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Nasdanika Architecture provides models and tools for "architecture-as-code" development.

Nasdanika Architecture is inspired by and borrows from TOGAF and C4 Model.

[TOC levels=6]


Software architecture is the fundamental structure of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.

Architecture development:

  • Capturing and sharing software architecture.
  • Architecture evolution is the process of maintaining and adapting an existing software architecture to meet changes in requirements and environment. As software architecture provides a fundamental structure of a software system, its evolution and maintenance would necessarily impact its fundamental structure. As such, architecture evolution is concerned with adding new functionality as well as maintaining existing functionality and system behavior.


TODO: Before you invest your time into reading, take a look at the demo. Link to the demo, demo docs - how it is done. Short summary here. Composite.


  • Model authoring:
  • Generation of model and metamodel documentation. Can be set up as an automated build with, say Jenkins, GitHub Actionss, or CircleCI among many other options:
  • Publishing/exchange of generated model and metamodel documentation (static HTML). Options:
    • Ability to create and share zip files.
    • Shared drive.
    • Hosting of static sites:
      • Web server, e.g. IIS.
      • GibHub Pages
      • GitLab Pages
      • A publishing service which serves content from source repositories
      • OneDrive/SharePoint can serve static content if .html files are published with .aspx extension.
  • Metamodel authoring and sharing:
    • Eclipse IDE package with Ecore tools:
      • Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers
      • Eclipse Modeling Tools

Components of Architecture Practice

  • Metamodel - contains specifications of types of "things" a.k.a. "concepts", "entities", "model elements". For example "Server" is a type of thing. Server specification may define that a server has an IP address attribute, a one-to-many containment relationship with "Hard Drive", and many-to-one non-containment "supportTeam" relationship with a "Team".
  • Model - contains descriptions of things (entities, instances, model elements). The descriptions comply with the meta-model specifications. For example, a model may contain multiple server model elements with different IP addresses, possibly referencing the same support team model element.
  • Viewpoint - a specification of how model elements shall be represented (shown). For UML diagrams it would be a diagram type, e.g. Component diagram. Viewpoint is a meta-view.
  • View - a representation of model elements, possibly compliant with a viewpoint specification. A view can be graphical (diagram, chart), textual - a list, or a table (matrix), or be built from UI components such as trees and forms.
  • Repository - a storage of models.


This section provides an overview of NASDAF architecture practice components.


NASDAF uses Eclipse Modeling Framework Ecore to define the meta-model. This section provides an overview of Ecore concepts.

  • EMF Project - contains one or more Ecore models and generator models. Generator models are used to generate Java classes from models.
  • Ecore model - contains one or more EPackages.
  • EPackage - a grouping construct, contains EClassifiers (EClass, EDataElement, EEnum) and sub-packages.
  • EClass - defines a "type of thing", e.g. "Server". Contains structural features - attributes and references, and operations. E.g. "Server".
  • EStructuralFeature - an attribute or a reference. Can be single value on multi-value.
    • EAttribute - simple value, e.g. a string, number, date. E.g. server's IP address can be defined as a single value string or as a multi-value string for servers with multiple network interfaces. A single IP address can also be defined as a multi-value integer with lower bound 4 and upper bound 6.
    • EReference - reference to model elements. Single or multi-value. Can be containing. For example, a server contains hard drives - a multi-value containment reference. A server references its support team - a single non-containment reference. References are uni-directional. However, a references may specify another reference as its opposite. Two opposite references act as a bi-directional reference.
  • EOperation - class behavior. E.g. server may define patch() and restart() operations.
  • EDataType - data type definition.
  • EEnum - enumeration.

Metamodel elements can be annotated with EAnnotation. Annotations can be used to associate documentation and constraints/validations with data elements. An example of a validation would be ensuring uniqueness of IP addresses across all servers.

An Ecore metamodel is used to generate Java classes representing metamodel EClasses. Compiled classes can be packaged as a Maven jar and deployed to a Maven repository, e.g. Maven Central. Model files can also be packaged and published as a Maven jar. Example - Nasdanika Ncore.

Ecore metamodel and generator model can be also loaded using Java API.

Nasdanika HTML Ecore can be used to generate metamodel documentation. Example - Nasdanika HTML Application Model.

The metamodel defines the architectural ubiquitous language and generated documentation is a dictionary of that language.

Metamodels can reference other metamodels. For example, the Application metamodel references Ncore metamodel. Application metamodel classes extend and use Ncore metamodel classes.

Metamodel files are XML files and can be diffed and merged which facilitates collaborative development.

Ecore code generator uses @generated Javadoc tags to mark generated code. It does not overwrite code which is not marked as generated or if the generated tag is "dirty" - has some text after it, e.g. @generated NOT. This feature allows generated and hand-crafted code to co-exist. For example:

  • The generator creates an default implementation of EOperation which throws UnsupportedOperationException.
  • Developer adds NOT after @generated and provides operation implementation.
  • In subsequent generations the generator would skip generation of this EOperation.

See EMF Tutorial.

Another technique is to add Gen suffix to the generated method and leverage generated code in hand-crafted code:

* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String getNameGen() {
	return name;

public String getName() {
	return format(getNameGen());

Model & Repository

At runtime ecore models are organized as follows:

  • ${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet} contains a collection of related cross-referencing resources.
  • ${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource} contain model elements which are instances of meta-model classes. Resources can be loaded on-demand. For example, a resource can be loaded when a reference to an object within the resource is resolved. Resources are identified by ${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI}'s.
  • Model elements can contain other elements. Model elements can also be identified by URI's.

One powerful feature of Ecore is object proxies. A proxy object can be created with an URI of the target object. EReferences may be configured to to transparently resolve proxies.

Resources can be loaded from different sources using ${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Factory resource factories}. Resource factories can be associated with extensions or protocols.

${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIHandler} can be used to load/save resources as streams.

Ecore provides ${javadoc/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl} for loading and saving resources in XMI format.

Models can be stored in a variety of databases using CDO and NeoEMF.

Nasdanika provides the following resource and resource factory classes:

  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.graph.processor.emf.GraphProcessorResource} - base abstract class for loading resources from graph ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.graph.Element}s.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.emf.DrawioResource} - base abstract class for loading resources from Drawio ( diagrams.
  • ${javadoc/} - loads application model from Drawio diagrams. See App Drawio for more detais.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.persistence.ObjectLoaderResourceFactory} and ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.persistence.ObjectLoaderResource} - load models from YAML & JSON. Also supports loading YAML and JSON from data URI's.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.emf.persistence.NcoreDrawioResourceFactory} - resource factory for loading models from Drawio diagrams using "semantic mapping" where diagram element properties are used to specify how to load a model element represented by the diagram element. One diagram element can have multiple semantic mappings using namespaces, i.e. one diagram can be used to load multiple models representing different aspects of what is depicted on the diagram. See EMF for more details.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.emf.persistence.ExcelResourceFactory} and ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.emf.persistence.ExcelResource} can be used to load resources from MS Excel files.

Custom URI handlers can be created to load models from sources such as:

  • GitHub or GitLab using REST API, gitlab4j-api or JGit. E.g. git: scheme can be used to load resources using JGit, and gitlab: to load using gitlab4j-api. This approach would allow to reference resources at a specific reference, e.g. a branch or tag, which is more flexible than git submodules. For REST API cases it would also allow to load resources on-demand instead of full clone.
  • Maven resources can be addressed using maven://<group id>/<artifact id>/<version>/<file>[/<path in jar>] and loaded using Maven Artifact Resolver.

Custom factories may load resources from, say:

  • Issue tracking systems.
  • Organization directories.

In some cases adapter services can be created to load models from information systems and serve them over HTTP(S) as XMI, JSON, or YAML. In case of XMI an adapter may leverage classes generated from metamodels to programmatically populate a model and then save it to XMI.

Loading logic may retrieve data from multiple sources. For example:

  • A person model element can be loaded from the organization's directory and then enriched with information from, say, profile.yml located in the person's personal Git repository is such repository and file exist.
  • Some information about a software component may be loaded from pom.xml. Information about developers can be loaded as proxies with developer e-mails as proxy URI's. The proxies would be resolved to person objects loaded from the organization's directory. Person objects may have a computed (derived) opposite to "developers" reference of a software component model element. This would allow to list all software components for a given developer.

As you can see, EMF allows to load data from multiple sources - databases, diagrams, YAML, JSON, Excel, information systems - cross-reference (stitch), validate, and represent as a coherent graph of model elements.

The data loading logic acts as an anti-corruption layer hiding complexities of data retrieval.

Viewpoint & View

There is a number of ways to define viewpoints for EMF models:

  • Eclipse IDE:
    • Tree editors can be generated from metamodels similar to model classes.
    • Eclipse Sirius allows to define multiple representations (viewpoints) - diagrams, trees, tables.
    • Xtext can be used to develop domain-specific text-based languages based on the metamodel. Such a language can be considered to be a "text-based viewpoint"
    • JFace Data Binding for EMF can be used to define SWT-based views. Views can be designed in Eclipse WindowBuilder.
  • Web
    • Eclipse Sirius Web can be used to create and deploy a graphical studio to the web.
    • Eclipse RAP allows to export SWT-based GUI to the Web.
    • Nasdanika HTML EMF ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.html.emf.EObjectActionBuilder} is a base class for creating adapters to generate Nasdanika HTML App Model Actions from model elements. The action model can then be used to generate a static web site. Example - Drawio Semantic Mapping is generated from a hierarchy of Composite's. The generation process validates the site for broken links, including links in diagrams. For model elements loaded from Drawio diagrams, source diagrams can be used in the action content. Action content may also contain additional diagrams (sub-views) - Drawio, PlantUML or Mermaid. Example - Markdown. Generated sites feature full-text search which includes text from diagram labels and tooltips.


Drawio diagrams can be used as model resources and as free-form model views (representations) which are not constrained by a viewpoint specification.

This section provides an overview of Drawio.

  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Document} contains one or more pages.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Page} contains ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Model}, which in turn contains root. Pages have name and id.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Root} has properties and contains one or more layers.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Layer} contains layer elements - nodes and connections. Layers have a name (label), properties, and can be hidden.
  • ${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Node} may contain other other nodes and connections. Nodes have a label, tooltip, properties, tags, and incoming and outgoing connections. A node can be linked to a URL or a page.
  • ${javadoc/${javadoc/org.nasdanika.drawio.Connection} may have source and target nodes. Similar to nodes and layers, connections have a label, tooltip, properties, and tags.
  • Tags are strings associated with nodes and connections. Similar to layers, tags can be used to hide diagram elements. However, layers contain nodes and connections, and tags have many-to-many relationship with nodes and connections.

See Nadanika Core Drawio for more details.

Drawio diagrams can be created and edited using the following methods:

  • Desktop editor which can be downloaded from or installed from Microsoft Store.
  • Online editor
  • Hosted editor - deploy Drawio webapp to a web server. You can modify js/viewer-static.min.js to point to the URL of your hosted editor - search and replace with the URL of your installation.
  • Drawio plug-ins, e.g. Confluence plug-in. Drawio diagrams can be exported from Confluence as well as imported to Confluence.

Drawio shapes and diagrams can be added to a user library and that library can be used to author new diagrams. This feature can be used to create libraries of shapes with pre-configured semantic mapping.

Comparison of Architecture Practice Approaches

This section compares three approaches to architecture practice which can be put on the "formalism continuum" as follows:

  • Low formalism (informal) - architectural artifacts are stored in Visio and PowerPoint documents and Drawio diagrams in Confluence. Diagram elements are not linked to model elements because there is no backing model and meta-model.
  • Adjustable formalism - NASDAF.
  • High formalism - UML with Sparx Enterprise Architect as an example.

The below table provides a side-by-side comparison of the approaches for each architecture practice elements. Subsequent sub-sections provide a more detailed explanation of each approach, pros and cons, and when to consider moving from one to another.

When you read this section keep in mind that "All models are wrong, but some are useful. Any model is wrong by definition because they are descriptions of particular aspects of reality. If a model is right then it is not a model, it is reality.

What is useful is dependent on the context and the goals. In particular, reality and models/metamodels with a high level of details are not useful in many cases because they are too complex. You need to strive for the just the right level of complexity/simplicity - "Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler".

Component Informal NASDAF UML
Metamodel Informal/tacit. May be documented, but the documentation does not constrain the model through automated means - it is up to modelers to create models compliant with the metamodel. Formal metamodel with types (classes) specific to the organization. Formal metamodels with types (classes) specified by a notation being used, e.g. UML.
Model Informal - tacit/tribal knowledge. Formal model compliante with the metamodel
Viewpoint Informal - diagram types used in the organization Formal - HTML generators Formal graphical notations (diagram types).
View Informal - PowerPoint, Visio, Drawio diagrams in Confluence pages Informal - Drawio, formal - HTML pages Formal - diagrams compliant with diagram types.
View to model cardinality Undefined, as there is no formal model Many-to-many for Drawio semantic mapping with namespaces. The same diagram file (resource) can be used to load different models. For example, an architecture model to communicate system functionality, implementation model integrated with work tracking system to communicate system development progress, and a runtime model integrated with monitoring solutions do communicate system status, e.g. failed or overloaded components. Many-to-one
Repository Distributed and disconnected - filesystem, OneDrive/Sharepoint, Confluence Distributed and connected - YAML, JSON, Excel, Drawio, XMI files in version control, integrations Tool-specific (opaque) repository - MS Acess database file, DBMS, Cloud. 1


In the low formalism scenario there is no formal metamodel and there is no model. Or the metamodel can be formal, but not traceable from architecture artifacts - all architecture stakeholders are expected to know the metamodel and the model by heart. There are many architecture artifacts mentioning, but not referencing, the same concepts (model elements).


In the diagram above "ABC Microservice" and "XYZ SOR" are mentioned, but not referenced. A person looking at the diagram is expected to possess contextual knowledge to understand what is depiced and where to look for additional information.

An informal practice is a good fit for situation where there the informal metamodel and model are well-understood in the organization and the level of changes is low enough - the organization/team is stable, new people have time and access to resources to learn about how things are done.

Some indicators when this practice becomes a misfit:

  • There are many presentations, pages, and diagrams, but it not clear which of them are sources of truth.
  • Multiple version of what architecture is expected to describe, but a single body of architecture knowledge.
  • Knowledge dilution - influx of new people; people who have the tribal knowledge are not sharing their knowledge with the new people because they are too busy.
  • Knowledge fragmentation - people hold bits and pieces of knowledge. Those bits and pieces may contradict each other.
  • Only a handful of people speaks at large meetings. New people don't speak up because the veterans hold the monopoly to truth.
  • Those who speak argue about definitions.

One of situations when such a misfit happens is when a small team develops a solution which is then positioned as a shared/reusable component/asset or a platform on which new solutions should be built. The team grows and what worked well for, say, 10 people doesn't work anymore for 50 core developers and hundreds of developers who are told to use the shared component/platform.


Comparing to the other two approaches, NASDAF requires investment into development of a metamodel and viewpoints.

It is perhaps an overkill if architecture is developed and maintained by a small group of people and architecture consumers either possess contextual knowledge to understand diagrams not backed by models, or they are knowledgeable of the underlying metamodel and notation, e.g. UML and its diagrams.

It is a good fit if:

  • An organization wants to "shape the tool" and codify organization's "secret sauce". For example, how teams work on efforts, how efforts are financed, who has expertise in a particular product or component.
  • There is an appetite for a holistic view but bits and pieces of information are spread over multiple systems and people. Systems can be integrated and people may own and maintain fragments of the whole distributed architecture model using means familiar to them. E.g. YAML or Excel. Such fragments can be kept close to the code of assets they describe, e.g. in the same version control repository.
  • Multiple version of architecture shall exist at the same time - multiple releases, feature branches or forks (e.g. a POC branch or fork).
  • There is a need to manage variability between, say, regions and business lines. With NASDAF metamodels can be organized into an inheritance hierarchy with common concepts being at the top and variations handled in subclasses.


With industry standards such as UML you get a metamodel and viewpoints out of the box. It is a good fit if people consuming architecture artifacts "speak" UML and be able to access architecture documentation. People contributing to architecture development have access to and know how to use the modeling tool.

However, the tool shapes you instead you shaping the tool. You may need to find a way to capture organization-specific concepts. In UML it can be done with, say, stereotypes and tags.

If the above conditions are not met, UML may become a burden:

  • Only a small portion of the language would be used. The unused portion becomes an "attack surface" - a risk for abuse. It also drains peoples mental capacity and dilutes focus.
  • The language, being an industry standard, still can't express organization-specific concepts.
  • "Ivory tower"/"over the wall" architecture practice may arise if tooling is available only to a small number of people in the organization.


Adoption of NASDAF has 3 dimensions as shown on the diagram below:


The value to the organization is proportional to the volume of the 3-D shape reflecting the adoption progress. However, adoption just along the practice and metamodel dimensions still brings value. On the diagram the shape is a rectangular cuboid, but is doesn't have to be as it will be explained below.

You can think of the three dimensions using the following metaphor:

  • Metamodel & Viewpoints - exploration. Discovering oil fields or plowing a field.
  • Model & Views - exploitation. Building oil rigs or planting a field.
  • Practice - providing equipment for exploration and exploitation, e.g. a tractor to plow a field.

Metamodel & Viewpoints

The metamodel describes organization's architecture problem domain. Organization's metamodel can be an extension of an existing metamodel, e.g. Ncore or NASDAF Model.

Also, initially there might be no organization's metamodel - you can start with an existing metamodel and then elicit metamodel from the model. E.g. if you find that in many cases architecture documentation contains "Contacts" section, then you should probably capture it in the metamodel and then migrate "Contacts" from the documentation to the model.

The opposite is also true - initially there might be no model, only a metamodel to drive common understanding of concepts and relationships within the organization.

A few ideas regarding metamodel evolution are outlined in the below sections


You can start with a taxonomy of "things" using Composite. E.g.

  • Offerings - products and services - what your organization offers to its customers.
  • Business capabilities - building blocks of offerings.
  • Technical capabilities - building blocks of business capabilities.
  • Tech stack - building blocks of technical capabilities.

You can use block diagrams to define and represent the hierarchy of composites.

Drawio Semantic Mapping Demo is an example of such a taxonomy.


The next step after building a taxonomy is ontology - start creating classes with attributes (properties) and relationships.

Capabilities and building blocks
  • Capability - something that is needed to achieve some goal. The WHAT. E.g. "Ability to make quarter-inch holes"2 or "RDBMS".
  • Building block - something that provides capabilities. The HOW. E.g. "A quarter-inch drill bit" or H2. A building block may provide more than one capability and a capability may be provided by multiple building blocks. E.g. there are many RDBMS products. A building block may also consume (require) capabilities. E.g. an RDBMS may consume disk space, RAM, CPU cycles.

Both capabilities and building blocks may have versions. Versions may have temporal properties. They may extend Period or have have lifecycle phases extending period. E.g. "Planned", "Development", "Beta", "GA", "Aging", "Retired".

Capabilities/building blocks metamodel would allow to build "Supply chain" views showing a graph of building blocks and provided and consumed capabilities.

Using an example from the taxonomy section:

  • Offerings consume business capabilities.
  • Business capabilities can be provided by multiple building blocks consuming technical capabilities.
  • Technical capabilities may also be provided by multiple building blocks consuming tech stack capabilities and building blocks.

Separation of capabilities (the WHAT) from buidling blocks providing them (the HOW) allows to define solution patterns in terms of capabilities and then build pattern embodiments by selecting building blocks providing those capabilities.

E.g. "Drink - Appetizer - Main Course - Dessert" is an offering pattern used by restaurants. And a menu is a catalog of building blocks providing "Drink" and other "capabilities.

Supply chains may be used to identify risks. For example, you may define a capability "Expertise with ABC component" and ask people in your organization to list their expertise in a form of provided capabilities (it can also be modeled differently). Then you may discover that a particular building block is rather critical because it is used by many offerings, but there is only a handful of people who have expertise with it.

Work Packages

A concept of a "Work Package" can be introduced to capture what needs to be done. A work package would have relationships with components it impacts - where work needs to be done, and with parties doing the work, e.g. teams, vendors. Work packages can be nested (WBS), have phases, similar to versions above. E.g. "Backlog", "In Progress", "Completed", "Deployed". Such phases may have temporal properties, e.g. extend Period. Or a work package itself may extend Period. Work packages may also have relationships with organization's units of funding and work items in a work tracking system. One work package may correspond to multiple work items.

Work packages may be modeled as flows.

Managing variability with inheritance hierarchies

In organizations which have multiple divisions/business lines and operate in different regions there might be variations between how things are structured. One example would be US and UK mailing addresses. They have common parts - Street and City, and different parts - State and Zip code in the US address and postal code in the UK address.

A way to manage this variability is to have a core metamodel which contains common classes and structural features, and region/business line specific metamodels extending the core metamodel. In such a hierarchy metamodel elements can move vertically and horizontally. A vertical move is pulling generic things up and pushing specific things down. A horizontal move is "borrowing" or "copy-paste" - one part of organization may leverage things from another part without pulling them up the hierarchy (yet).

Situations where there is more than one hierarchy/dimension of variability (e.g. regional and business line) can be handled as follows:

  • One dimension is handled as inheritance.
  • Other dimensions are handled as either:
    • Mix-in classes and interfaces - variations from the non-primary variability dimensions are inherited using multiple inheritance. This approach is shown on the diagram below.
    • Facets - variations are contained in nested objects (facets). E.g. a common class Customer may contain either US or UK address.

If needed, you may introduce a concept of suppressing features and classes using annotations and validations. Imagine that there is a particular attribute that is used in a majority of cases. Say, street name and number in addresses. And maybe there are regions where street names and numbers are not used. This situation may be handled in several ways:

  • Define street name and number only where it is applicable. It would result in multiple definitions and inability to write common logic which deals with street names and numbers.
  • Define street name and number at the top of the hierarchy and don't use it where not applicable - can be used by mistake.
  • Create a mix-in class which defines street name and number attribute. Mix it in to the classes where it is applicable. Better than duplication, but a lot of mixing in to do.
  • Suppress. Use annotations to prevent loading of street name and address from YAML definitions and to hide in documentation. Use validation/constraint to report it set (if loaded from XMI or programmatically). In this case suppression would need to be configured only for the exceptional cases. It is possible to implement suppression with mix-ins. In this case a mix-in would define a suppressing annotation instead of structural features.
Reusability & Enterprise Continuum

TOGAF has a concept of Enterprise Continuum to classify how reusable are different assets, e.g. solution building blocks.

Concepts of the enterprise continuum can be introduced into the metamodel to drive higher and more disciplined reuse.

TOGAF's enterprise continuum defines the following classification "buckets":

  • Foundation
  • Common Systems
  • Industry
  • Organization-Specific

The organization-specific bucket can be divided into sub-buckets and that division is sometimes not linear, but rather a multi-dimensional hierarchy as exemplified below:

  • Business Line > Department > Solution
  • Regional, e.g. NAM > US > California
  • Channel: Brick & Mortar, Web, Mobile, Metaverse

With multiple dimensions of the continuum, reuse becomes a game of multi-dimensional chess - how do I occupy a particular sub-bucket if I already have assets in such and such buckets?

This section outlines how to introduct enterprise continuum and reusability into the metamodel and the model.

  • Define reuse dimensions, e.g.
    • Organizational hierarchy (business units/departments)
    • Offerings hierarchy - types of customers, types of products and services
    • Regions
    • Channels
  • Introduce a concept of an intersection of reuse dimensions - an "Application Point" - where a particular building block is already applied (used) or can be potentially applied (reused). "Application Point" can be a class referencing all dimension classes. If a dimension reference is blank then the class applies to all elements of that dimension. E.g. if "Channels" is blank then this application point applies to (matches) all channels.
  • Introduce an association class between an "Application Point" and a building block. That association class would be contained by the building block with a many reference. The class would specify what it takes to make a particular building block usable/applicable at a particular application point - time, effort, required resources. The class may extend Work Package or contain work packages. Such classes may form a dependency hierarchy.

Building blocks can be defined in the capabilities taxonomy/catalog or they can be contained by the model element representing continuum dimensions. For example, a building block created for a specific solution can be defined "under" that solution. It may be moved to the taxonomy catalog after it was made reusable.

One technique which can be used to make building blocks more reusable is refactoring a building block into several blocks by separating generic and specific functionality. The generic part would provide "extension points", e.g. methods which can be overridden, or configuration properties. The specific part would provide "extensions" for these points, e.g. override methods. It may also in turn introduce its own extension points.

Along with the enterprise continuum concepts you may introduce a concept of "source continuum" to help with collaborative/inner source development. Elements of this continuum would include:

  • Open source. One flavor of open source is "Open source/closed contribution". To reflect this model you may have two categories for source - consumption and contribution.
  • "Ajar source" - building blocks developed and used by several partner organizations.
  • Inner source - building blocks developed and used by multiple teams within an organization.
  • Closed source - building blocks developed by

Dynamic viewpoints

Dynamic viewpoints can be created using the following techniques:

  • Single-page application. The generation process would generate the application and supporting data files. Some data can be pulled from external systems. For example, a viewpoint for a microservice component may display performance metrics pulled from a monitoring system. Search is an example of a Single Page Application built with BootstrapVue.
  • Dynamic server-side application, e.g. a Spring Boot app. In this case the model is loaded into memory (e.g. cached at the application or session scope) and pages are generated on request (and can also be cached).

The two techniques can be used together.

Solution Instantiation

So far we've been talking about generation of documentation from architecture metamodels and models. As the metamodels and models become more and more detailed at some point it may make sense to use them to generate (instantiate) solutions.

Solution instantiation may include the following steps:

  • Create a source repository or multiple repositories.
  • Generate "Hello world" source code and push to the repositories.
  • Create runtime infrastructure.
  • Create a build pipeline.
  • Deploy a new solution.
  • Execute basic tests.

The above steps may be automated or manual:

  • Issue tracking system - create a hierarchy (WBS) of issues, attach generated code and documentations to issues. Issues are manually worked on. However,developers save time by leveraging generated code and documentation.
  • Workflow system - some activities are automated, some manual.
  • Fully automated - all steps are executed by the generator. If any step fails everything is rolled-back (configurable). Models are updated with identifiers of generated artifacts. E.g. URL's of source repositories, ID's of cloud resources.

In some cases it should be possible to execute the instantiation process multiple times and it will apply only changes. It is also implement code generation is such a way that it will merge generated code with manual modification made in the originally generated code. This functionality is available for Java and can be implemented for other artifact types.

Code generation/solution instantiation may be implemented in several ways, some of them are listed below:

  • Drawio diagrams:
    • Semantic mapping to multiple models. E.g. documentation model and generation/instantiation model.
    • Graph processors including reflective graph processors which allow to map graph (diagram) elements to Java methods. With graph processors a Drawio diagram can be used a runtime artifact.
    • With Drawio Java API diagrams can be used as configuration resources/data sources.
  • Metamodel classes may have EOperations for code generation/solution instantiation.
  • Adapters and adapter factories can be created to generate code from models. In this case the metamodel stays agnostic of code generation concerns and it is possible to have multiple adapters and factories for different generation targets. This approach is used to generate HTML documentation from Ecore models and metamodels.
  • Helper/additional models containing information needed for generation, but not available in the "primary" model. This approach is used by the Ecore generator which used two models .ecore and .genmodel.

These approaches may be combined.

You may have different solution instantiators or instantiation profiles for different contexts/environments. E.g. for a local environment a solution can be instantiated with stubbed/mocked dependencies and, say, embedded databases.

You may also instantiate several embodiments of your solution with different configurations to perform a side-by-side comparison - this can be useful for evaluation of new approaches and technologies (POC's).

Drawio user libraries can be used to facilitate solution instantiation. User libraries may contain:

  • Diagrams of patterns with pre-configured or partially configured elements. E.g. an element may define a type/capability but not implementation/building block. Say, "RDBMS". The modeler would add implementation details and then a solution would be instantiated with modeler's choices. The modeler may also customize the pattern if needed.
  • Pre-configured diagram elements to build solutions from. Say, "RDBMS" for a generic relational database, "H2" for a specific embedded database, or "XYZ SOR" for connectivity to organization's system of records.

One of definitions of software development is "Incremental binding of decisions to make them executable". Techniques explained in this section allow to bind decisions in a traceable and auditable way.

Model & Views

As it was mentioned above, you can start building models by using an existing metamodel, e.g. Ncore Composite. Attributes and relationships not supported by the metamodel can be captured in documentation. Then elicit organization-specific metamodel by analyzing the model. And then gradually upgrade models to the new metamodel classes.

Say, in Release 1 a maven software component can be documented using Composite. In Release 2 it may be changed to a Building Block providing and consuming capabilities. In Release 3 it may be changed to a Maven Component class with information loaded from both YAML spec and pom.xml.

The projection of the adoption progress to the Model & Viewpoints / Model & Views plane is a rectangle only in the case when all newly released metamodel classes and features get adopted at the same time. Because of possibly gradual adoption of the metamodel classes and features this projection is not a rectangle, but something between a rectangle and a triangle (keep in mind, though, that this projection is not an exact science, but rather a metaphorical visualization).

One important outcome of establishing even a simplest model such as a taxonomy is that diagram elements now not just mention, but reference model elements and these references navigate to the same page. E.g. if two diagrams have "XYZ SOR" diagram element then a mouse click on both of those diagram elements shall navigate to the page describing "XYZ SOR".

Another outcome is that after establishing a taxonomy it is possible to create a publish Drawio user libraries with pre-configured diagram elements. E.g. a library of organization's SOR's or a library of business capabilities from which offerings can be built.

You may start with a model in a single version control repository. As the model grows it can be split into several repositories. Models from different repositories can be "stitched" together in using the following techniques:

  • Clone all model repositories and use relative paths. This approach would become cumbersome when a number of repositories and dependency depth grows.
  • Git submodules.
  • Raw URL's of a respective version repository, e.g. This is similar to Git submodules, but doesn't involve cloning the referenced repository. It may be beneficial in situations where architecture models live in the same repository with a software component they describe and the component is rather large.
  • Using custom URI schemas URI handlers to load resources from repositories. E.g. using gitlab:// scheme to retrieve resources from GitLab using gitlab4j-api. This is similar to raw URL's.
  • Publishing service URL's. A publishing service serves repository content. Its primary use is to serve static content (see "Practice" below), but it can also be used for model cross-referencing. jsDelivr is an example of such a service.
  • Maven dependencies. Dependency models may be packaged as Maven resource jars and published to a Maven repository. Models resources in such jars can be accessed using classpath:// URI scheme.


As it was mentioned in the requirements section above, to start with NASDAF in your local environment you would need a text editor or Drawio editor, Java 11, and Maven. This would be your starting point from which NASDAF practice can be evolved as explained below.

Text editor

While a plain text editor would do, it is better to have an editor with syntax highlighting, error detection, and parse tree outline. For example, Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers has a YAML editor plug-in.

Drawio editor

You can start with Drawio Confluence plug-in, if you are in a corporate environment and your company uses Confluence. Or you can use the online editor or an intranet-hosted editor.

The desktop editor, however, is a bit easier to use to edit local files.

An intranet-hosted editor may be integrated with your version-control system.

Metamodel and Viewpoint development

You'd need Ecore tools at a minimum. They are available in Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers and Eclipse Modeling Tools packages.

As your practice matures you may create your own graphical workbench using Eclipse Sirius. You may also explore other technologies mentioned in the "Metamodel" section above.

Sharing of generated documentation

You can start with sharing of archived sites or committing of generated documentation to version control for other people to check-out and view locally.

Another option is to publish generated files to a shared drive.

If you have OneDrive, you can set up your build to output HTML files with .aspx extension and publish them to OneDrive.

If you have GitHub or GitLab pages, you can publish documentation there.

If you have a web server, an automated build can be set up to generate and publish documentation.

The most flexible way, though, is a publishing service (which can also collect web analytics). Such a publishing service would serve files from your version control repository for any branch, tag, or commit. This would simplify working with feature branches and cross-referencing of model resources.

Solutions for sharing of generated documentation may be used for sharing any static documentation, including video tutorials (see below).

The publishing service may also perform rendering. E.g.:

  • For if the file with this name does not exist then would be rendered to HTML and served.
  • The same approach can be used for drawio, plant uml and some other file types.

Maven plugins

Package documentation generation and solution instantiation logic can be packaged into Maven plugins.

CLI tools

You may also make generators and instantiators available as CLI tools, e.g. using picocli.

Helper services

Some logic may be packaged into a helper (web) services. For example, access to surrounding systems such as version control and issue tracking can be handled by helper service. Code generators such as Maven plug-ins would authenticate with the service using service-specific authentication tokens and the service would authenticate with the surrounding systems using mechanisms supported by those systems.

Video tutorials

Video tutorials created as explained in this Video Tutorial Demo can be integrated with the generated documentation.

Eclipse Ecosystem

If you decide to leverage Eclipse technologies like Sirius and Xtext you'd likely to need to establish an Eclipse Ecosystem if you don't have one in place already.

Published Architecture Development Kit (ADK)

An ADK can be used to develop new architectures on top of the existing architecture pretty much as SDK's are used for application development.

An ADK may include:

  • Metamodels - as published Maven jars or as archived Eclipse projects to imported into a workspace.
  • Model(s) - as published Maven resource jars. Distributed models loaded from multiple sources may be loaded by the build process, saved to XMI, and then published to Maven or packaged with the ADK. Other options include storing to a CDO or NeoEMF repository and making it available over the network. If a CDO repository used H2, the repository may be published in a resource jar/zip.
  • Generated documentation may be published in multiple formats - at a specified URL (say<yyyy-mm>/), as a downloadable archive, or as part of the ADK package.
  • Tools can be published as Maven plug-ins or packaged as CLI tools with the ADK.
  • Eclipse tools can be made available in a P2 repository - published to the network, archived for download, or packaged with the ADK. You may also create an Eclipse package with all the tools installed and generated documentation available as Eclipse help. Models, metamodels, and reference implementations/starter projects can be made available as plug-ins which can be imported into a workspace.

Measuring progress

  • Metamodel:
    • Size - number of metamodel elements over time.
    • Utilization:
      • Number of metamodel elements used in models. E.g. you may have 20 metamodel classes with 100 features, but your models use only one class, say Composite, with just a few features.
      • Web analytics for metamodel documentation pages. E.g. page views, unique visitors, time on a page. Popular pages.
    • Ratings and reviews of metamodel documentation pages. Highest ranked pages.
  • Model & views:
    • Size - number of model resources, model elements, features (attributes and references), repositories, branches. For views - number of views, number of view elements, average view element to model element cardinality - in how many views a model element appears. This metric can be collected at a model element level - "most popular elements". Number of mapped diagram elements vs. the total number of diagram elements.
    • Utilization:
      • Web analytics for model documentation pages.
      • Ratings and reviews of model documentation pages.

Metrics can be rolled-up along containment hierarchies or ownership hierarchies. Such hierarchies can also be used to build visualizations such as heat maps.


With NASDAF you start small - download the demo project, modify it your needs and add your diagrams and models. This project would become a seed crystal from which you will grow your architectural practice gradually expanding the three dimensions - Model & Views, Metamodel & Viewpoints, and Practice.


  1. See Model Repostory

  2. People don’t want quarter-inch drill bits. They want quarter-inch holes.