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Matthew Wheeler edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

When Dichotomous fits go wrong

dose <- c(0,62.5,125,250)
obs  <- c(1,9,8,14)
n    <- c(50,50,50,50)

a <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose,obs,n,model_type = "log-probit",fit_type = "mcmc",samples = 300000)

Dichotomous Fit 1-Bromopropane

This dataset is similar to the continuous, but it is a data set used in regulatory toxicology (NIOSH and EPA TOSCA have used it), so we can't just dismiss it as an edge case. NIOSH used model averaging because the data are 'poor.' You must either pick a model that fits the data 'best' or use a simplified model. Let's look at three models.

a <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose,obs,n,model_type ="log-probit",fit_type = "mle")
b <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose,obs,n,model_type ="qlinear",fit_type = "mle")
c <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose,obs,n,model_type ="weibull",fit_type = "mle")

The three fits look as follows:

## Summary of single model fit (MLE) using ToxicR
## Model:  Log-Probit 
## BMD: 29.36 (0.00, 101.33) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 0.717   0.397
## Summary of single model fit (MLE) using ToxicR
## Model:  Quantal-Linear 
## BMD: 78.60 (54.07, 145.06) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 2.676   0.262
## Summary of single model fit (MLE) using ToxicR
## Model: Weibull 
## BMD: 27.99 (0.00, 105.29) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 0.684   0.408
AIC1 <- -a$maximum + 2*3
AIC2 <- -b$maximum + 2*2
AIC3 <- -c$maximum + 2*3
AICs <- list(name=c("log-probit","quantal linear","weibull"),
             AIC = c(AIC1,AIC2,AIC3))
quantal linear

From a ''best model' point of view, one would argue that the quantal linear model is suitable. Now that is fine, but something is disconcerting with this choice. First, the quantal linear model's BMD is much greater than the other two, but the log-probit and Weibull model's BMD is zero. Why is this?

a <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose,obs,n,model_type ="log-probit",fit_type = "mle")

dose <- c(0,62.5,125,250)/250

For this example, the issue is twofold. First, $b$ has an estimate less than $1,$ which implies the dose-response is supra-linear. A supra-linear dose-response curve makes unreasonable assumptions about the nature of the dose-response curve.

alphas <- seq(0.0001,1,0.0001)
likes  <- rep(0,length(alphas))
for (ii in 1:length(likes)){
   alph = alphas[ii]
   mle_bin_likelihood <- function(p){
      prob <- logprobit_dr(p)
      lprobs <- obs*log(prob)+(n-obs)*log(1-prob)
   logprobit_dr <- function(p){
      returnV <- p[1] + (1-p[1])*pnorm(p[2]+alph*log(dose))
   likes[ii] <- -(optim(c(0.02,-2.2016318),mle_bin_likelihood,lower =   c(0.0001,-3),
                   upper = c(1-1e-8,3),method="L-BFGS-B")$value)

#alphas[2:length(alphas)] = alphas[1:(length(alphas)-1)]
likes[1] = likes[length(alphas)]
#likes[1] = likes[length(likes)]
     xlab = "Values of `b`",col="#33638DFF")

a <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose*250,obs,n,model_type ="log-probit",fit_type = "laplace")
## Summary of single model fit (Bayesian-MAP) using ToxicR
## BMD: 97.84 (45.04, 232.34) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 3.995    0.06

This likelihood has an actual maximum, but no significant difference exists between values of 'b' at zero vs. the maximum. As $b \rightarrow 0,$ the derivative of the dose-response goes to infinity as the dose goes to zero.


First, the issue is there is very little knowledge about this slope parameter for a wide range of values, and a little bit of information goes a long way.

## Summary of single model fit (Bayesian-MAP) using ToxicR
## BMD: 97.84 (45.04, 232.34) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 3.995    0.06

Now our estimate of $b$ is greater than 1, but we have a problem: it no longer fits the data with an acceptable p-value, and this is due to our prior on $b.$ Here we can loosen our prior and see what happens.

prior <- create_prior_list(normprior(0,2,-20,20),
                           lnormprior(log(1.1),0.5, 0, 100));

p_lprior = create_dichotomous_prior(prior,"log-probit")

a <- single_dichotomous_fit(dose*250,obs,n,prior=p_lprior,fit_type = "laplace")
## Summary of single model fit (Bayesian-MAP) using ToxicR
## BMD: 73.37 (29.90, 161.44) 90.0% CI
## Model GOF
## --------------------------------------------------
##                 X^2 P-Value
## Test: X^2 GOF 2.261   0.183

Here, we can see that the model now fits the data. So, how do we appropriately model this data? That is where model averaging comes in.

Model Averaging

ma_fit <- ma_dichotomous_fit(dose*250,obs,n)
## Summary of single MA BMD
## Individual Model BMDS
## Model                                                            		 BMD (BMDL, BMDU)	Pr(M|Data)
## ___________________________________________________________________________________________
##  Quantal-Linear                                               			85.69 (57.73 ,155.91) 	 0.473
##  Hill                                                         			64.34 (14.53 ,165.52) 	 0.156
##  Probit                                                       			140.61 (103.33 ,313.86) 	 0.100
## Weibull                                                       			75.66 (26.64 ,181.41) 	 0.092
##  Log-Logistic                                                 			73.78 (29.87 ,150.81) 	 0.079
##  Gamma                                                        			98.65 (50.08 ,206.65) 	 0.056
##  Logistic                                                     			160.96 (111.72 ,NaN) 	 0.031
##  Log-Probit                                                   			97.84 (45.04 ,232.34) 	 0.012
##  Multistage                                                   			74.68 (54.66 ,105.29) 	 0.001
## ___________________________________________________________________________________________
## Model Average BMD: 87.74 (31.26, 185.46) 90.0% CI

The lower bound is closer to this 'arbitrary' prior that was chosen just for the 'log-probit' model. Notice how the BMDL is now lower than the quantal linear model estimate $31.3$ vs $54.4,$ which reflects the uncertainty.

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