How to operate the GP2GP adaptor
The adaptor reads its configuration from environment variables. The following sections describe the environment variables used to configure the adaptor.
Variables without a default value and not marked optional, MUST be defined for the adaptor to run.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_SERVER_PORT | 8080 | The port on which the GP2GP Adapter API will run. |
GP2GP_ROOT_LOGGING_LEVEL | WARN | The logging level applied to the entire application (including third-party dependencies). |
GP2GP_LOGGING_LEVEL | INFO | The logging level applied to GP2GP adaptor components. |
GP2GP_LOGGING_FORMAT | (*) | Defines how to format log events on stdout |
Logging levels are ane of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
The level DEBUG MUST NOT be used when handling live patient data.
(*) GP2GP API uses logback ( The built-in logback.xml
defines the default log format. This value can be overridden using the GP2GP_LOGGING_FORMAT
environment variable.
You can provide an external logback.xml
file using the -Dlogback.configurationFile
JVM parameter.
The adaptor requires a Mongodb-compatible database of at least version 4.0 to manage its internal state. MongoDB provides a table of compatible versions of their product against the java driver version.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_MONGO_URI | mongodb://localhost:27017 | Whole Mongo database connection string. Has a priority over other Mongo variables. |
GP2GP_MONGO_DATABASE_NAME | gp2gp | The database name. |
GP2GP_MONGO_HOST | The database host. Leave undefined if GP2GP_MONGO_URI is used. | |
GP2GP_MONGO_PORT | The database port. Leave undefined if GP2GP_MONGO_URI is used. | |
GP2GP_MONGO_USERNAME | The database username. Leave undefined if GP2GP_MONGO_URI is used. | |
GP2GP_MONGO_PASSWORD | Mongo database password. Leave undefined if GP2GP_MONGO_URI is used. | |
GP2GP_MONGO_OPTIONS | Mongodb URL encoded parameters for the connection string without a leading "?". Leave undefined if GP2GP_MONGO_URI is used. | |
GP2GP_MONGO_AUTO_INDEX_CREATION | true | (Optional) Should auto index for Mongo database be created. |
GP2GP_MONGO_TTL | P84D | (Optional) Time-to-live value for inbound and outbound state collection documents as an ISO 8601 Duration. |
GP2GP_COSMOS_DB_ENABLED | false | (Optional) If true the adaptor will enable features and workarounds to support Azure Cosmos DB. |
Trust Store Configuration Options
You can configure a trust store with private CA certificates if required for TLS connections. The trust store does not replace Java's default trust store. At runtime the application adds these additional certificates to the default trust store. Only an s3:// url is currently supported, and the current use-case is to support AWS DocumentDb.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_SSL_TRUST_STORE_URL | (Optional) URL of the trust store JKS. The only scheme currently supported is s3:// |
GP2GP_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD | (Optional) Password used to access the trust store |
The adaptor uses AWS S3 or Azure Storage Blob to stage translated GP2GP HL7 and ebXML documents.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_STORAGE_TYPE | LocalMock | The type of storage solution. One of: S3, Azure, LocalMock |
GP2GP_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME | The name of the Azure Storage container or Amazon S3 Bucket | |
GP2GP_AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING | The connection string for Azure Blob Storage. Leave undefined if type is not Azure. | |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | The access key for Amazon S3. Leave undefined if using an AWS instance role. | |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The secret access key for Amazon S3. Leave undefined if using an AWS instance role. | |
AWS_REGION | The region for Amazon S3. Leave undefined if using an AWS instance role. |
The adaptor requires an AMQP 1.0 compatible message broker to 1) receive inbound Spine messages via MHS adaptor and 2) queue its own internal asynchronous tasks
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_AMQP_BROKERS | amqp://localhost:5672 | A comma-separated list of URLs to AMQP brokers (*) |
GP2GP_AMQP_USERNAME | (Optional) username for the AMQP server | |
GP2GP_AMQP_PASSWORD | (Optional) password for the AMQP server | |
GP2GP_AMQP_MAX_REDELIVERIES | 3 | The number of times an message will be retried to be delivered to consumer. After exhausting all retires, it will be put on DLQ.<queue_name> dead letter queue |
GP2GP_TASK_QUEUE | gp2gpTaskQueue | Defines name of internal taskQueue. |
GP2GP_TASK_QUEUE_CONSUMER_CONCURRENCY | 1 | Defines the number of concurrent task queue consumers in a single application. |
(*) Active/Standby: The first broker in the list always used unless there is an error, in which case the other URLs will be used. At least one URL is required.
The adaptor fetches patient records and documents with the GP Connect Consumer Adaptor (Github / Dockerhub) consuming the GP Connect API.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_GPC_GET_URL | http://localhost:8090/@ODS_CODE@/STU3/1/gpconnect | (*) The base URL of the GP Connect Consumer Adaptor. @ODS_CODE@ is a placeholder replaced in runtime with the actual ODS code of the loosing practice. |
GP2GP_GPC_STRUCTURED_FHIR_BASE | /fhir | The path segment for Get Access Structured FHIR server |
GP2GP_GPC_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE | 150000000 (150 MB) | Buffer size when downloading data from GPC |
could be set to the base URL of a GP Connect Producer for limited testing purposes
The GP2GP uses the MHS Adaptor to send/receive messages to/from Spine.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_MHS_OUTBOUND_URL | http://localhost:8081/mock-mhs-endpoint | URL to the MHS adaptor's outbound endpoint |
GP2GP_MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE | inbound | Name of the queue for MHS inbound |
GP2GP_MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_CONSUMER_CONCURRENCY | 1 | Defines the number of concurrent mhs inbound queue consumers in a single application. |
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_LARGE_ATTACHMENT_THRESHOLD | 4500000 | Value in bytes. Defines the max size of a single attachment sent to MHS. If a document is larger than this value, it's content will be split and sent in chunks. |
Options for configuring the web client making requests to the MHS Adaptor and the GP Connect Consumer Adaptor.
Backoff options are used to perform retries of a HTTP request when the client experiences a timeout or 5xx response.
The client will perform retries up to the number provided by MAX_BACKOFF_ATTEMPTS
Time to wait before making the next request attempt is calculated using the equation below, with retryNumber
at 0 for the first failure, and jitter
being a random number in the range 0.5 - 1.5
Timeout is measured as total time for the HTTP request and response to complete.
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_GPC_CLIENT_MAX_BACKOFF_ATTEMPTS | 6 | Max backoff attempts |
GP2GP_GPC_CLIENT_MIN_BACKOFF_SECONDS | 5 | Min Backoff time (seconds) |
GP2GP_GPC_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS | 1200 | Request timeout (seconds) |
Environment Variable | Default | Description |
GP2GP_MHS_CLIENT_MAX_BACKOFF_ATTEMPTS | 6 | Max backoff attempts |
GP2GP_MHS_CLIENT_MIN_BACKOFF_SECONDS | 5 | Min Backoff time (seconds) |
GP2GP_MHS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS | 120 | Request timeout (seconds) |
TODO: Sequence diagram "user journey" of Spine messages, tasks, and GPCC requests
Adaptor document tasks are defined and documented in Java source code:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Level=INFO Logger=u.n.a.g.e.m.AgentDirectoryExtractor ConversationId=18262a7b-cb4c-4aef-8dd8-7ffc3dda67aa TaskId=ad4e53cc-9b4e-4e07-8937-f0f91887b21d Thread=java-thread-1 Message="The log message"
- Level: The logging level DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR
- Logger: The name of the Java class that emitted the message
- ConversationId: The identifier correlating all GP2GP message for a single patient transfer
- TaskId: The unique identifier of the task
- Message: The log message
- Data stored:
- The patients transformed structured record once it has been transformed into an ehrExtract that is ready to send to MHS Outbound
- Attachments associated with the patients structured record once they have been transformed into an outbound message for sending to MHS Outbound
- Filename convention:
- EhrExtracts files are named as a concatenation of {conversationId}/{conversationId}.json
- Attachment files are named as {conversationId}/{documentId}.json where documentId is the name of the file
- Metadata stored with files
- Type - Task type that uploaded the file GET_GPC_STRUCTURED / GET_GPC_DOCUMENT
- ConversationId - Task conversation ID
- TaskId - Task ID
- The broker must be configured with a limited number of retries and dead-letter queues
- It is the responsibility of the GP supplier to configure adequate monitoring against the dead-letter queues that allows ALL undeliverable messages to be investigated fully.
- The broker must use persistent queues to avoid loss of data
Using AmazonMQ
- A persistent broker (not in-memory) must be used to avoid data loss.
- A configuration profile that includes settings for retry and dead-lettering must be applied.
- AmazonMQ uses the scheme
but this MUST be changed toamqps://
when configuring the adaptor.
Using Azure Service Bus
- The ASB must use MaxDeliveryCount and dead-lettering
- Azure Service Bus may require some parameters as part of the URL configuration. For example:
GP2GP_AMQP_BROKERS=amqps://<NAME>;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY VALUE>
The adaptor subscribes to the MHS Adaptor's inbound queue to receive messages from Spine. Refer to the MHS Adaptor documentation to learn about these messages.
TODO: Document task queue payloads
- The GP2GP adaptor must be used with Mongodb-compatible database such as Amazon Document DB or Azure Cosmos
- The adaptor stores the identifiers, status, and metadata for each patient transfer
- Deleting the mongodb database, its collections, or its records will cause any in-progress transfers to fail
- The database should be used to monitor for any failed or incomplete transfers
Amazon Document DB Tips
In the "Connectivity & security" tab of the cluster a URI is provided to "Connect to this cluster with an application".
Replace : with the actual mongo username and password to be used by the application.
The value of GP2GP_MONGO_URI
should be set to this value. Since the URI string contains credentials we recommend
managing the entire value as a secured secret.
The user must have the readWrite
role or a custom role with specific privileges.
Azure Cosmos DB Tips
Follow Azure documentation on Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB
Refer to for design details
The supplier must monitor the adaptor to detect failed GP2GP EHR Transfers.
db.inventory.find({error: {$exists: true}}, {error: 1})
Query will select the extracts where an error has occurred from the MongoDb
Detecting incomplete transfers, finds entries between the dates provided and where the process either has not reached the point of sending the acknowledgement or if it has been sent it has been sent in error:
db.inventory.find({created: {$gte:ISODate('2021-10-08'), $lt:ISODate('2021-10-09')}, $or:[{ackToRequester: {$exists: false}}, {"ackPending.typeCode": "AE"}]})
The adaptor does NOT fulfill the supplier's obligation under NPFIT-FNT-TO-IG-DES-0115.01 for long-term data retention. The adaptor does also NOT fulfill HSCIC-PC-BLD-0068.26 requirements related to data retention including BR15 and S63.
The adaptor downloads and translates the patient's record in its entirety (including attachments) before transmitting any portion of the record. The adaptor stages the translated portions in Object Storage (AWS S3 / Azure Blob). The supplier MUST configure a lifecycle policy in their selected storage solution to remove these records after a reasonable time period. The adaptor does NOT control the retention of data in object storage.
The adaptor's database records:
- the patient's NHS number
- identifiers (ODS & ASID) of the two GP practices involved in the transfer
- metadata about the transfer process
The supplier MUST configure the GP2GP_MONGO_TTL
variable to remove the database records
after a reasonable time period. The specs say 12 weeks (84 days), so this is our suggestion.
The adaptor's queued messages contain:
- the patient's NHS number
- identifiers (ODS & ASID) of the two GP practices involved in the transfer
- metadata about the transfer process
The supplier MUST monitor the broker's dead-letter queues to investigate any errors and clear old messages after a reasonable time period.
During end-to-end testing between different GP system implementations of GP2GP we observed the following limits.
- One implementation had a limit on the size of each individual attachment sent to it of 100MB. If an attachment sent to it exceeds this they will not file it into the patient record, but file a placeholder instead.
- One implementation had a limit on the total size of all attachments sent to it, equalling 375MB (≈ 500MB encoded as base64).
If a patient record exceeds this they will send a "Large Message general failure" response to the
We release adaptor image on Dockerhub as nhsdev/nia-gp2gp-adaptor, with the latest changes documented within the
When performing assurance against a simulated workload involving the transfer of 100MB attachments, we have identified a minimum of 8GB of RAM and 2 vCPUs to the container is required.
We provide Terraform scripts to perform an exemplar deployment of the GP2GP adaptor and its dependencies into AWS.