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File metadata and controls

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Linked Open Data Management System Comparison


This comparison was developed in the Linked Open Data Working Group of the NFDI4Culture consortia and resulted from collaboration with users and developers of the respective software solutions.
The information is intended to show the possibilities, limitations, strengths and weaknesses of each tool and to help researchers choose the right tool for their particular project.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Lozana Rossenova or Robert Nasarek.

Comparison Categories

1 Official website

The official website of the tool. Free text, e.g.

  • Free text

2 License

Which license is applied to the software? Free text, i. e. MIT, Apache, GNU, BSD.

  • Free text

3 Source code availability

Is the code available online (in GIT etc.)?

  • Available: Code base is open.
  • Closed: Code base is not open.

4 Community maturity

What is the level of maturity of the open source community around this tool?

  • Mature: Open repositories on open Git platforms, active and constantly contributions from many different contributors, wide / international variety of community forums and events.
  • Fledgling: Open repositories on open Git platforms, regulary contributions from few contributors, limited number of community forums and events.
  • Emerging: This product does not yet have a contributor community or is not open source software.

5 Statistics (with time stamp)

How many contributors / forks / stars on the project page in Git? Add relevant stats for larger underlying software projects in the extended answers (e.g. Drupal or MediaWiki). Add a time stamp.

  • Free text, i. e. 80 public sites, >22K Commits, 16 Stars (29.04.2022)

6 Payment models

Is this a service you pay for?

  • Free: Can be run entirely in-house
  • SaaS: Paid-services-only model
  • Hybrid model:Free to self-host; Paid model with extras.

7 Maintainer

The organization/ institution/ person who currently works on the RDMS. Offers the possibility to support.

  • Free text, i. e. Wikimedia Deutschland

8 Documentation

Is there a reachable and up-to-date documentation, which explains the installation and usage of features of the program?

  • Full: Everything is documented
  • Sufficient: Installation and main features
  • Little or outdated: Not sufficient to install the program successfully or to use the main features

9 Infrastructure stack

Which environment / software components are needed to set up the tool (not exhaustive)? Which particular stack configuration works well?

9.1 Framework

Parent infrastructure, i. e. Drupal, MediaWiki with programming language like PHP, Javascript etc.

  • Free text

9.2 Webserver

The server software, i. e. Apache, Nginx...

  • Free text

9.3 Database

Relational database providers, like MySQL or Postgres or NoSQL Providers like MongoDB or eXist-DB.

  • Free text

9.4 Triplestore

Triplestore providers like graphDB or Blazegraph.

  • Free text

9.5 Search

Additional server for searching, i. e. Solr or ElasticSearch.

  • Free text

9.6 Image Server

Image server for IIP or IIIF ready Images, i.e. IIPImage Server, Mirador, DFG Image Viewer.

  • Free text

9.7 3D Viewer

Viewer for 3D Images, i. e. Sketchfab or Kompakkt.

  • Free text

9.8 Containerization

For which providers exists containers or container-images, i. e. docker.

  • Free text

9.10 Other (please add)

Any other stack parts used with the LODMS? Please provide as list.

  • Free text

10 APIs

What endpoints, interfaces, connectors are available?

10.1 RESTful

  • True/ False


  • True/ False

10.3 MediaWiki HTTP

  • True/ False

10.4 GraphQL

  • True/ False

10.5 SQL

  • True/ False

10.6 Other (please add)

Any additional API, please provide as list.

  • Free text

11 API usability level

How well is the API documented?

  • Well documented: This means that there are examples & definitions for requests; it is also possible to understand the API without being a developer. Explicit documentation of routes and vocabulary exists outside the program code.
  • Little or self documentation: Gaining information works only implicitly over requests etc.

12 SPARQL Endpoint usability level

Are there own interfaces for the usage of the endpoints, like query consoles etc.? Do they have documentations or a high level of usability?

  • Availability of graphical user interfaces, examples and documentation: Query Consoles, API-functions, explainations etc. are available within the RDMS.
  • Depends on third party triple store: Usability level depens on the third party provider of the endpoint or triple store.
  • Little or self documentation and no GUIs: RDMS just providing the endpoint.

13 Reification

Can you add statements about statements on-the-fly - like 'annotations' - be it time, provenance, or others without changing the ontology or datamodel?

  • yes/ no

14 Reasoning operations via the triplestore endpoint

Can you do reasoning on the triplestore?

  • yes/ no

15 Method for ontology definition

How can you define the properties and classes of an ontology?

  • Within the LODMS: There is an interface, formular or similar, which allows you to design the ontology structure and/or constraints.
  • Through import: You have to develop the ontology with a third party tool (i.e. Protègè) and then import the rdf/owl file.
  • Hybrid: Both import of existing schemas plus manual edits are allowed.

16 Ontology constraints

Are there any formal constraints in the data model, i. e. domains and ranges of properties reflected in the data model?

  • Based on semantically defined rules: Domains and ranges of properties, hierarchie of classes etc. of a given ontology are reflecting in the options of connecting or arranging fields in the RDMS data model.
  • None: You can use the semantics of a given ontology, but you are not bind to the property or hierarchical constraints.

17 Data validation

Can entities be validated (e.g. a person must have name, address and phone number). Can fields be validated (e.g. it must be an integer/string/URL etc.)?

17.1 Ontology level

It is possible to check if an entity is "correct", i.e. if an entity for a person has the required fields like name, adress or age.

  • True/ False


You can validate the field type, like if it has to be an integer or string, url etc.

  • True/ False

18 Standardization and interoperability for data mapping / harvesting

Can you easily perform standard-compliant data mapping/harvesting? Harvesting in this regard means that data from external repositories can either be easily transferred to one's own repository or displayed in one's own context in the sense of LOD, for example, alternative names of a person from the DNB/GND repository.

  • Yes, out of the box: There are adapters or mapping aids within the RDMS.
  • Yes, via plugins or third-party tools: You have to install and configure additional modules, add-ons etc, use third-party tools (e.g. OpenRefine) or run custom scripts.
  • No: It is not possible to map or harvest data from external sources.

18 PID generation

Can you auto-generate persistent identifiers for items?

  • yes/ no

20 PID reuse

Can you reuse of existing PIDs?

  • yes/ no

21 Import/ export function

Can you use common formats to import/ export data (ODBS, CSV, JSON)?

  • Yes, out of the box: Import/ Export function is (GUI-)provided within the RDMS.
  • Yes, via plugins or third-party tools: You have to install addons or extensions to import/export data.
  • No: No possibility to import/ export data via the RDMS.

22 Data type input support

What formats can be entered into a data field?

22.1 Text

Strings of any kind.

  • True/ False

22.2 Numeric

Integer and floats of any kind.

  • True/ False

22.3 Boolean

Like FALSE/TRUE or 0/1.

  • True/ False

22.4 Date and time

Including different kinds of formats (, mm.dd.yyyy:hh:mm:ss etc.)

  • True/ False


Normaly in format like http://example-iri/my-ontology/

  • True/ False

22.6 Identifiers

Both internal and external ids of any kind.

  • True/ False

22.7 Media files

Complex files in any format, audio (WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA...), Video (MP4, MOV, AVI...), 3D (BLEND, OBJ, FBX...) etc. More detailed integration options at #30.

  • True/ False

22.8 Geospatial


  • True/ False

22.9 Other (please add)

  • Free text

23 Multiple value entries per field

Can you add multiple distinct values for a particular metadata field? Can the order of the entries be changed later? Can different data types be used in multiple entries?

23.1 Allowed

  • True/ False

23.2 Changable order

  • True/ False

23.3 Mixed data types

  • True/ False

24 Content templating

Is it possible to customize the frontend framework based on content and/or data type? For example, can the items for people, locations, and e.g. cultural artefacts look differently to end-users (i.e. have a different structure of statements and statement groupings, different placement of images and media on the screen, etc.).

24.1 Data entry

  • True/ False

24.2 Data presentation

  • True/ False

24.3 Customisable per entity type

  • True/ False

24.4 Via user interface

  • True/ False

24.5 Requires additional configuration or coding

  • True/ False

25 Front-end design

The front-/backend, buttons, basic interfaces "what comes from a fresh installation".

  • Fully customizable themes: Customize color, fonts, style formatting, animations, content regions etc.
  • Fixed themes: Reuse existing themes for styling.
  • Hard-coded design: Have to hard code hmtl, css, javascript etc. to change appearance.

26 Translatable/ multilingual Interface

What's the granularity for multilingual support?

26.1 Interface

The front-/backend, buttons, basic interfaces "what comes from a fresh installation".

  • True/ False

26.2 Data model

Terminologies and semantics.

  • True/ False

26.3 Data values

Actual data values.

  • True/ False

27 Version control

Is it possible to track revisions of the data set on individual data statement level within the RDMS? As well as on ontology level?

27.1 Entity level

Build revisions on distinct entities and their values.

  • True/ False

27.2 Ontology level

Build revisions of the whole database/ ontology.

  • True/ False

28 User access control on the entity/fact level

Can you edit (create, read, update or delete) the triplestore on the entity/statement level? Is editing done only via the GUI or can it also be done bi-directionally (from the triplestore endpoint to the GUI)?


  • One-directional: You can only alter content in the CMS or the triplestore.
  • Bi-directional: Altering data in CMS/triplestore and reflecting vice versa.

29 Access rights settings

Possibility to set granular access (read and/or write) level rights for different user groups?

  • Full granularity of access:
  • Limited number of access tiers:
  • None: fully open or fully closed system:

30 Media integrations

Which media types can be integrated?

30.1 Audio

MP3, WAV...

  • True/ False

30.2 Image


  • True/ False

30.3 Video

MKV, AVI, MP4....

  • True/ False

30.4 3D


  • True/ False

30.5 Remote

Youtube, Vimeo...

  • True/ False

30.6 Maps

GoogleMaps, Leaflet, Open Street Map...

  • True/ False

30.7 Other (please add)

Additional media types, please provide as list.

  • Free text

31 Data visualization

What forms of visualization does the tool offer?

  • Build-in: Visualisation tools ships with the RDMS.
  • Via extensions: You have to install third party addons or extension to perform special visualisations.
  • None: No data visualisations within the RDMS possible.

32 Data analysis

What forms of data analysis does the tool offer?

  • Built-in: Analysis tools ships with the RDMS.
  • Via extensions: You have to install third party addons or extension to perform special analysis.
  • None: No data analyses within the RDMS possible.

33 Third-party tools and libraries

What third party tools and libaries exist for this tool?

  • Mature: Many active maintained tools for several purposes.
  • Fledgling: Tools for the important tasks.
  • Few or outdated: Few tools or not actively maintained.

34 Scalability

Can this tool scale well to millions of items?

  • yes/ no