#Error Reduction Process Going through this process in a systematic manner is the fastest way to reduce error between the legacy and osm models. Don't skip around; troubleshooting the HVAC doesn't make sense until you know that the loads are correct. Running the legacy IDF files so that you have the .html files makes this comparison easier.
- Check the size of the building surfaces in "Envelope Summary"
- Check the R-values of constructions in "Envelope Summary"
- Check the infiltration rates in "Outdoor Air Summary"
- Check the infiltration schedules in "Outdoor Air Summary"
- Check the lighting loads in "Lighting Summary"
- Check the lighting schedules in "Lighting Summary"
- Check the equipment loads
- Check the equipment schedules
- Check the people density in "Outdoor Air Summary"
- Check the people schedules in "Outdoor Air Summary"
- Check the ventilation rates in "Outdoor Air Summary"
- Check the Sizing:System and Sizing:Zone objects
- Check the minimum flow fields in the terminals
- Check the nightcycle and economizer settings