LISF 557WW 7.4.14 Release
Attention: This release is intended for NASA-LIS' USAF and UM partners. All other users should use the latest Public release.
LDT Release notes:
- Updated to compile on HPC-11 with HPCM 1.7 and service pack 3 upgrades.
LIS Release notes:
- Modified to support IMERG V6 and IMERG V7.
- Updated to compile on HPC-11 with HPCM 1.7 and service pack 3 upgrades.
LVT Release notes:
- Corrected USAFSI GRIB2 filename.
- Updated to compile on HPC-11 with HPCM 1.7 and service pack 3 upgrades.
LISF 557WW 7.4.13 Release
Attention: This release is intended for NASA-LIS' USAF and UM partners. All other users should use the latest Public release.
LDT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LIS Release notes:
- Fixed bug in handling missing IMERG files.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LISF Public 7.4.0 Release
LDT Release notes:
- Includes new runmode
- observation simulator runmode
- Supports additional data assimilation observations
- SMOS near-real-time neural-network L2 soil moisture (SMOS NRT NN L2 SM)
- Thermal hydraulic disaggregation of soil moisture (THySM)
- Supports additional parameters
- Crocus parameters
- Supports additional meteorological forcing sources
- metforcing extracted from WRF output over Alaska domain (WRFAKdom)
- metforcing extracted from WRF output (WRFoutv2)
LIS Release notes:
- Includes new runmodes
- National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC) coupled runmode
- Includes additional surface models
- Crocus 8.1 snow model
- Supports additional metforcing datasets
- metforcing extracted from COAMPS output (COAMPSout)
- metforcing extracted from WRF output over Alaska domain (WRFAKdom)
- metforcing extracted from WRF output (WRFoutv2)
- NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP)
- PLUMBER2 station data
- Supports additional data assimilation observation datasets
- SMOS near-real-time neural-network L2 soil moisture (SMOS NRT NN L2 SM)
- Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS)
- Thermal hydraulic disaggregation of soil moisture (THySM)
- hydroweb water level
- Removes the following metforcing datasets
- AGRMET radiation (latlon)
- AMMA land surface model intercomparision project phase 2 (ALMIPII)
- Walnut Gulch meteorological station data (ARMS)
- Canadian Precipitation analysis (CaPA)
- ECMWF reanalysis
- Single-point FASST product (FASSTsingle)
- GDAS(3d)
- GDAS profile data from the PMM land surface working group (GDAS(LSWG))
- GMAO Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications data (MERRA-Land)
- North American Land Data Assimilation System forcing product (NLDAS1)
- NOAA OHD RDHM 3.5.6 forcing data (RDHM 3.5.6)
- Rhone AGG
- Disables the following external runoff data sources
- GLDAS1 runoff data
- GLDAS2 runoff data
- NLDAS2 runoff data
- MERRA2 runoff data
- ERA interim land runoff data
- GWB MIP runoff data
- Disables the following parameters
- MODIS near-real time LAI
LVT Release notes:
- Includes new runmodes
- LISpost
- Supports additional data streams
- FluxSat GPP
- MCD15A2H
- Thermal hydraulic disaggregation of soil moisture (THySM)
LISF 557WW 7.4.12 Release
LDT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LIS Release notes:
- Updated GALWEM-17 Bratseth tunings as starting point for OPS.
- Added new batch job script for HPC-11.
- Updated reference lis.config files to output OBA files.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LISF Public 7.3.5 Release
LDT Release notes:
- Updated documentation by adding entries for two Antarctica specific settings.
LIS Release notes:
- No updates since LISF Public 7.3.4.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF Public 7.3.2.
LISF 557WW 7.4.11 Release
LDT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LIS Release notes:
- Fixed compiling Bratseth retuning code using Cray compilers.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LISF 557WW 7.4.10 Release
LDT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LIS Release notes:
- Fixed typo in output lis.config file created by the autotuning software.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF 557WW 7.4.9.
LISF 557WW 7.4.9 Release
LDT Release notes:
- Addressed issues to improve USAFSI agreement between Discover and Narwhal.
- Modified IF statements that used mixed precision (double and single-precision
- Added checks for negative tb91v brightness temperatures, and set SSMIS snow depth to "missing" when found.
- Fixed arguments passed to checkgrid subroutine calls.
- Initialized array used for interpolated GOFS sea ice concentration.
- Corrected computed i,j values for SSMIS data
- Updated compiler flags for Cray compiler.
- Extended/standardized file path lengths.
LIS Release notes:
- Added call to LIS_endrun and added ERR messages to USAF reader for retrospective mode.
- Added fault tolerance to SMAPNRT and SMOPS_ASCATsm readers, including writing alert.SMAPNRT.### or alert.SMOPS_ASCATsm.### files.
- Fixed FORMAT statement for reading presav files.
- Updated compiler flags for Cray compiler.
- Reduced memory footprint when reading IMERG data.
- Updated MPI decompositions to 576 by 1 based on timing tests with LIS-Noah on HPC11.
- Extended dimID array for restarts to 11 to support JULES restarts.
LVT Release notes:
- Added missing METRICS.TBL.anomaly for soil moisture anomaly calculations required for the soil moisture anomaly GeoTIFF file generation.
- Updated compiler flags for Cray compiler.
- Changed templates and "make" Python scripts to end at 12Z to ensure 24-hr products are created at 12Z, not 00Z.
- Reinstated GOFS/HYCOM SST processing.
- Changed filename convention for new USAFSI GRIB2 output as requested by SEMS-III contractor and LCMC.
LISF Public 7.3.4 Release
LDT Release notes:
- Fixed issue in readinput_latlon.
LIS Release notes:
- Fixed Mosaic LSM nest crash
- Fixed use of input LAI for Noah-MP-4.0.1 vegetation options
- Fixed negative runoff in HyMAP2 when run in 2way coupling.
- Corrected LSM_finalize routines.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates since LISF Public 7.3.2.
LISF 557WW 7.4.8 Release
LDT Release notes:
S2S updates
- Fix forecast year setting, from previous year, to correct output file naming convention for LDT-based restart file upscaling or downscaling.
- Incorporate the latest "GNEMO5" model name convention, as the new NMME model has replaced the former "GNEMO".
USAFSI updates
- Correct ldt.config settings.
- Remove obsolete GRIB1 SST file support.
- Add support for FNMOC SST GRIB1 file.
LIS Release notes:
- Add workaround for Cray compilers.
- Replace julhr with YYYYMMDDHH in logs.
LVT Release notes:
- Brought example lvt.config file up to date.
- Fixed bug in assembling full path to USAFSI netCDF file.