What I learned From This 60 Days Crash Course Module 01. HTML & CSS Day 01. Building With HTML & CSS. Assignments Problems Day 02. Responsive Design, Flexbox Grid And CSS Styling. Assignments Problems Module 02. JavaScript Day 03. JavaScript Essentials. Assignments Day 04. Advanced JavaScript Functions And Data. Assignments Day 05. Mastering Loops & Arrays In JavaScript. Assignments Day 06. Interactive Websites With The DOM. Assignments Day 07. Problem Solving Class I. Day 08. DOM Data Handling And Local Storage. Assignments Problems Day 09. Problem Solving Class II. Day 10. Async JavaScript, Promises, Timeouts And More. Assignments Problems Day 11. Fetch API And Modern JavaScript Techniques. Assignments Problems Day 12. Fetch, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE Methods And ES6, Import & Export. Assignments Problems Day 13. Problem Solving Class III. Module 03. React Day 14. React, ReactDOM Basics With JSX And Babel. Assignments Problems Day 15. Understanding Components Props And Virtual DOM. Assignments Problems Day 16. Problem Solving Class I. Assignments Day 17. State Management Techniques & useState Hook. Assignments Problems Day 18. React Forms Lists, Keys And Axios Library. Assignments Problems Day 19. Component Lifecycle Side Effects & useEffect Hook. Assignments Problems Day 20. Problem Solving Class II. Day 21. Building React Projects With Vite_CRA useRef Hook. Assignments Problems Day 22. Deep Dive Into React Context API. Day 23. Exploring Routing in React and understanding environment variables. Day 24. Problem Solving Class III. Day 25. Styling in React with Chakra UI. Day 26. Problem Solving Class IV. Day 27 - Day 30. React Optional Assignments Module 04. DSA (Data Structures & Algorithms) Lecture 1. Masterclass on Complexity Analysis. Lecture 2. Masterclass on Binary Search. Lecture 3. Masterclass on Sorting Algorithms. Lecture 4. Input Taking in JS & 2D Arrays. Lecture 5. Time & Space Complexity. Lecture 6. Arrays & Strings. Lecture 7. Key Value Pair. Lecture 8. Sorting Algorithms. Lecture 9. Binary Search.