$ cd flexbuild
$ . setup.env
$ bld docker (create or attach a docker container)
$ . setup.env
$ bld -h
Usage: bld -m <machine>
or bld <target> [ <option> ]
Most used example with automated build:
bld -m imx8mpevk # automatically build BSP + kernel + NXP-specific apps + Debian RootFS for imx8mpevk platform
bld -m lx2160ardb # same as above, for lx2160ardb platform
bld auto -p IMX (or -p LS) # same as above, for all arm64 iMX (or Layerscape) platforms
Most used example with separate command:
bld bsp -m imx8mpevk # generate composite firmware (including atf, u-boot, optee_os, kernel, dtb, peripheral firmware, tiny rootfs)
bld rfs -r debian:desktop # generate Debian-based desktop rootfs (with more graphics/multimedia packages for Desktop)
bld rfs -r debian:server # generate Debian-based server rootfs (with more server related packages, no GUI Desktop)
bld rfs -r debian:base # generate Debian-based base rootfs (small footprint with base packages)
bld rfs -r poky:tiny # generate poky-based arm64 tiny rootfs
bld rfs -r buildroot:tiny # generate Buildroot-based arm64 tiny rootfs
bld itb -r debian:base # generate sdk_debian_base_IMX_arm64.itb including kernel, dtb and rootfs_debian_base_arm64.cpio.gz
bld linux [ -p IMX|LS] # compile linux kernel for all arm64 IMX or LS machines
bld atf -m lx2160rdb -b sd # compile atf image for SD boot on lx2160ardb
bld boot [ -p IMX|LS ] # generate boot partition tarball (including kernel,dtb,modules,distro bootscript) for iMX/LS machines
bld apps -r debian:server -p LS # compile NXP-specific apps against the library dependencies of Debian server rootfs for LS machines
bld ml # compile NXP-specific eIQ AI/ML components against the library dependencies of Debian rootfs
bld merge-apps # merge NXP-specific apps into target Debian rootfs
bld packrfs # pack and compress target rootfs as rootfs_xx.tar.zst
bld packapps # pack and compress target app components as app_components_xx.tar.zst
bld repo-fetch [ <component> ] # fetch git repository of all or specified component from remote repos if not exist locally
bld docker # create or attach docker container to build in docker
bld clean # clean all obsolete firmware/linux/apps image except distro rootfs
bld clean-rfs -r debian:server # clean target debian-based server arm64 rootfs
bld clean-bsp # clean obsolete bsp image
bld clean-linux # clean obsolete linux image
bld list # list enabled machines and supported various components
The supported options:
-m, --machine target machine, supports imx6qsabresd, imx7ulpevk, imx8mpevk, imx8mqevk, imx8mmevk, imx8mnevk, imx8qmmek, imx8qxpmek,
ls1012ardb, ls1021atwr, ls1028ardb, ls1043ardb, ls1046ardb, ls1088ardb, ls2088ardb, lx2160ardb, lx2162aqds, etc
-b, --boottype type of boot media, valid argument: sd, emmc, qspi, xspi, nor, nand, default all types if unspecified
-a, --arch target arch of processor, valid argument: arm64 and arm32 (the default is arm64)
-p, --portfolio specify portfolio of SoC, valid argument: LS or IMX
-f, --cfgfile specify config file, configs/sdk.yml is used by default if only the file exists
-r, --rootfs specify flavor of target rootfs, valid argument: debian|poky|buildroot:base|desktop|server|tiny
-j, --jobs number of parallel build jobs, default 16 jobs if unspecified
-s, --secure enable security feature in case of secure boot without IMA/EVM
-t, --ima-evm enable IMA/EVM feature in case of secure boot with IMA/EVM
-T, --cot specify COT (Chain of Trust) type for secure boot, valid argument: arm-cot, arm-cot-with-verified-boot, nxp-cot
-e, --encapsulation enable encapsulation and decapsulation feature for chain of trust with confidentiality in case secure boot
-B, --buildarg secondary argument for various build commands
-F, --force force build regardless of the default configuration
-v, --version print the version of flexbuild
-h, --help print help info
The supported object commands:
bsp generate BSP composite firmware (contains atf, u-boot, peripheral firmware, kernel, dtb, tinylinux rootfs, etc)
bspall generate BSP composite firmware for all platforms
itb generate <sdk_version>_<distro_type>_<distro_scale>_<portfolio>_<arch>.itb
boot generate boot partition tarball (contains kernel, modules, dtb, distro boot script, secure boot header, etc)
rfs generate target rootfs, associated with -r, -a and -p options for different distro type and architecture
distroscr generate distro autoboot script for all or single machine
flashscr generate U-Boot script of flashing images for all machines
signimg sign various images and generate secure boot header for the specified machine
merge-apps merge NXP-specific apps components into target distro rootfs
auto automatically build all bsp, kernel, apps components and distro userland
clean clean all the obsolete images except distro rootfs
clean-firmware clean obsolete firmware images generated in build/firmware directory
clean-linux clean obsolete linux images generated in build/linux directory
clean-apps clean obsolete apps images
clean-rfs clean target rootfs
packrfs pack and compress distro rootfs as .tar.zst
packapps pack and compress apps components as .tar.zst
repo-fetch fetch single or all git repositories if not exist locally
repo-branch set single or all git repositories to specified branch
repo-update update single or all git repositories to latest HEAD
repo-commit set single or all git repositories to specified commit
repo-tag set single or all git repositories to specified tag
rfsraw2ext convert raw rootfs to ext4 rootfs
list list enabled config, machines and components
The composite firmware consists of ATF BL2, ATF BL31, BL32 OPTEE, BL33 U-Boot/UEFI, bootloader environment variables, secure boot headers, Ethernet firmware, dtb, kernel and tiny initrd rootfs, etc, this composite firmware can be programmed at offset 0x0 in NOR/QSPI/FlexSPI flash device or at offset 4k (LS) or 1k/32k/33k (I.MX) in SD/eMMC card.
Usage: bld bsp -m <machine> [-b <boottype>]
$ bld bsp -m imx8mpevk # generate composite firmware_imx8mpevk_sdboot.img
$ bld bsp -m imx93evk # generate composite firmware_imx93evk_sdboot.img
$ bld bsp -m ls1046ardb # generate composite firmware_ls1046ardb_<boottype>.img
$ bld bsp -m lx2160ardb # generate composite firmware_lx2160ardb_<boottype>.img
Usage: bld <instruction> [ -p <portfolio> ] [ -a <arch> ]
$ bld boot # generate boot_IMX_arm64_lts_xx.tar.zst for arm64 i.MX platforms by default
$ bld boot -a arm32 # generate boot_IMX_arm32_lts_xx.tar.zst for arm32 i.MX platforms
$ bld boot -p LS # generate boot_LS_arm64_lts_xx.tar.zst for arm64 Layerscape platforms
$ bld boot -p LS -a arm32 # generate boot_LS_arm32_lts_xx.tar.zst for arm32 iMX platforms
$ bld itb -r poky:tiny -p IMX # generate Yocto-based tiny <sdk_version>_poky_tiny_IMX_arm64.itb
$ bld itb -r debian:base -p IMX # generate Debian-based base <sdk_version>_debian_base_IMX_arm64.itb
$ bld itb -r poky:tiny -p LS # generate Yocto-based tiny <sdk_version>_poky_tiny_LS_arm64.itb
$ bld itb -r debian:base -p LS # generate Debian-based base <sdk_version>_debian_base_LS_arm64.itb
To build linux with default repo and current branch according to default config
Usage: bld linux [ -a <arch> ] [ -p <portfolio> ]
$ bld linux # for arm64 i.MX platforms ('-a arm64 -p IMX' by default)
$ bld linux -a arm32 # for arm32 i.MX platforms
$ bld linux -p LS # for arm64 Layerscape platforms
$ bld linux -a arm32 -p LS # for arm32 Layerscape platforms
To build linux with the specified kernel repo and branch/tag according to default kernel config
Usage: bld linux:<kernel_repo>:<branch|tag|commit> [ -a <arch> ]
$ bld linux:linux-lts-nxp:lf-6.1.36
$ bld linux:linux:LSDK-21.08
To customize kernel options with the default repo and current branch in interactive menu
$ bld linux:custom # generate a customized .config
$ bld linux # compile kernel and modules according to the generated .config above
To build custom linux with the specified kernel repo and branch/tag according to default config and the appended fragment config
Usage: bld linux [ :<kernel_repo>:<tag|branch> ] -B fragment:<xx.config> [ -a <arch> ]
$ bld linux -B fragment:ima_evm_arm64.config
$ bld linux -B fragment:"ima_evm_arm64.config lttng.config"
$ bld linux:linux:LSDK-21.08 -B fragment:lttng.config
Usage: bld atf [ -m <machine> ] [ -b <boottype> ] [ -s ] [ -B bootloader ]
$ bld atf -m imx8mpevk # build ATF image for SD boot on imx8mpevk
$ bld atf -m ls1046ardb -b qspi # build ATF image for QSPI boot on ls1046ardb
$ bld atf -m lx2160ardb -b sd # build ATF image for SD boot on lx2160ardb
$ bld atf -m lx2160ardb -b xspi # build ATF image for FlexSPI-NOR boot on lx2160ardb
bld can automatically build the dependent RCW, U-Boot/UEFI, OPTEE and CST before building ATF to generate target images. Note: If you want to specify different RCW configuration instead of the default one, firstly modify variable rcw_ in configs/board/<machine>.conf, then run 'bld rcw -m ' to generate new RCW image.
Usage: bld uboot -m <machine>
$ bld uboot -m imx8mpevk # build U-Boot image for imx8mpevk
$ bld uboot -m imx93evk # build U-Boot image for imx93evk
$ bld uboot -m ls1046ardb # build U-Boot image for ls1046ardb
Usage: bld <component> [ -b <boottype> ]
$ bld rcw -m ls1046ardb # build RCW images for ls1046ardb
$ bld mc_utils # build mc_utils image for DPAA2 on Layerscape platform
$ bld layerscape_fw # build binary fm_ucode, qe_ucode, mc_bin, phy_cortina, pfe_bin, dp_firmware_cadence, etc
$ bld mcore_demo # build imx m-core demo
Usage: bld <component> [ -a <arch> ] [ -r <distro_type>:<distro_scale> ]
$ bld imx_gst_plugin # build NXP-specific iMX gstreamer plugins component against Debian-based desktop rootfs
$ bld dpdk -r debian:server # build NXP-specific DPDK component against Debian-based server rootfs
$ bld apps # build NXP-specific apps components against Debian-based desktop rootfs for i.MX platforms
$ bld apps -r debian:server -p LS # build NXP-specific apps components against Debian-based server rootfs for LS platforms
(note: '-r debian:desktop -a arm64 -p IMX' is the default if unspecified)
$ bld repo-fetch # git clone source repositories of all components
$ bld repo-fetch dpdk # git clone source repository for single DPDK component
$ bld repo-branch # switch branches of all components to specified branches according to the config file
$ bld repo-tag # switch tags of all components to specified tags according to default config
$ bld repo-commit # set all components to the specified commmits of current branches
$ bld repo-update # update all components to the latest HEAD commmit of current branches
User can create a custom config file configs/custom.yml, flex-builder will preferentially select custom.yml, otherwise, the default configs/sdk.yml will be used. If there are multiple config files in configs directory, user can specify the expected one by specifying '-f ' option. Example:
$ bld -m imx8mpevk -f sdk.yml
$ bld -m lx2160ardb -f custom.yml
The default components download path is <flexbuild_dir>/components, the default build output path is <flexbuild_dir>/build. There are two ways to change the default path:
- Way1: set PKGDIR and/or FBOUTDIR in environment variable as below:
$ export PKGDIR=<path>
$ export FBOUTDIR=<path>
- Way2: modify DEFAULT_PKGDIR and/or DEFAULT_OUT_PATH in <flexbuild_dir>/configs/sdk.yml