Releases: NXP/matter
Release delivery for Matter with OTBR support on RW61X based on the MATTER 1.2 SVE tag
List of versions that are automatically included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- To fix python lib dependencies please update your branch to faad08d (see project-chip#30981)
- ot-nxp:
- sdk:
- RW61X Download SDK 2.13.2 available at
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative.
Features and NXP platforms supported
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over wifi with border router support. To get started
read the following:
- RW61X - Matter over Wi-Fi with Open Thread Border router support (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the laundry-washer device type enabled by default
Main changes in this release compare to previous RW61X Matter v1. TAG:
- Matter 1.2 switch (Matter 1.2 SVE baseline)
- Switch application device type to laundry-washer by default
- Various configuration fixes to support laundry-washer device type
- Fixes to support Matter 1.2 SVE test updates
- NXP RT GN architecure reworked to provide more configuration flexibility to the application so that SDK/Matter flags or SDK files could be added in the application without having to modify NXP platform enablement gn files
- Code cleanup
- RW61X SDK 2.13.2 support
- Support for Open Thread external commissioner to retrive the Thread active dataset
- Support for MDNS probing and announce from SRP server
- Various stability and performance improvements to the MDNS Advertising and Discovery proxies
- Added support for MLDv2
- Fixed issues with parsing and generating Router Advertisements
Known issues and limitations
- RW61X
- Session resumption not supported
- MDNS subtypes are not yet supported
Memory footprint summary
- RW61X
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Application flash usage | Application ram usage (including freeRTOS heap) | Factory data section | NVM |
Thermostat with OTA requestor | Matter over Wi-Fi with OT Border router (and BLE) | Release | 2175 K | 650 K | 4 K | 64 K |
Release delivery for Matter support on RT1170 + IW612 and RW61X.
List of versions that are automatically included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk(s):
- RT1170+IW612 Download public SDK 2.13.2 available at
- RW61X Download SDK 2.13.1 available at
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative.
Features and NXP platforms supported
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- RT1170+IW612 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) or Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- RW61X - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) or Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
Main changes in this release:
Main changes applying to all platforms supported in this release:
- Matter tag switch
- Openthread public commit: openthread/openthread@4e2ed64 supported + patch commit openthread/openthread@3d5cb36
- Adding support for IMXRT1170 evkb + 2EL M2 A1 IW612 Secure Module
- Adding the OTA requestor support
- Adding support for custom manufacturing flow
- Adding the OTA requestor support
- Switching to monolithic app to have cpu1 and cpu2 firmwares embedded inside the application
- Adding support for custom manufacturing flow
- Various configuration fixes to support the Thermostat device type
- Fixes to support Matter over Wi-Fi or Thread certification tests
Known issues and limitations
- RT+transceivers/RW61X
when a software reset is triggered (for example after using a matter cli command such as matterfactoryreset or matterreset) the debugguer needs to be detached.[RT110+IW612/RW61X]
session resumption not supported
Memory footprint summary
- RT1170+IW612
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Application flash usage | Application ram usage (including freeRTOS heap) | Factory data section | NVM |
Thermostat with OTA requestor | Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE) | Release | 1695 K | 501 K | 4 K | 128 K |
Thermostat with OTA requestor | Matter over Thread | Release | 1759 K | 467 K | 4 K | 128 K |
- RW61X
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Application flash usage | Application ram usage (including freeRTOS heap) | Factory data section | NVM |
Thermostat with OTA requestor | Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE) | Release | 1621 K | 522 K | 4 K | 64 K |
Thermostat with OTA requestor | Matter over Thread | Release | 1667 K | 397 K | 4 K | 64 K |
[RW610] Adding patch in order to build all-clusters-app for A0 revisi…
Release delivery for Matter Light Switch Combo application support on K32W1.
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk(s):
- RT1060: SDK 2.13 github based
- RT1170 package with IW612 support: SDK 2.13.10 available at
- K32W0: SDK 2.6.11 available at
- MW320: SDK 2.9.11 based
- RW61X: SDK 2.13.0 available at
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
RT1060 + transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801)
RT1170 + IW612
Main changes in this release:
Light Switch Combo application support on K32W1
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- K32W1 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support):
Known issues and limitations
Release delivery for Matter support on K32W0, K32W1 and RT1060+transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801).
List of versions that are automatically included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk(s):
- K32W0 Download public K32W0 SDK 2.6.12 available at
- K32W1 Download public K32W1 SDK 2.12.5 available at
- RT1060 SDK 2.13 github based
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative.
Features and NXP platforms supported
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support):
- K32W1 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support):
- RT1060+K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support), RT1060+IW416 - Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support) or RT1060+8801 - Matter over Wi-Fi:
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
Main changes in this release:
Main changes applying to all platforms supported in this release:
- Matter tag switch
- Openthread public commit: openthread/openthread@4e2ed64 supported + patch commit openthread/openthread@3d5cb36
- Update save-on-idle mechanism
- Add instructions for overwriting board configuration files
- Various BLE Manager fixes
- Add support for contact-sensor low power example
- Accelerate OT ECDSA operations using secure subsystem
- Optimize spake2+ operations with NXP Ultrafast P256
- Various BLE Manager fixes
- Various configuration fixes to support the Thermostat device type
- Fixes to support Matter over Wi-Fi or Thread certification tests
Known issues and limitations
- RT+transceivers
configurations do not support the OTA requestor feature.
Memory footprint summary
- K32W0
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Application flash usage | Application ram usage | Factory data section | NVM (external flash PDM area) |
On/Off Light | Matter over Thread | Release | 575 K | 84 K SRAM + 60 K heap | 2 K | 252 K |
Contact Sensor | Matter over Thread | Release | 575 K | 84 K SRAM + 60 K heap | 2 K | 252 K |
Door Lock | Matter over Thread | Release | 547 K | K SRAM + 60 K heap | 2 K | 252 K |
- K32W1
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Application flash usage | Application ram usage | Factory data section | NVM |
On/Off Light | Matter over Thread | Release | 663 K | 77 K SRAM + 35 K heap | N/A | 64 K |
Contact Sensor | Matter over Thread | Release | 554 K | 68 K SRAM + 35 K heap | N/A | 64 K |
- RT1060+transceivers
Device type | Connectivity support | Build mode | Transceiver | Application flash usage | Application ram usage (including freeRTOS heap) | Factory data section | NVM |
Thermostat | Matter over Thread | Release | k32w0 | 1010 K | 431 K | 4 K | 128 K |
Thermostat | Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE) | Release | IW416 | 1252 K | 439 K | 4 K | 128 K |
Thermostat | Matter over Wi-Fi (without BLE) | Release | 8801 | 835 K | 363 K | 4 K | 128 K |
Release delivery for Matter support on K32W0, RT1170 + IW612, RT1060+transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801), RW61X and MW320.
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk(s):
- RT1060: SDK 2.13 github based
- RT1170 package with IW612 support: SDK 2.13.10 available at
- K32W0: SDK 2.6.11 available at
- MW320: SDK 2.9.11 based
- RW61X: SDK 2.13.0 available at
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
RT1060 + transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801)
- Not validated. Use previous v1. release
RT1170 + IW612
Main changes in this release:
Openthread Stack update
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support):
- RT1060+K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support), RT1060+IW416 - Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support), RT1060+8801 - Matter over Wi-Fi:
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- RT1170+IW612 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) and Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- RW61X - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) and Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- mw320 - Matter over Wi-Fi (without BLE commissioning support)
Known issues and limitations
- RT+transceivers/RW61X
when a software reset is triggered (for example after using a matter cli command such as matterfactoryreset or matterreset) the debugguer needs to be detached.[RT1170+IW612]
Custom manufacturing flow is not implemented. Demo certificates are used for the moment.- The OTA requestor is not supported
Release delivery for Matter support on K32W0, RT1170 + IW612, RT1060+transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801), RW61X and MW320.
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk(s):
- RT1060: SDK 2.13 github based
- RT1170 package with IW612 support: SDK 2.13.10 available at
- K32W0: SDK 2.6.11 available at
- MW320: SDK 2.9.11 based
- RW61X: SDK 2.13.0 available at
In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
RT1060 + transceivers (K32W0, IW416, 8801)
- Not validated. Use previous v1. release
RT1170 + IW612
Main changes in this release:
- Add
as gn build arg to enable/disable PDM encryption. - Add SSBL OTA support.
- OTA multi-image now supports OTA payload with different configurations based on the following elements: application, SSBL, factory data or custom OTA payload.
- OTA multi-image now supports custom OTA payload by using a JSON schema to define the configuration.
- Add factory data OTA restore mechanism to revert to old data in case of error.
- Fix a rotating device id bug.
- Add a postbuild step that automatically signs the K32W0 binaries.
- Other fixes and README updates.
- Add
Adding support for Matter over Wi-Fi.[RT1060+K32W0]
OTW enabled by default at the boot to flash the K32W0 transceiver (download time estimation: between 2s and 4s depending on the RCP binary size).[RW61X]
Adding the support for Matter over Wi-Fi and Matter over Thread.- Matter stack based on v1.0.0.2 public Matter tag.
- Support for the Matter CLI.
- All_cluster app supports the thermostat device type by default.
- Diagnostic cluster supports.
- Matter multi fabric support.
- Matter over Wi-Fi: Minimal-mdns support to support Matter pairing with subtypes.
- Matter Wifi port state machine fixes.
- Other fixes and README updates.
- Add factory data support
- Miscellaneous bugs fixing
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support):
- RT1060+K32W0 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support), RT1060+IW416 - Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support), RT1060+8801 - Matter over Wi-Fi:
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- RT1170+IW612 - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) and Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- RW61X - Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support) and Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- all-cluster-apps: with the thermostat device type enabled by default
- mw320 - Matter over Wi-Fi (without BLE commissioning support)
Known issues and limitations
- RT+transceivers/RW61X
when a software reset is triggered (for example after using a matter cli command such as matterfactoryreset or matterreset) the debugguer needs to be detached.[RT1170+IW612]
Custom manufacturing flow is not implemented. Demo certificates are used for the moment.- The OTA requestor is not supported
Release delivery for Matter support on K32W148.
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk:
- K32W148 package : SDK 2.12.3 available at
- In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported Matter WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
- Not validated. Use previous v1. release
- Not supported
- Not validated. Use previous v1. release
- Not supported
Changes in this release:
- Adding the support for Matter over Thread on K32W148
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an application that use matter over thread. To get started read the following:
- K32W148: README
Find below a list of features for this new K32W148 configuration:
- Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support)
Known issues and limitations
- Some docs may not be up to date.
- Some Crypto operations are not offloaded to the crypto engine.
- Custom manufacturing flow is not implemented. Demo certificates are used for the moment.
- OTA update is available only for the host processor image.
Release delivery for Matter support on RT1170+IW612.
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk:
- RT1170 package with IW612 support: SDK 2.13.10 available at
- In case you do not have access, please ask your NXP representative
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported Matter WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
- Not validated. Use previous v1. release
- Not supported
- Not supported
- Not supported
Changes in this release:
- Adding the support for Matter over Wi-Fi and Matter over Thread on RT1170+IW612
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started read the following:
- RT1170+IW612: README
Find below a list of features for this new RT1170+IW612 configuration:
- Matter over Wi-Fi (with BLE commissioning support)
- Matter over Thread (with BLE commissioning support)
- all_cluster app support (with the thermostat device type enabled by default)
- matter shell/cli support
- SDK 2.13.10 with IW612 support based
- board settings:
Known issues and limitations
- The OTA requestor is not supported
- The matter manufacturing data storage is not supported
- Some docs may not be up to date
v1. TAG
First version of the K32W0 based on Matter v1.0.0.2-tag
List of versions that are included in our Matter release:
- Only K32W0 is supported in this release
- Matter:
- ot-nxp:
- sdk:
- platform K32W0 : Download public K32W0 SDK 2.6.10
Supported applications
Find below a list of supported WIFI/Thread examples for each NXP platforms:
- Not supported
- Not supported
- Not supported
- Not supported
Changes in this release:
- First release
The release is intended for developers who wish to start developing an
application that use matter over thread or matter over wifi. To get started
read the following:
- platform K32W0 : README