the watch button near the top of this page and then select All Activity or Custom > Discussions (and Issues). If you’re new to GitHub, it can be used as a collaborative project management tool (in addition to a code repository). See Braga (2023)

Data Products

There are two types of data products provided here:

  1. Freshwater volume flow rate [units: Gt/yr or m^3/s] with a geospatial component of where this freshwater enters the ocean. The geospatial component is a region of interest (ROI) such as `NE` or `SW` for Greenland, or sector number (1 through 18) for Antarctica.
  2. Weighted freshwater distribution maps [units: m-2]. These are maps of where freshwater is distributed within a ROI if not at the coast, for example iceberg melt. These maps are provided in EPSG:4326 (lon,lat) projection.
AQ_calving.ncregion, timeAntarctic ice shelf calving
AQ_subshelf_melt.ncregion, timeAntarctic ice shelf basal melting
AQ_iceberg_melt.nclon, latAntarctic iceberg melt by location and magnitude
GL_discharge.ncregion, timeGreenland ice sheet discharge upstream from grounding line
GL_runoff.ncregion, timeGreenland ice sheet and non-ice grounded liquid runoff
GL_mass_change.ncregion, timeGreenland mass change by month and location
GL_basal_melt.ncregionGreenland grounded ice basal melt by region
GL_iceberg_melt.nclon, lat, timeGreenland iceberg melt magnitude by month and location


All products below are split by the Rignot (2017) regions a.k.a. IMBIE 2 regions, with the exception of Antarctic mass change which is only provided for the whole continent.

Sub-shelf melt


Average of sub-shelf melt estimates from Davison (2023) and Paolo (2024; dataset)


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 5kB
Dimensions:      (time: 31, region: 18)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 248B 1991-07-01 1992-07-01 ... 2021-07-01
  * region       (region) int32 72B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Data variables:
    melt         (region, time) float64 4kB ...
    region_name  (region) <U5 360B ...
    description:   Antarctic region sub-shelf melt
    date_created:  20241101T050531Z
    title:         Subshelf melt per region
    history:       Processed for Schmidt (YYYY; in prep); by Ken Mankoff
    source:        doi:10.5067/SE3XH9RXQWAM and doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8052519
    Conventions:   CF-1.8



Iceberg calving


Antarctic iceberg calving estimates from Davison (2023)


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 8kB
Dimensions:      (region: 18, time: 25)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 200B 1997-07-01 1998-07-01 ... 2021-07-01
  * region       (region) int32 72B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Data variables:
    calving      (region, time) float64 4kB ...
    uncertainty  (region, time) float64 4kB ...
    region_name  (region) <U5 360B ...
    description:   Antarctic region ice shelf calving rate
    date_created:  20241104T185548Z
    title:         Calving per region
    history:       Processed for Schmidt (YYYY; in prep); by Ken Mankoff
    source:        doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8052519
    Conventions:   CF-1.8



Iceberg melt locations


Normalized iceberg melt patterns per region of origin, i.e. for calving in 18 Antarctic-IMBIE2 regions. From a circum-Antarctic 0.25° simulation forced by the recommended normal year of JRA55 repeated 30 years after spin up. The simulation only covers south of 52.25°S, so a part of the melt pattern is missing (11% missing based on Mathiot and Jourdain 2023).


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 226MB
Dimensions:              (time: 12, region: 18, latitude: 360, longitude: 720)
  * longitude            (longitude) float64 6kB -179.8 -179.2 ... 179.2 179.8
  * latitude             (latitude) float64 3kB -89.75 -89.25 ... 89.25 89.75
  * region               (region) int32 72B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18
  * time                 (time) int8 12B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    spatial_ref          int8 1B ...
Data variables:
    melt                 (time, region, latitude, longitude) float32 224MB ...
    msk_nemo             (latitude, longitude) float32 1MB ...
    region_name          (region) <U5 360B ...
    region_map           (latitude, longitude) int16 518kB ...
    region_map_expanded  (latitude, longitude) int16 518kB ...
Attributes: (12/13)
    description:         Annual JRA55 climatology
    original_data:       NEMO 0.25° simulations by Anna Olive-Abello (in prep...
    processed_by:        Nicolas Jourdain <nicolas.jourdain@univ-grenoble-alp...
    geospatial_lat_min:  -89.75
    geospatial_lat_max:  89.75
    ...                  ...
    geospatial_lon_max:  179.75
    date_created:        20250220T153857Z
    title:               Normalised iceberg melt climatology in the Southern ...
    history:             Processed for Schmidt (YYYY; in prep); by Ken Mankoff
    Conventions:         CF-1.8



NOTDONE Surface runoff

  • Minimal and only on the peninsula. Not done as part of this work.

NOTDONE Basal (grounded) runoff

  • Small term (~70 Gt yr-1 per van Liefferinge (2013), not done as part of this work.

Mass change


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 880B
Dimensions:                (time: 22)
  * time                   (time) datetime64[ns] 176B 1994-01-01 ... 2015-01-01
Data variables:
    thinning_mass_balance  (time) float64 176B ...
    calving_mass_balance   (time) float64 176B ...
    land_mass_balance      (time) float64 176B ...
    mass_balance           (time) float64 176B ...
    title:          Antarctic ice sheet mass balance
    history:        TBD
    Conventions:    CF-1.8
    summary:        Antarctic ice sheet mass balance
    creator_name:   Ken Mankoff
    institution:    NASA GISS
    references:     TBD




All products below are split by the Mouginot (2019) regions

Surface runoff


This data product is MAR runoff distributed into Mouginot (2019) regions, but processed at stream level by Mankoff (2020) The data includes ‘ice runoff’ which comes from melted ice, snow, and rain on the ice sheet, and ‘land runoff’ which comes from melted snow and rain on land. Runoff is routed through individual streams (subglacial for ice, sub-aerial for land). Both ice-sourced and land-sourced runoff can enter the ocean either at the surface (from a terrestrial stream) or at depth subglacially. This value is estimated per stream. When summing subglacial discharge by ROI, the minimum submarine discharge depth is provided for each ROI.


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 203kB
Dimensions:                         (region: 7, time: 876)
  * region                          (region) int32 28B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  * time                            (time) datetime64[ns] 7kB 1950-01-01 ... ...
Data variables:
    subglacial_discharge_from_land  (region, time) float64 49kB ...
    surface_runoff_from_land        (region, time) float64 49kB ...
    subglacial_discharge_from_ice   (region, time) float64 49kB ...
    surface_runoff_from_ice         (region, time) float64 49kB ...
    min_discharge_depth             (region) float32 28B ...
    region_name                     (region) <U2 56B ...
    title:        Ice sheet runoff by Mougniot region
    history:      TBD
    Conventions:  CF-1.8




This product is generated from flux gates ~5 km upstream of the terminus.

It lacks:

  • Terminus retreat, which should add ~10 % over the last two decades
  • Splitting output between icebergs and submarine melt, which is ~50 % +- 30 % (Rignot 2010)
  • Peripheral glaciers which is ~5 Gt/yr at present (see Bollen 2013)
  • Workbook: ./
  • Data product:


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 12kB
Dimensions:      (region: 7, time: 186)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 1kB 1840-01-01 1841-01-01 ... 2025-01-01
  * region       (region) int32 28B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data variables:
    discharge    (region, time) float32 5kB ...
    err          (region, time) float32 5kB ...
    region_name  (region) <U2 56B ...
Attributes: (12/14)
    featureType:      timeSeries
    title:            Greenland ice sheet discharge by Mouginot region
    summary:          Greenland ice sheet discharge by Mouginot region
    keywords:         Greenland; Mass; Mass balance
    source:           git commit: 54a4452
    creator_name:     Ken Mankoff
    ...               ...
    institution:      NASA GISS
    references:       TBD
    product_version:  1.0
    history:          TBD
    Conventions:      CF-1.8



Iceberg melt locations

This dataset provides spatial maps of iceberg meltwater based on iceberg source. Maps are weighted masks where each region sums to one, plus one all-Greenland weighted map.


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 177MB
Dimensions:              (region: 7, time: 12, longitude: 720, latitude: 360)
  * region               (region) int8 7B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  * time                 (time) int8 12B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  * longitude            (longitude) float64 6kB -179.8 -179.2 ... 179.2 179.8
  * latitude             (latitude) float64 3kB -89.75 -89.25 ... 89.25 89.75
Data variables:
    melt                 (region, time, latitude, longitude) float64 174MB ...
    melt_GL              (latitude, longitude) float64 2MB ...
    region_map           (latitude, longitude) int8 259kB ...
    region_map_expanded  (latitude, longitude) int8 259kB ...
    region_name          (region) <U2 56B ...
    spatial_ref          int8 1B ...
    geospatial_lat_min:  -90
    geospatial_lat_max:  90
    geospatial_lon_min:  -180
    geospatial_lon_max:  180
    date_created:        20250220T155519Z
    title:               Normalised iceberg melt climatology per region of ca...
    history:             Processed for Schmidt (YYYY; in prep); by Ken Mankoff
    Conventions:         CF-1.8



Basal runoff

This product splits basal melt from Karlsson (2021) into regions, with two products per region: Water that enters fjords at their surface from sub-aerial streams, and water that enters subglacially.

Mass change

This product uses the discharge product and has all of those limitations.


<xarray.Dataset> Size: 12kB
Dimensions:       (region: 7, time: 186)
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 1kB 1840-01-01 1841-01-01 ... 2025-01-01
  * region        (region) int32 28B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data variables:
    mass_balance  (region, time) float32 5kB ...
    err           (region, time) float32 5kB ...
    region_name   (region) <U2 56B ...
Attributes: (12/14)
    featureType:      timeSeries
    title:            Greenland ice sheet mass_balance by Mouginot region
    summary:          Greenland ice sheet mass_balance by Mouginot region
    keywords:         Greenland; Mass; Mass balance
    source:           git commit: 54a4452
    creator_name:     Ken Mankoff
    ...               ...
    institution:      NASA GISS
    references:       TBD
    product_version:  1.0
    history:          TBD
    Conventions:      CF-1.8



Regions (Name & ID)

