939-89 has a configurable chance to be SCP-682 when he spawn, he spawn as increased 939-89 with a configurable amount of hp.
regenerate himself a configurable amount of hp(default 5) every configurable time(default 5 seconds),
destroy doors like 096(you can turn it off in config or you can set a % chance for this),
kill human with one hit (you can turn it off in config),
gets a configurable amount of hp when he kills someone,
pry gates like 096 (you can turn it off in config).
is_enabled: true
spawn_chance: 100
# Text to be displayed above player name
display_name: SCP-682
display_color: red
# The broadcast content
content: <b>You are <color=red>SCP-682</color></b>
# The broadcast duration
duration: 10
# The broadcast type
type: Normal
# Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
show: true
# is the SCP-682 supposed to kill with one bite
can_kill_on_oneshot: false
# whether SCP-682 is to be able to Pry Gates?
can_pry_gates: true
pry_gate_cooldown: 60
pry_gate_cooldown_message: You must wait %time% seconds to pry gate again.
# how much hp should SCP-682 get when it damage a human
heal_hp_when_kill: 5
# max hp
max_h_p: 2200
# every how many seconds SCP-682 health should regenerate?
heal_time: 5
# how much hp should be regenerated?
heal_hp: 5
# can scp 682 destroy doors?
scp682_can_destroy_door: true
destroy_door_cooldown: 30
destroy_door_cooldown_message: You must wait %time% seconds before destroying the door again.
# how many % chance should SCP-682 have to destroy the door
scp682_destroy_door_chance: 100