\n );\n};\n\nexport default Home;\n```\n\nIn this version, we've included mechanisms to handle and add technology stack and team members. Notice how for each field (tech stack and team members), we use separate states for the input elements and update the form's main `formData` when the corresponding addition button is clicked. This approach demonstrates a basic way to manage such dynamic fields in a form. The array items for tech stacks and team members are displayed below their respective input fields, providing a simple visualization of what's been added.","x":4977,"y":657,"width":1023,"height":1605,"color":"6"},
{"chat_role":"assistant","id":"b5f05816eace59c5","type":"text","text":"// Import necessary modules\nimport { db } from \"./database\"; // Assuming a database module is being used for data storage\nimport { HashedPassword, Project, TeamMember } from \"./types\"; // Import necessary types from the schema\n\n// Function to create a new hackathon entry\nconst createHackathonEntry = async (\n projectId: string,\n projectName: string,\n problemStatement: string,\n solutionDescription: string,\n technologyStack: string[],\n teamMembers: TeamMember[]\n) => {\n try {\n // Create a new hackathon entry object\n const hackathonEntry: HackathonEntry = {\n projectId,\n projectName,\n problemStatement,\n solutionDescription,\n technologyStack,\n teamMembers,\n coherenceScore: 0,\n evaluationRemarks: \"\",\n };\n\n // Store the hackathon entry in the database\n await db.collection(\"hackathonEntries\").insertOne(hackathonEntry);\n\n console.log(\"Hackathon entry created successfully\");\n } catch (error) {\n console.error(\"Error creating hackathon entry\", error);\n }\n};\n\n// Function to calculate the coherence score based on certain criteria\nconst calculateCoherenceScore = (hackathonEntry: HackathonEntry): number => {\n // Perform coherence scoring logic here...\n let coherenceScore = 0;\n\n // Example logic: Give a score of 10 if the problem statement and solution description are well-defined\n if (hackathonEntry.problemStatement && hackathonEntry.solutionDescription) {\n coherenceScore += 10;\n }\n\n // Assign the calculated coherence score to the hackathon entry\n hackathonEntry.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n\n return coherenceScore;\n};\n\n// Function to evaluate a hackathon entry\nconst evaluateHackathonEntry = async (projectId: string, remarks: string) => {\n try {\n // Retrieve the hackathon entry from the database\n const hackathonEntry: HackathonEntry | null = await db\n .collection(\"hackathonEntries\")\n .findOne({ projectId });\n\n if (hackathonEntry) {\n // Calculate coherence score for the hackathon entry\n const coherenceScore = calculateCoherenceScore(hackathonEntry);\n\n // Update the coherence score and evaluation remarks in the hackathon entry\n await db.collection(\"hackathonEntries\").updateOne(\n { projectId },\n {\n $set: {\n coherenceScore,\n evaluationRemarks: remarks,\n },\n }\n );\n\n console.log(\"Hackathon entry evaluated successfully\");\n } else {\n console.error(\"Invalid project ID\");\n }\n } catch (error) {\n console.error(\"Error evaluating hackathon entry\", error);\n }\n};\n\n// Example usage\n\n// Create a new hackathon entry\ncreateHackathonEntry(\n \"1\",\n \"Decentralized Health Monitoring\",\n \"Lack of access to real-time health monitoring in remote areas\",\n \"A decentralized app that connects IoT devices to monitor health data\",\n [\"Blockchain\", \"IoT\", \"Cloud Computing\"],\n [\n { name: \"John Doe\", email: \"john.doe@example.com\", role: \"Developer\" },\n { name: \"Jane Smith\", email: \"jane.smith@example.com\", role: \"Designer\" },\n ]\n);\n\n// Evaluate a hackathon entry\nevaluateHackathonEntry(\"1\", \"Good problem statement, well-defined solution, impressive technology stack\");\n","x":2120,"y":-294,"width":780,"height":1252,"color":"6"},
{"id":"0c74271427445fba","type":"text","text":"EXCECUTE YOUR PURPOUSE ","x":-94,"y":-156,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"bb2fd74cb8b13dbd","type":"text","text":"import AudioController from \"../components/aiu/AudioController\";\nimport { ChatMessage } from \"@/app/store/session\";\n// appTypes \n//\n// Entities\nexport type Roy = {\n uid: string;\n address: string;\n count: number;\n name: string;\n age: number;\n finances: Finances;\n experiences: Experience[];\n physicalAbility: PhysicalAbility;\n emotionalState: EmotionalState;\n spiritualBeliefs?: SpiritualBeliefs;\n messages: ChatMessage[];\n lifeEvents: LifeEvent[];\n imageUrl: string;\n}\n\ninterface LifeEvent {\n description: string;\n date: Date;\n}\n\n// Attributes\ntype Finances = {\n income: number;\n savings: number;\n debt: number;\n}\n\ntype Experience = {\n description: string;\n impactOnRoy: number;\n}\n\ntype PhysicalAbility = {\n healthStatus: string;\n fitnessLevel: number;\n}\n\ntype EmotionalState = {\n happinessLevel: number;\n stressLevel: number;\n}\n\ntype SpiritualBeliefs = {\n religion?: string;\n importance: number;\n}\n\n// Relationships and Events\ntype ChoiceConsequence = {\n choiceMade: string;\n outcome: string;\n}\n\ntype AgeRelatedEvent = {\n age: number;\n likelyEvents: LifeEvent[];\n}\n\ntype FinancialDecision = {\n decisionType: string;\n outcome: Finances;\n}\n\ntype HealthLifeSpan = {\n healthChoices: string[];\n expectedLifespan: number;\n}\n\n// Processes\nclass Simulation {\n runSimulation(decadeChoice: DecadeChoice): LifeEvent[] {\n // Method to run the simulation for the decade choice\n return [];\n }\n}\n\nclass Visualization {\n createVisualization(roy: Roy): string {\n // Method to create a visualization of Roy's life\n return 'visualization_url';\n }\n}\n\nclass NFTMinting {\n mintNFT(visualization: string): NFT {\n // Minting the NFT with the visualization\n return new NFT(visualization);\n }\n}\n\nclass NFT {\n constructor(public visualization: string) { }\n}\n\n// Constraints (Typically expressed as business logic within methods)\n// ...\n\n// Goals\ntype LifeDiscovery = {\n goalDescription: string;\n pursueDiscovery(roy: Roy): void;\n}\n\ntype UniqueStorytelling = {\n narrative: string;\n generateStory(roy: Roy): string;\n}\n\n// Metrics\ntype MortalityRates = {\n [age: number]: number; // Percentage chance of death at that age\n}\n\ntype IncarcerationRates = {\n [choice: string]: number; // Chance of incarceration based on a choice\n}\n\ntype MarriageSuccess = {\n yearsMarried: number;\n successRate: number;\n}\n\ntype FinancialOutcomes = {\n careerChoice: string;\n averageEarnings: number;\n bankruptcyRate: number;\n}\n\n// Decade Choice\ntype DecadeChoice = {\n newYearsResolution: string;\n}\n// Update Roy's life events with the outcomes of the simulation\nexport type Sounds = {\n spaceshipHum?: AudioBuffer | null;\n spaceshipOn?: AudioBuffer | null;\n holographicDisplay?: AudioBuffer | null;\n warpSpeed?: AudioBuffer | null;\n audioController: AudioController | null;\n};\n","x":-141,"y":60,"width":345,"height":430},
@@ -10,7 +11,12 @@
{"id":"6c4d00b77efc0314","type":"text","text":"create a typescript class definition refactoring this code using this schema","x":1250,"y":-264,"width":250,"height":60},
{"chat_role":"assistant","id":"7e462bb847b69a47","type":"text","text":"import { useState } from \"react\";\n\ninterface DecadeResolution {\n uri: string;\n year: number;\n resolution: string;\n}\n\ninterface LifeEvent {\n type: string;\n description: string;\n timestamp: Date;\n}\n\ninterface RoyAttributes {\n name: string;\n currentLocation: string;\n currentYear: number;\n bornIn: {\n place: string;\n yearOfBirth: number;\n };\n experiences: LifeEvent[];\n lifeHistory: string[];\n count: number;\n image: string;\n}\n\nclass Roy {\n private _id: string;\n private address: string;\n private attributes: RoyAttributes;\n private currentDecadeResolution: DecadeResolution | null;\n\n constructor(\n uid: string,\n address: string,\n attributes?: Partial,\n location?: string,\n year?: number,\n name?: string\n ) {\n this._id = uid;\n this.address = address;\n const defaultAttributes: RoyAttributes = {\n name: name || \"Roy\",\n currentLocation: location || \"Earth\",\n currentYear: year || 1999 + 10,\n bornIn: { place: location || \"Denver\", yearOfBirth: year || 1999 },\n experiences: [],\n lifeHistory: [],\n count: 0,\n image: \"\",\n };\n this.attributes = { ...defaultAttributes, ...attributes };\n this.currentDecadeResolution = null;\n }\n\n getId(): string | null {\n return this._id;\n }\n\n async simulateOrigin(): Promise {\n const response = await createRoy(this._id, this.attributes, this.address);\n this.attributes = response.parsed;\n this.attributes.image = response.postCard.r.image;\n }\n\n async simulateDecade(): Promise {\n if (this.currentDecadeResolution) {\n const response = await newDecade(\n this.attributes,\n this.currentDecadeResolution\n );\n this.currentDecadeResolution = null;\n }\n }\n\n setDecadeResolution(resolution: DecadeResolution): void {\n this.currentDecadeResolution = resolution;\n }\n\n addLifeEvent(event: LifeEvent): void {\n this.attributes.experiences.push(event);\n }\n\n getCurrentState(): RoyAttributes {\n return this.attributes;\n }\n}\n\nconst createRoy = async (\n id: string,\n roy: RoyAttributes,\n address: string\n): Promise<{ parsed: RoyAttributes; postCard: any }> => {\n const response = await fetch(\"/api/newRoy\", {\n method: \"POST\",\n headers: {\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\n },\n body: JSON.stringify({ id, roy, address }),\n });\n const r = await response.json();\n const parsed: RoyAttributes = JSON.parse(r);\n return { parsed, postCard: r };\n};\n\nconst newDecade = async (\n roy: RoyAttributes,\n decade: DecadeResolution\n): Promise<{ parsed: RoyAttributes; postCard: any }> => {\n const response = await fetch(\"/api/newDecade\", {\n method: \"POST\",\n headers: {\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\n },\n body: JSON.stringify({ roy, decade }),\n });\n const r = await response.json();\n const parsed: RoyAttributes = JSON.parse(r);\n return { parsed, postCard: r };\n};\n\nconst useRoy = (\n uid: string,\n address: string,\n resolution: string,\n roy: RoyAttributes\n): Roy | null => {\n const [royInstance, setRoyInstance] = useState(null);\n\n const createRoyInstance = async () => {\n const attributes = {} as RoyAttributes;\n const instance = new Roy(\n uid,\n address,\n attributes,\n roy.currentLocation,\n roy.currentYear,\n roy.name\n );\n setRoyInstance(instance);\n await instance.simulateOrigin();\n };\n\n const setDecadeResolution = (resolution: DecadeResolution) => {\n if (royInstance) {\n royInstance.setDecadeResolution(resolution);\n }\n };\n\n const simulateDecade = async () => {\n if (royInstance) {\n await royInstance.simulateDecade();\n }\n };\n\n const getRoyState = () => {\n return royInstance ? royInstance.getCurrentState() : null;\n };\n\n useEffect(() => {\n createRoyInstance();\n }, []);\n\n return {\n setDecadeResolution,\n simulateDecade,\n getRoyState,\n };\n};\n\nconst loadRoy = (\n uid: string,\n address: string,\n attributes: RoyAttributes\n): Roy => {\n return new Roy(uid, address, attributes);\n};\n\nexport { Roy, useRoy, loadRoy };","x":1700,"y":-294,"width":360,"height":1598,"color":"6"},
- {"chat_role":"assistant","id":"ff74159cac21d541","type":"text","text":"Based on the schema you've provided for a Hackathon Entry and Team Member, I'll refactor the provided code to match the context of managing hackathon project entries. This involves transforming the existing conceptual model around a character named \"Roy\" and his experiences into a model that deals with hackathon project entries, including their technology stacks, members, and evaluation.\n\n```typescript\nimport { HackathonEntry, TeamMember } from './dbSchema'; // Assuming dbSchema is another TypeScript file where the schema is declared\n\ninterface HackathonProjectAttributes {\n projectName: string;\n problemStatement: string;\n solutionDescription: string;\n technologyStack: string[];\n teamMembers: TeamMember[];\n}\n\nclass HackathonProject {\n projectId: string;\n attributes: HackathonProjectAttributes;\n coherenceScore: number;\n evaluationRemarks: string;\n\n constructor(\n projectId: string,\n attributes: Partial,\n coherenceScore: number = 0,\n evaluationRemarks: string = \"\"\n ) {\n this.projectId = projectId;\n this.attributes = {\n projectName: attributes.projectName ?? \"\",\n problemStatement: attributes.problemStatement ?? \"\",\n solutionDescription: attributes.solutionDescription ?? \"\",\n technologyStack: attributes.technologyStack ?? [],\n teamMembers: attributes.teamMembers ?? [],\n };\n this.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n this.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n }\n\n // Function to add a member to the project\n addTeamMember(member: TeamMember): void {\n this.attributes.teamMembers.push(member);\n }\n\n // Function to update the coherence score and evaluation remarks\n evaluateProject(coherenceScore: number, evaluationRemarks: string): void {\n this.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n this.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n }\n\n // Get project information\n getProjectInfo(): HackathonEntry {\n return {\n projectId: this.projectId,\n projectName: this.attributes.projectName,\n problemStatement: this.attributes.problemStatement,\n solutionDescription: this.attributes.solutionDescription,\n technologyStack: this.attributes.technologyStack,\n teamMembers: this.attributes.teamMembers,\n coherenceScore: this.coherenceScore,\n evaluationRemarks: this.evaluationRemarks,\n };\n }\n}\n\nexport async function createHackathonProject(projectData: Partial): Promise {\n // Mimic an asynchronous operation, for example, saving to a database\n const projectId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); // Generate a simple unique identifier\n const newProject = new HackathonProject(projectId, projectData);\n // Include database save operation here if needed\n return newProject;\n}\n\nexport async function addTeamMemberToProject(projectId: string, member: TeamMember): Promise {\n // This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and then add a team member\n // Include database update operation here if needed\n}\n\nexport async function evaluateAndScoreProject(projectId: string, coherenceScore: number, evaluationRemarks: string): Promise {\n // This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and update its score and evaluations\n // Include database update operation here if needed\n}\n\n// Example Usage\n// const newProject = await createHackathonProject({ projectName: \"Innovative AI Solution\", ... });\n// addTeamMemberToProject(newProject.projectId, { name: \"Alice\", email: \"alice@example.com\", role: \"Developer\" });\n// evaluateAndScoreProject(newProject.projectId, 90, \"Excellent execution and innovative idea.\");\n\n```\n\nNote: The provided refactored code transforms the conceptual model around \"Roy\" into handling hackathon project specifics. Functions like `createHackathonProject`, `addTeamMemberToProject`, and `evaluateAndScoreProject` are supposed to interact with a backend or a database to store and retrieve data but are represented here as placeholders to mimic the described functionalities based on the HackathonEntry schema provided.","x":2940,"y":-294,"width":920,"height":1601,"color":"6"}
+ {"chat_role":"assistant","id":"ff74159cac21d541","type":"text","text":"Based on the schema you've provided for a Hackathon Entry and Team Member, I'll refactor the provided code to match the context of managing hackathon project entries. This involves transforming the existing conceptual model around a character named \"Roy\" and his experiences into a model that deals with hackathon project entries, including their technology stacks, members, and evaluation.\n\n```typescript\nimport { HackathonEntry, TeamMember } from './dbSchema'; // Assuming dbSchema is another TypeScript file where the schema is declared\n\ninterface HackathonProjectAttributes {\n projectName: string;\n problemStatement: string;\n solutionDescription: string;\n technologyStack: string[];\n teamMembers: TeamMember[];\n}\n\nclass HackathonProject {\n projectId: string;\n attributes: HackathonProjectAttributes;\n coherenceScore: number;\n evaluationRemarks: string;\n\n constructor(\n projectId: string,\n attributes: Partial,\n coherenceScore: number = 0,\n evaluationRemarks: string = \"\"\n ) {\n this.projectId = projectId;\n this.attributes = {\n projectName: attributes.projectName ?? \"\",\n problemStatement: attributes.problemStatement ?? \"\",\n solutionDescription: attributes.solutionDescription ?? \"\",\n technologyStack: attributes.technologyStack ?? [],\n teamMembers: attributes.teamMembers ?? [],\n };\n this.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n this.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n }\n\n // Function to add a member to the project\n addTeamMember(member: TeamMember): void {\n this.attributes.teamMembers.push(member);\n }\n\n // Function to update the coherence score and evaluation remarks\n evaluateProject(coherenceScore: number, evaluationRemarks: string): void {\n this.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n this.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n }\n\n // Get project information\n getProjectInfo(): HackathonEntry {\n return {\n projectId: this.projectId,\n projectName: this.attributes.projectName,\n problemStatement: this.attributes.problemStatement,\n solutionDescription: this.attributes.solutionDescription,\n technologyStack: this.attributes.technologyStack,\n teamMembers: this.attributes.teamMembers,\n coherenceScore: this.coherenceScore,\n evaluationRemarks: this.evaluationRemarks,\n };\n }\n}\n\nexport async function createHackathonProject(projectData: Partial): Promise {\n // Mimic an asynchronous operation, for example, saving to a database\n const projectId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); // Generate a simple unique identifier\n const newProject = new HackathonProject(projectId, projectData);\n // Include database save operation here if needed\n return newProject;\n}\n\nexport async function addTeamMemberToProject(projectId: string, member: TeamMember): Promise {\n // This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and then add a team member\n // Include database update operation here if needed\n}\n\nexport async function evaluateAndScoreProject(projectId: string, coherenceScore: number, evaluationRemarks: string): Promise {\n // This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and update its score and evaluations\n // Include database update operation here if needed\n}\n\n// Example Usage\n// const newProject = await createHackathonProject({ projectName: \"Innovative AI Solution\", ... });\n// addTeamMemberToProject(newProject.projectId, { name: \"Alice\", email: \"alice@example.com\", role: \"Developer\" });\n// evaluateAndScoreProject(newProject.projectId, 90, \"Excellent execution and innovative idea.\");\n\n```\n\nNote: The provided refactored code transforms the conceptual model around \"Roy\" into handling hackathon project specifics. Functions like `createHackathonProject`, `addTeamMemberToProject`, and `evaluateAndScoreProject` are supposed to interact with a backend or a database to store and retrieve data but are represented here as placeholders to mimic the described functionalities based on the HackathonEntry schema provided.","x":2940,"y":-294,"width":920,"height":1601,"color":"6"},
+ {"id":"3d6a07a4ccabcc0c","type":"text","text":"create a for loop that displays input boxes for each type of data and then using Toast shows the project info on the screen.","x":4157,"y":-814,"width":250,"height":147},
+ {"id":"52ce15ff6fa0e3da","type":"text","text":"\"use client\";\n\n \n\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\n\nimport type { NextPage } from \"next\";\n\nimport { toast } from \"react-hot-toast\";\n\nimport { useAccount } from \"wagmi\";\n\nimport { MagnifyingGlassIcon } from \"@heroicons/react/24/outline\";\n\nimport { createHackathonEntry } from \"~~/app/hackathon\";\n\nimport { HackathonEntry } from \"~~/types/dbSchema\";\n\n \n\nconst Home: NextPage = () => {\n\n \n\nconst account = useAccount();\n\nconst [problem, setProblem] = useState(\"\");\n\nconst [implementation, setImplementation] = useState(\"\");\n\nconst [project_id, setPID] = useState(\"\");\n\nconst [project_name, setPNAME] = useState(\"\");\n\nconst [techStack, setStack] = useState([]);\n\nconst [teamMembers, setMembers] = useState([]);\n\nconst [solution, setSolution] = useState(\"\");\n\n//const [hackathonEntries, setHackathonEntries] = useState([]);\n\nconst dummy = {\n\n \n\nprojectId: project_id,\n\nprojectName: project_name,\n\nproblemStatement: problem,\n\nsolutionDescription: solution,\n\nimplementationDescription: implementation,\n\ntechnologyStack: techStack,\n\nteamMembers: teamMembers,\n\ncoherenceScore: 0,\n\nevaluationRemarks:'',\n\n} as HackathonEntry;\n\n \n\nconst hack = async () => {\n\nconst hck = await createHackathonEntry(dummy);\n\nconsole.log(hck);\n\n};\n\n \n\nhack();\n\n \n\nreturn (\n\n<>\n\n
\n\n>\n\n);\n\n};\n\n \n\nexport default Home;","x":4518,"y":-900,"width":250,"height":274},
+ {"id":"c551f0747becae17","type":"text","text":"\"use client\";\n\n \n\nimport { HackathonEntry, TeamMember } from \"~~/types/dbSchema\";\n\n \n\ninterface HackathonProjectAttributes {\n\nprojectName: string;\n\nproblemStatement: string;\n\nsolutionDescription: string;\n\nimplementationDescription: string;\n\ntechnologyStack: string[];\n\nteamMembers: TeamMember[];\n\n}\n\n \n\nexport class hackathonEntry {\n\nprojectId: string;\n\nattributes: HackathonProjectAttributes;\n\ncoherenceScore: number;\n\nevaluationRemarks: string;\n\n \n\nconstructor(\n\nprojectId: string,\n\nattributes: Partial,\n\ncoherenceScore = 0,\n\nevaluationRemarks = \"\",\n\n) {\n\nthis.projectId = projectId;\n\nthis.attributes = {\n\nprojectName: attributes.projectName ?? \"\",\n\nproblemStatement: attributes.problemStatement ?? \"\",\n\nsolutionDescription: attributes.solutionDescription ?? \"\",\n\ntechnologyStack: attributes.technologyStack ?? [],\n\nteamMembers: attributes.teamMembers ?? [],\n\nimplementationDescription: attributes.implementationDescription ?? \"\",\n\n};\n\nthis.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n\nthis.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n\n}\n\n \n\n// Function to add a member to the project\n\naddTeamMember(member: TeamMember): void {\n\nthis.attributes.teamMembers.push(member);\n\n}\n\n \n\n// Function to update the coherence score and evaluation remarks\n\nevaluateProject(coherenceScore: number, evaluationRemarks: string): void {\n\nthis.coherenceScore = coherenceScore;\n\nthis.evaluationRemarks = evaluationRemarks;\n\n}\n\n \n\n// Get project information\n\ngetProjectInfo(): HackathonEntry {\n\nreturn {\n\nprojectId: this.projectId,\n\nprojectName: this.attributes.projectName,\n\nproblemStatement: this.attributes.problemStatement,\n\nsolutionDescription: this.attributes.solutionDescription,\n\ntechnologyStack: this.attributes.technologyStack,\n\nteamMembers: this.attributes.teamMembers,\n\ncoherenceScore: this.coherenceScore,\n\nevaluationRemarks: this.evaluationRemarks,\n\nimplementationDescription: this.attributes.implementationDescription,\n\n};\n\n}\n\n}\n\n \n\nexport async function createHackathonEntry(projectData: Partial): Promise {\n\n// Mimic an asynchronous operation, for example, saving to a database\n\nconst projectId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); // Generate a simple unique identifier\n\nconst newProject = new hackathonEntry(projectId, projectData);\n\n// Include database save operation here if needed\n\nreturn newProject;\n\n}\n\n \n\nexport async function addTeamMemberToEntry(projectId: string, member: TeamMember): Promise {\n\n// This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and then add a team member\n\n// Include database update operation here if needed\n\n}\n\n \n\nexport async function evaluateAndScoreEntry(\n\nprojectId: string,\n\ncoherenceScore: number,\n\nevaluationRemarks: string,\n\n): Promise {\n\n// This function would be implemented to find a project by its ID and update its score and evaluations\n\n// Include database update operation here if needed\n\n}","x":4042,"y":-1020,"width":250,"height":60},
+ {"chat_role":"assistant","id":"44739c9f1f5bf33f","type":"text","text":"To create a form that dynamically generates input boxes for each type of data belonging to a hackathon entry and then displays the entered project information using toast notifications, follow the modified code example below. The code example assumes you're using React with Next.js:\n\nLet's refactor your `Home` component to include form handling logic, dynamic input fields based on the `HackathonEntry` type, and use the `toast` function to display the project information:\n\n```jsx\nimport { useState } from \"react\";\nimport type { NextPage } from \"next\";\nimport { toast } from \"react-hot-toast\";\nimport { useAccount } from \"wagmi\";\nimport { createHackathonEntry } from \"~~/app/hackathon\";\nimport { TeamMember } from \"~~/types/dbSchema\";\n\ninterface InputField {\n name: string;\n placeholder: string;\n type: string;\n}\n\nconst inputFields: InputField[] = [\n { name: \"projectName\", placeholder: \"Project Name\", type: \"text\" },\n { name: \"problemStatement\", placeholder: \"Problem Statement\", type: \"text\" },\n { name: \"solutionDescription\", placeholder: \"Solution Description\", type: \"text\" },\n { name: \"implementationDescription\", placeholder: \"Implementation Description\", type: \"text\" },\n // Add more input fields as necessary. For arrays, you might need a different approach as shown below.\n];\n\nconst Home: NextPage = () => {\n const account = useAccount();\n const [formData, setFormData] = useState({\n projectName: \"\",\n problemStatement: \"\",\n solutionDescription: \"\",\n implementationDescription: \"\",\n technologyStack: [],\n teamMembers: [],\n coherenceScore: 0,\n evaluationRemarks: \"\",\n });\n\n const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent, key:string) => {\n if(key !== \"technologyStack\" && key !== \"teamMembers\") {\n setFormData({ ...formData, [e.target.name]: e.target.value });\n }\n };\n\n const handleSubmit = async () => {\n try {\n await createHackathonEntry(formData as any); // Assuming createHackathonEntry can handle this modified formData.\n toast.success(\"Hackathon entry created successfully!\");\n // Optionally display the project info in a toast notification\n toast(`Project Information: Name - ${formData.projectName}, Problem Statement - ${formData.problemStatement}`);\n } catch (error) {\n toast.error(\"Failed to create hackathon entry.\");\n console.error(error);\n }\n };\n\n return (\n <>\n
Account: {account.address}
\n {inputFields.map((field) => (\n
\n handleChange(e as React.ChangeEvent, field.name)}\n className={\"text-black\"}\n />\n
\n ))}\n {/* Handle arrays like technologyStack and teamMembers differently */}\n {/* Example for technologyStack & teamMembers not included for brevity */}\n \n >\n );\n};\n\nexport default Home;\n```\n\nThis code snippet demonstrates handling form inputs dynamically based on the `inputFields` array for simplicity. As implied in the comments, handling complex data types like arrays (e.g., `technologyStack`, `teamMembers`) might require a different approach involving separate state management and potentially another UI component to manage each member of the array. Remember to properly handle these arrays according to your application's needs, as straightforward input fields might not suffice.","x":4800,"y":-1020,"width":820,"height":1414,"color":"6"},
+ {"id":"034cc1bc038ffcf4","type":"text","text":"yo you missed variables ","x":4977,"y":537,"width":250,"height":60}
@@ -20,6 +26,12 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx b/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
index e3d43bf..054f699 100644
--- a/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
+++ b/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
@@ -4,34 +4,73 @@ import { useState } from "react";
import type { NextPage } from "next";
import { toast } from "react-hot-toast";
import { useAccount } from "wagmi";
-import { MagnifyingGlassIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
import { createHackathonEntry } from "~~/app/hackathon";
-import { HackathonEntry } from "~~/types/dbSchema";
+import { TeamMember } from "~~/types/dbSchema";
+interface InputField {
+ name: string;
+ placeholder: string;
+ type: string;
+const inputFields: InputField[] = [
+ { name: "projectName", placeholder: "Project Name", type: "text" },
+ { name: "problemStatement", placeholder: "Problem Statement", type: "text" },
+ { name: "solutionDescription", placeholder: "Solution Description", type: "text" },
+ { name: "implementationDescription", placeholder: "Implementation Description", type: "text" },
+ // Add more input fields as necessary. For arrays, you might need a different approach as shown below.
const Home: NextPage = () => {
const account = useAccount();
- const [problem, setProblem] = useState("");
- const [solution, setSolution] = useState("");
- const [hackathonEntries, setHackathonEntries] = useState([]);
- const dummy = {} as HackathonEntry;
- const hack = async () => {
- const hck = await createHackathonEntry(dummy);
- console.log(hck);
+ const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
+ projectName: "",
+ problemStatement: "",
+ solutionDescription: "",
+ implementationDescription: "",
+ technologyStack: [],
+ teamMembers: [],
+ coherenceScore: 0,
+ evaluationRemarks: "",
+ });
+ const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent, key: string) => {
+ if (key !== "technologyStack" && key !== "teamMembers") {
+ setFormData({ ...formData, [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
+ }
- hack();
+ const handleSubmit = async () => {
+ try {
+ await createHackathonEntry(formData as any); // Assuming createHackathonEntry can handle this modified formData.
+ toast.success("Hackathon entry created successfully!");
+ // Optionally display the project info in a toast notification
+ toast(`Project Information: Name - ${formData.projectName}, Problem Statement - ${formData.problemStatement}`);
+ } catch (error) {
+ toast.error("Failed to create hackathon entry.");
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ };
return (
+ handleChange(e as React.ChangeEvent, field.name)}
+ className={"text-black"}
+ />
+ ))}
+ {/* Handle arrays like technologyStack and teamMembers differently */}
+ {/* Example for technologyStack & teamMembers not included for brevity */}