SNP barcode decoding program for Vibrio cholerae
VibcSNP spell was devoloped and tested in Python 3.9.0, and requires a several modules:
Enjoy a cup of coffee while installing these packages using commands below:
pip install fastani minimap2
conda install -c bio-conda samtools bcftools minimap2
FYI: some version of pandas might not be support DataFrame.append() any more.
VibcSNP requires a sequence file(in fasta format), you can simply submit your genome following -q/--query flag:
python -q vc_example[you can replace it with your own genome]
The first step of VibcSNP is to check the species of the genome using 95 of average nucleotide identity against the reference genome of Vibrio cholerae N16961.
If average nucleotide identity is lower than threshold, VibcSNP will exit.
Try a non-Vibrio cholerae genome with command below:
python -q non_vc_example
If genome is likely to be Vibrio cholerae, VibcSNP will print the value of average nucleotide identity.
The second step of VibcSNP is to detect a series of specific SNPs from monophyletic groups we have identified.
python -q vc_example
Command above will print such information:
yyyy-mm-dd time ---Species Identification---
yyyy-mm-dd time Input genome is from species vibrio cholerae
yyyy-mm-dd time Average Nucleotide Identity: 98.1241
yyyy-mm-dd time ---SNP detection---
yyyy-mm-dd time SNP lineage: 3.4.8
yyyy-mm-dd time ---Done---