Each directory contains steps to get started with a reference workflow.
VIA Microservice Architecture
Follow the below steps to get the required API keys.
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/metropolis-nim-workflows
Log in to https://build.nvidia.com/explore/discover.
You can get an API Key by selecting any of the available NIMs (for example https://build.nvidia.com/meta/llama3-70b). Then in the example code section, click on "Get API Key" then "Generate Key".
You will then see your API Key that will look something like "nvapi-xxx-xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
Store the generated API Key securely for future use.
- Login at: https://platform.openai.com/apps
- Select: API
- Create a new API key for your project at: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
- Store the generated API Key securely for future use.
Follow the steps in https://docs.nvidia.com/ngc/gpu-cloud/ngc-user-guide/index.html#generating-api-key to obtain the required NGC API Key.
- Login to the NVIDIA Container Repository using your NGC API Key
docker login nvcr.io -u ‘$oauthtoken’ -p <NGC_API_KEY>
- Pull the docker image
docker pull nvcr.io/metropolis/via-dp/via-engine:2.0-dp