There are no owners, partners, shareholders or equivalent legal terms in our DAO. The DAO is not an investment, investment vehicle, stock, security bond or any other type of traditional finance model as recognized by the SEC or other regulatory organization. Token holders are not acting as members of an unincorporated association by participating in governance votes.When used, the terms “yield”, “invest” and other similar terms are not meant to be interpreted literally. Rather, such terms are being used to draw rough, fuzzy-logic analogies between the heavily automated and mostly deterministic operations of a decentralized-finance smart contract system and the discretionary performance of traditional-finance transactions by people.For example, ‘debt’ is a legally enforceable promise from a debtor to a creditor to pay an interest rate and eventually repay the principal. Therefore, ‘debt’ cannot exist without legal agreements and cannot be enforced without courts of law. By contrast, with NFTEarth's revenue sharing vault, there are no legal agreements, promises of payment or courts of law, and therefore there are no debts, loans or other traditional finance transactions involved.Instead, NFTEarth revenue sharing vault consists of software (including embedded game-theoretic incentives and assumptions) through which people can share their tokens with smart contract systems and, under normal and expected conditions and subject to various assumptions regarding the behavioral effects of incentives, probably get their tokens back eventually, plus extra tokens, most of the time or in most cases. Unlike in traditional lending, the ‘lender’s’ financial return does not depend primarily on the creditworthiness, solvency or financial skill of the ‘borrower’ or on legal nuances such as the perfection of liens or the priority of creditor claims in a bankruptcy--it depends primarily on the incentive model assumed by the software design and how reliably the software implements that model.Thus, the transactions you can effect through NFTEarth decentralized finance systems, while superficially similar to traditional financial transactions in some ways, are in fact very different. DeFi and TradFi each have unique costs and benefits, risks and protection mechanisms. Please bear this fact in mind, and do not use NFTEarth's revenue sharing vault or any other system described on this website without a sufficient understanding of their unique risks and how they differ from traditional financial transactions. The only way to fully understand such risks is to have a strong understanding of the relevant technical systems and the incentive design mechanisms they embody--we strongly encourage you to review NFTEarth's technical documentation and code before use.